Shout by Lee Botton

Star Trek: Discovery 2017

Haters gonna hate but this was incredible.

Star Trek has always been idealist. People complaining about that can't accept what Star Trek is.

Discover takes us on more of an inner journey, hence it is told through the lens of a main character, rather than mostly the captain as with previous Star Trek series.

It is by far the most moving and while it's true that it's feel differs to old Star Trek it is very meaningful.

On top of this, it looks great, and the acting is pretty good too, considering the format, which isn't one of absolute realism.

I think some people have a problem whereby they prescribe what Star Trek 'is' or 'should be' but that sort of retro thinking is exactly what Star Trek has always, ideologically, been about challenging.

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@leebotton When you go against everything a story established itself to be you've effectively created a different story. Discovery is not Star Trek no matter how you compare the two.

@benice108 This strikes me as a very conservative view. The Star Trek franchise is over half a century old and for obvious reasons it must change. Not only to adapt and reflect on new cultural norms but also cinematic styles and storytelling styles.

What makes Star Trek Star Trek isn't the details or the way it's told. Fundamentally, it's the message. Yes, Discovery saw a huge shift from the more classic episodic metaphors or mini stories to a more cohesive and consistent story for the duration but the powerful tropes were still strewn about, along with the fantastical engineering and tech which the ultimately Utopian Star Trek universe vyes to have us dream of.

It's a different format. Still Star Trek.

@leebotton Meanwhile we have a Star Trek inspired show that was released around the same time, with the same formula and tone that people gave a warm welcome. Star Trek did not need to change to the point it's hardly recognizable. Change is needed is a lie people tell themselves when they're bored with something. Only to realize not everyone feels the same.

I'll grant you that the way a story is told isn't the defining factor for a franchise. It's a stylistic choice for how you get that message across. I don't criticize Discovery for ditching the episodic formula. I was even open to the idea of a main character. Messing with the timeline? Sure, but that's always risky. Related to Spock? Pointless, but not world-breaking.

I don't think that's even possible... The details describe the world/story so we know what it is. Like the "fantastical engineering and tech". Which wasn't the only thing that was on display for us to dream of. Star Trek is about an optimistic look at a utopian future. Not just a future with gadgets, but one where humanity is more evolved along with their technology. That was one of the major factors that made Star Trek stand out in the sci-fi crowd. Now it's been reduced to another petty drama where everyone acts like they're from our era with no training. There is no consistency in their messages and even less quality.

It's barely even sci-fi, let alone Star Trek.
