Shout by schornstephan

Star Trek: Discovery 2017


Shout by schornstephan
BlockedParent2017-09-27T01:21:07Z— updated 2018-01-23T03:00:07Z

It feels like the producers want to annoy the Trekkie as much as they can with Voyager-era beeping sounds, trials without a lawyer (Starfleet ISN'T military!!!), a completely different Sarek...

Besides from the canon errors, which I have finally been able to overlook since episode two, the main character herself isn't one that "fits" into Star Trek. I only talk about the role, not the actress.
I just don't like Michael. She is self-righteous, calls daddy when her ship is in danger, she isn't loyal... In short, she misses any part of personality a Starfleet officer should have.
She's got a problem with herself and it is absolutely unrealistic she would be an officer anywhere.

Update time!
The text above was from Oct 17.
Now it's Jan 23.
Aaaand: I was right: She wasn't welcomed on the Discovery because she's a great Officer, she just accidentally happened to be this universe's counterpart of someone Mirror Lorca needed to become Emperor.

So it's official: We've got Star Trek with an incapable main character.

Oh yeah, as presumed, she's messed up like 97% of her tasks in the meantime.

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