Review by Chronosus

Star Trek: Discovery 2017

First season was fantastic and I think show would be much better off if it continued on that trajectory. Unfortunately, some fans weren't happy and nitpicked it to death as every episode came out without waiting for the whole story. It was genuinely fresh, intriguing and exciting.

Showrunners changed and second season seemed like U turn designed primarily around backtracking on everything those fans from first season didn't like (shade of The Rise of Skywalker). Little did they know there's no satisfying those fans, so they satisfied close to no one (or at least very few people). Also, let's never forget penultimate episode of the season where they decided to fill whole runtime with only the worst parts of the show. At least we got Pike, which is only reason to suffer through this season.

Third season started out fantastic, first few episodes it seems they are setting up a really compelling world (or time I should say) and compelling story, with new, stoic Burnham, but then they just rush through plot points and Burnham regresses to her usual whiny self. Mixed bag, but better looking than any other SF (movie or series) with some interesting stuff.

Unfortunately (or is it?), then they decided to launch Paramount+ or whatever it is and left us in europe without legal way to watch, and it's not that good that I go through trouble of finding it through alternative sources.

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