This is the episode Emilia Clarke said about that we should see on the biggest TV one has? I don't see what's so special about it, really.

Daenerys just said to Jon that he should not tell anyone about his true parentage just so he doesn't get the throne, not because it would ruin their relationship.&How could she not see the Iron Fleet from such altitude, by the way? lol
This was disappointing and frustrating episode, unfortunately.

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Shout by Arianne

I don't like Sansa - of course she would betray her brother's (ok, cousin's) trust and blab his secret to everyone - but now I don't like Daenerys either. Damn, would she sit down and wait for her army to heal and recuperate? She's gotten increasingly ruthless in the past couple of seasons. It would indeed be a decent strategy if Jon and Daenerys would marry and just rule together, but I don't think that's going to happen now. They killed off Rhaegal, so that's gotta foreshadow something - that there will only be one Targaryen left standing at the end of the series.

Also, poor Ghost. Leaving him to the North definitely signalled Jon's gradual departure from the Stark family and gradual acceptance of his Targaryen heritage. So sad to see him react to Jon like that.

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Man, what a poor episode, lackluster after lackluster. If this is the culmination of the time and interest myself and others have invested into Game of Thrones all of these years, then it is truly unfortunate and disappointing if not almost bordering on an insult.

Such a shame that this will be the legacy of a series that once took the world by storm with its brilliant storytelling and exhilarating plot twists, hardly recognizable anymore when it parades around in a pathetic shell of its former self.

I can't say I'm excited nor even interested in the remaining episodes, at least not when this season has taught me time and again to lower my expectations as much as possible, but I hope they will at least respect what this series once was and offer a conclusion worthy of its story. sigh

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How fu**ing dare you kill another dragon and then Missandei!!! My heart shattered! I hope she'll burn that bitch!! If Dany doesn't sit on the throne I'm gonna be so pissed!!!

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I don't really agree with all the hate for the last few episodes. Yes, last week should have held more major character deaths, and there has been more than a little bit of fan service. But, we've lived with these characters for a decade, giving a bit of a nod to the fans as a thanks for their loyalty is an expected touch. These characters have become family to the fans, and for some it's just easier to lose family you hate, than it is to lose ones you love.

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this was certainly an interesting episode... The wounds are still fresh from last week, seeing the light King fall. so no I didn't have much expectation of this episode. one thing is clear in this is that we can sense that the story is now coming to and end this episode is a reminder that thigs are wrapping up.

I'm sure of one thing. and that is we do not know what to expect from these writers. so as things are beginning to shift I'm not even trusting how things look..

Anything is Possible In Game of Thrones

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Shout by Dan Conway

All I kept thinking throughout the last bit was poor Rhaegal, not even a proper fitting end either.

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Shout by Aiven

I feared that this episode would be uneventful after previous one but damn it's already -1 dragon, tons of lost ships, spread of Jon's secret information and spiteful negotiation.

the only thing that I don't understand is why didn't they just shoot deny&co during negotiation?

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Did they really have to turn Arya into a hoe

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Watched on HBO Max. Sort of ridiculous episode. Jon Snow turned out to be a dumb, weak man LOL. And the acting of Daenerys and Cersei, is just comical. And yet it doesn't explain how Arya killed the Night King in the previous episode. I don't know, it kind of is start looking like a telenovela, with predictable outcomes and just for the drama between Daenerys, Sansa, and Cersei. Jon Snow is out of the picture now. Yes, the king in the North has become Cersei's pet. The characters' behaviors don't make much sense. The only reason why it is a 5 and not lower is because of the drama, which is still able to have the audience interested in the show. Two more episodes and is over. I predict Daenerys takes King's Landing and Sansa wages a war against her.

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Shout by Ro

Bronn: "Kill a few hundred people, they make you a lord. Kill a few thousand, they make you king

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Shout by maiacarey

can you all fucking stop killing all the animals.

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Wtf did I just watch

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Rhaegal and Missandei in the same episode. Too painful to see the death of these two. Especially Rhaegal, it happened SO out of nowhere, the scare is huge.

If there is one thing that Daenerys can say with all the letters she has learned, it is that: Cersei Lannister shouldn't be trusted. Not that this was new, but even when the woman makes a face-to-face commitment, you must question the extent to which it is true. Daenerys had a practically won cause, now she has two less dragons and her best friend coldly murdered... Complicated.

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Except the part with the Iron Fleet, this is actually a good episode.

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The episode wasn't as bad as some reviews said, I liked the first part set in Winterfell better. It is a pity that Jaime broke Brienne's heart and their romance was so short-lived. Dany started to behave like a spoiled little child, she only wants to get the iron throne and doesn't care about Jon anymore, now he is only a threat for her. She is so bent on getting the throne she desires that she abandons the ideals she claimed to believe in. Now getting the throne over the dead bodies of the children in King's Landing is ok.

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great season up until this episode. it's full of plot holes. so many things that simply don't make sense. scenes that don't make sense, stupid decisions and characters that suddenly seem someone else. bronn out of nowhere, euron is a magical creature who appears with perfect timing everywhere, no one scouts ahead in a war, no one sees the ships while the ships see them perfectly, a meeting with cersei where she could have killed anyone without effort and ended the war.
while I still enjoyed this episode, it was several levels bellow the first episodes.

starting to fear how it will all end.

and leave the dragons alone!

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What a stupid episode and we're almost done! More dumb writing, plot holes and logical errors. How did Dany not see the iron fleet and how did they all forget Euron existed?!? How does Euron magically teleport everywhere he needs to be. How'd he get Missandei. Why didn't Danys side have anyone check out the castle first for traps? Heck Bran could've helped. Warged into ravens and do a fly by or warg into Euron and have him jump overboard literally ANYTHING. How did they perfectly hit Rhaegon but completely miss Drogon?!? Why is Varys committing treason for nothing when he never did it against Joffrey or Cersei or The Mad Kind for years!! Why is Tyrion so stupid like everyone is now. What is Jaime doing? Why didn't Euron notice that Tyrion new Cersei was pregnant already?!? Oh and why didn't Cersei just execute them all at the end when they arranged that meeting? Such garbage writing I don't expect this from GOT. This entire season was a hot rushed mess. It's hard to rewatch GOT after knowing this is how it all ends.

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Everything was shit, besides the scene with Tyrion and Varys.

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I don't understand the hate this show is getting this season. I still love it. Could they have done more? Maybe if there were more episodes, maybe but it's the quick pace of this show that has always been a strength. You know there is something in every episode and people kind of expect characters to die at every turn but how would they conclude the show without the characters.

I love how Sansa developed as a character these last two seasons. I went from straight up hating her to being impressed by her. She did truly learn a lot from being close to Cersei, Ramsay and a Littlefinger.
I believe Jaime will play a big part in the upcoming episode, I don't think he would leave Brienne hanging like that, maybe he is protecting her by being overly rude, either way, I believe (and hope) that he will be the one to take down Cersei - and that is, i hope, after Cersei takes down Dany because where I love Sansa's development, I hate Dany's. -

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How do they forget about the Iron Fleet? Why would they meet with Cersei in a simple open field? Knowing Cersei, she would just blow them up with Wildfire where they stood... Lacklustre character discussions through and through. Terrible writing, complete disregard of the characters they've built up.


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Shout by Deleted

Total Dissapointment. I have no words, I mean it's been a disaster since early season 7 (being 5 and 6 weak too) and don't get me started on how they kill Rhaegal and Jon leaves Ghost like that.

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Post and pre battle. Although it has been good, the summary of I summarize it compares it well with a Mexican soap opera

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Why for Heavens sake doesn’t Jon at least give Ghost a last goodbye cuddle?!
Why isn’t shown how Jons sisters react to Bran telling them who Jon really is?!
These are just two of many representative Whys I have.

But the biggest of all Whys I have is; Why the hell couldn‘t the producers come up with a worthy final season?! And that with all the extra time they took. Why.

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Best moment of this episode: the conversation between Tyrion and Varys. Very good like the old times

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Best moment of the episode.. The conversation between Tyrion and Varys, like the old times. Very enjoyable

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It's almost as if they originally intended for Tyrion to be captured by Euron. Then the scene with the mast hitting Tyrion would make sense since it would explain how he found himself being Cersei captive - floating helplessly in the water while others swam to shore and would also explain why we didn't get any scene explaining how and why they captured Missandei.

Also, decapitating her own brother and Deanerises hand would be much stronger statement than killing fairly inconsequential Missandei. Why did they even think Missandei was important in the first place?

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This show has reached Dexter/Lost final season levels of Bad. The actors are doing a great job, its just terrible writing, terrible production, a fucking starbucks cup. Lol. Nobody went over the episode before it aired to prevent spoilers I guess. But either way spoilers have reached the net. And whats coming is not good. And its going to break the internet.

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This show has reached Dexter/Lost final season levels of Bad. The actors are doing a great job, its just terrible writing, terrible production, a fucking starbucks cup. Lol. Nobody went over the episode before it aired to prevent spoilers I guess. But either way spoilers have reached the net. And whats coming is not good. And its going to break the internet.

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Disappointing asssss season so far and probably till the end:toilet:

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Disappointing asssss season so far and probably till the end:toilet:

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Nothing pissed me more than Jon leaving Ghost just like that. FU*K YOU JON. 4/10.

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Previous episode, 'The Long Night' one of the dragons was swarmed by the dead but miraculously survived... in this episode it took but a mere 2 bolts to finish it off.
It appears the dragon was not wearing its "Hollywood BS" invincible armour which it along with all the key characters wore in the 'The Long Night'!!!

I loved this show but have to say (assuming no twist), the outcome of 'The Long Night' killed the entire series for me!

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Another thing that bothered me: Euron’s Fleet. I mean seriously, an entire fleet magically hidden behind a rock, invisible even from the sky. It obviously appeared out of nowhere if Daenerys couldn’t see it riding her dragon?!

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People! at least we could SEE the episode! Thanks the gods for the plot at Kings Landing

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Weakest dragons in history of Fantasy!
The acting and visual effects are great but the poor writing is killing this show !

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damn it Dany... that coffee cup ruined a perfect score for me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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So, I guess we lost another dragon in the most unspectacular way possible and nobody cares whatsoever.
So many stupid decisions of stupid characters that seem to have lost all their personality and turned into cardboard cutouts, only to serve their purpose of moving the "story" into the desired direction. Everything feels rushed and too many things happening are nothing but fan service. So disappointing.

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WHY?? WTF?? Another Dragon?? My poor Missandei. She was a good person, Grey Worm was in shock. That moment was so heartbroken.
I need then to Kill Cersi and that stupid Greyjoy. Mutherfuckers.
Sansa can't keep a secret, know everyone will know the truth.
Jaime and Brienne... I couldn't believe it.
Khaleesi is about to going crazy, like her father did.
Oh boy... I don't know how this will end.

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WHY?? WTF?? Another Dragon?? My poor Missandei. She was a good person, Grey Worm was in shock. That moment was so heartbroken.
I need then to Kill Cersi and that stupid Greyjoy. Mutherfuckers.
Sansa can't keep a secret, know everyone will know the truth.
Jaime and Brienne... I couldn't believe it.
Khaleesi is about to going crazy, like her father did.
Oh boy... I don't know how this will end.

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I'm starting to think that Cersei might be a lost cause. :) But seriously, not Missandei.I was rooting for her and Grey Worm to make it through this mess.

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what can you do when you destroy your own mythology? write fanfics about love and betrayal, more like bs

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every character was butchered in this episode. what a mess! Honestly, I just want Dany to burn everything and this show to be done already. I can't take so much bad writing anymore..this is a nightmare.

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About Daenerys: Of course she had narcissistic tendencies before and didn’t always make the right decisions, but the sudden personality change to a ruthless monster in only one episode was ridiculous.

Her biggest fear has always been to become like her father the Mad King. Now it seems she’s heading down that road and if that’s the case her whole story arc over 8 seasons was for nothing. I wanted to see everyone unite agains Cersei, not all against Daenerys. It seems forced that I have to root for the Starks now.

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This episode was one big disappointment and it reminded me why I hated Sansa a few seasons ago. She’s arrogant and her jealousy of Jon and Daenerys is getting on my nerves. The worst thing is that she’ll probably survive.

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Best episode of the season so far.

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Okay now the whole storyline goes down the drain? Really hate where this is going. Really disappointed with this episode.

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Just wondering how worst this season will go ‍♂. Scripts are way too fucked up.

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Cersei as always,a evil bitch.

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Que Jonerys ni que nada. Gilly y Sam son mi pareja favorita de Game of Thrones. No son los más valientes, no tiene dragones, no son buenos peleadores, no los nombran en las profecías; pero son de los pocos personajes que han recurrido a los manuscritos. Gracias a los libros Sam curó a Jorah, y Gilly (que en su primera aparición no sabía leer) descubrió el affair de Rhaegar. Son un lindo ejemplo de amor mutuo y crecimiento personal.

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Sansa is officially the worst secret keeper of the Seven f*ckin' kingdoms. Couldn't last even a day. How anyone likes her is beyond me. Daenerys now has every right to go full on Mad King and just burn everyone. F*ck it.

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Arya, what do we say to Gendrys proposal? Not today!

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These damn harpoons/crossbows thingies are firing at a faster rate than a machine gun. Also why, for some reason now, the dragon can’t just fall straight from the sky to avoid firing arc of these crossbows? I suppose it is a better tactic to just fly straight for the head shot and then run away because “big arrows, scary shit”.

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Easily the best episode of this season so far. It's the only episode this season that has truly felt like Game of Thrones. It has its issues, but it's the best yet. Best writing, best display of the characters, just the best.

This is the only episode this season (so far) that I haven't found to be disappointing.

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Best ep so far :D

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Much better than last episode haha

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Boring episode, the scenes which could have been great were skipped (Brann telling the truth about Jon to Arya and Sansa, Sansa telling the truth about Jon to Tyrion). The final 20 minutes of the episode saved it a bit, but not enough to make this a good episode.

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Good episode. Smooth transition from aftermath to build up of tensions to first casualties of the impending war. Rip Rhaegal and Missandei. Seems like everything is going towards Dany going mad queen on everyone and getting killed for it, but I hope we'll get some cool massacre scenes out of it. The only thing I didn't like is how Jon abandoned Ghost and sent him with the wildlings instead of leaving him in Winterfell with the remaining Starks. Don't like how they completely gave up on Nymeria either. They made those direwolves symbolic and then gradually murdered most of them and wrote the remaining ones off. Disappointing.

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I don't get all those disappointed comments about how they suddenly making Daenerys a monster. I know that for some reason I'm obviously the only one who thinks so, but she was unlikeable, narcissistic sociopath since day one.

Hashtag no surprise.
Hashtag hope she dies.
Hashtag give the throne to Brienne.

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If the last episode was gots funeral then this week the graverobbers robbed the grave and pissed on it. Seriously how can they write such bad episodes?

George we need you! They totally destroyed your fantastic work.

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Well done show runners. Good thing the series is ending, because I have just given up on it. You've taken the most expensive television budgets ever, and spent it on an absolute garbage script. Wow!

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worst episode in GoT history..they really are butchering every character..

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Poor writing, full of shitty choices. And making Dany unlikeable?! That's brilliant, actually. They are sweeping off one of the best characters in the show, well done, indeed. I hope Jon gets the throne already, I'm very tired of this bullshit, one of the worst final seasons ever.

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So I guess the Stark keeping secrets-thing runs only in the masculine part of the family.

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Damn ! My heart can't handle this episode...

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Shit is whack. Cersei always getting her way, Sansa being the dumbass she is, jon trippin, daennerys becomin evil, varys plotting, rhaegal dying, missandei dying....All of this is whack

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Rhaegal went out like a bitch!

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Arya telling Gendry she's not a lady was a nice throwback (he should know her better by now, though. If you wanted her to marry you, telling her she could be your lady is most certainly not the way to go about it. I'm disappointed in him).

Tormund being all teary-eyed over Brienne was really sweet.

Dany is growing more paranoid and violent by the minute (which, to be fair, she's somewhat justified, but still). And Jon seems to forget she's his family, since she's his aunt. And that he is actually a Stark by blood.

You know what I wanna see happen? I wanna see Arya kill Cersei wearing Jamie's face. That'd be amazing.

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When your daughter couldn’t keep a secret for a day that you kept for 18 years until the day you died

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Season more and more disappointing ... Worst episode of all ... They are turning Dany into a monster gradually ... So much fight, for all this desertification ... Sad.

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That wasn't enjoyable... I just spent ~90 minutes being angry at my TV.

Sansa better not survive the last episode.

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“You’ll make a wonderful lord, and any lady would be lucky to have you. But I’m not a lady, I never have been. That’s not me.”

My own balls got blue from the ferocity of this line. Another Baratheon rejected by a Stark... shocking!!

In the past two episodes: Arya 2 "Powerful" Men 0.

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That's deep! That dragon last all them seasons and that epic battle last episode just to be killed off by a Greyjoy!!!

Why didnt Cersei just wipe out Daenerys and co there and then??? Perfect opportunity and she blew it!!!

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Another episode full of garbage writting and stupid choices. Worst last season ever.

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#Missandei + Rhaegar = Dracarys !! #lightThemUp #theFinalWar

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Well, that was grim...

Now I fully believe both Grey Worm and Daenerys won't make it either. And Jon might rule without ever marrying. A truly bittersweet ending.

Even the high note with Brienne and Jaime ended in a sad way. I never expected that to happen in the first place, but to have it happen just to take it away was cruel. Well done you sick writters! :laughing:

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Oh my God! They killed Missandei! You bastards!

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I don't know, certainly I don’t :neutral_face:

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Not Missandei you f*ckers...

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