We're back to what I didn't like in season 7, and that was nicely avoided in the first episodes: this is like a summary, not a complete story.

We start by what always follows last battles, funeral, and partying. The mass funeral was a necessary scene, and well done I guess. The whole party thing was... awkward at best ? I get the point, it's the opposite of the previous night, shows a little of the characters just living, ok Tormund is a little fun, and the main point is clear: Danaerys is a foreigner. Still, felt mainly awkward.

Brienne and Jamie, well, needed to be done, so ok, done.

Once again Danaerys claims to love Jon but is clearly only thinking of the throne. They definitely prime her to become the bad guy all of a sudden, that's poor. She came because she was supposed to be the true heir of the Iron Throne, and because she was told that people in the Seven Kingdoms were waiting for her. She now knows that it's not true and that she's note even the real heir. But still, she WANTS this throne now. Now she's a Targaryen so it will probably end up in mad queen, but that's really badly handled. Well, I hope it will be done better in the books. I mean it's not an unexpected turn, we've been waiting for that since the beginning, but the signs were not there, the last thing she did was litterally put at risk her chances to defend the realm of men from a legendary enemy. But all of a sudden, its throne, throne, throne. Not why she wanted it in the first place, just the throne.

Why would they always cut the reaction of people learning Jon's true identity ?? Because in the end, everything that will happen now revolves around that!
Obviously he could not keep it a secret from his family, but even more obviously Dani is right about what people will think of him, at least in the North, and how naive/stupid can he be not to see it. She shoud have said "You know nothing".

That's the one secret Varys didn't find out by himself. And how quickly he change his mind, after what ? 20 years working in the shadows to bring back Danaerys to the iron throne ? Also weird how, when he's so discreet usually, he's basically just declared to Tyrion that he will betray her. And Tyrion did not react. So clearly, he will betray her, die for it, but it will already be done. Though their conversation brings back a little of the politics that were more present when the show was not a summary. These are the smartest people in the kingdoms.

The whole Bronn scene ! Arg, what a waste ! Everything is ridiculous. How did he get here like that ? Does he really expect to get his reward ? At least he's clearly betting on the right side, but still.

And the war starts, killing a dragon out of nowhere. Really ? She could not see all these ships, yet they could see the dragons well enought to get them on the first shot, with weapons that they onviously never tried before on moving flying target because it's the first moving flying target to exist in centuris. Really plot bullshit. That being said, the ballistas were very impressive, specially on the other ships. And out of all that, they destroy the ships, almost drown a lot of people and just capture Missandei ??? First, how ? Then how come not the others ? And who in this fleet could tell that it was an important character ?

Then the confrontation in King's Landing. Tyrion speech is great. He tries, he knows Cersei enough to try to talk to her, also the city and the army enough to know she stands no chance. He wants to save people, he wants to save her. But her answer is no surprise. Still, why didn't she kill him when she could there. She wanted to provoke Dani aynway, and she's only been dreaming of that for almost the entire show ! Also, they probably could have taken Danaerys out from there.

And mainly WTF Jon ! Not even a little pat for Ghost ???

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