[7.5/10] This one is hard for me to rate. It's basically three different episodes: a college hangout party, a referendum on Dany as a ruler, and an attack and stand-off between Team Dany and Team Cersei. And the three sections don't necessarily fit together super well and have varying levels of quality.

I have to say that I loved that first section, with the survivors of the Battle of Winterfell chatting up one another and cross-pollinating their various groups. The drinking game between the Lannister boys and Brienne's crew was tons of fun, including Tormund's awkward interjection. Poor Gendry's triumphant moment of being made a lord, only to profess his love and be rejected (rightfully) by Arya is utterly heartbreaking. Jaime and Brienne finally getting together was one of the most rousing things the show's ever done. And I also just love the little interactions we get, right down to that unmistakable moment when the party has passed you by, and you realize your friends aren't around anymore, and you're not even sure where you fit in.

But then we get into "who should be ruler?" mode and things deteriorate a little. I'm glad that we got another throne room scene, and I actually like the notion of different advisors starting to have their doubts about Dany as a leader. The problem is that secrets get spilled very quickly, and those doubts start to be reinforced very quickly, to where you wish those things had time to bubble up a bit more.

Then you have the stand-off, which is a heartpumping moment full of great acting from just about everyone. Tyrion's plea to his sister is heartfelt, earnest, and moving. Cersei's reaction to it despite trying to seem steely is intriguing. Missandei's defiance in her final moments is sad but strong. And Dany's roiling anger (not to mention Grey Worm's) after all of this is palpable. It's an interesting entree into the notion of Dany becoming the Mad Queen.

The problem is that this is another extra-length episode, where these different tones and ideas don't really work with one another. There's plenty of moments in here that I like, but they don't exactly round up to form a coheisve whole. That's not a new problem for Game of Thrones, but it's one that weakens some otherwise quality material that feels stitched together, particularly when it adds to a certain rushed atmosphere in these few final frames.

Overall, I still liked this episode quite a bit, particularly that first section, but I wish it had been broken up into 2 or maybe even 3 separate episodes, with more elaboration and connective tissue between the constituent parts.

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