Review by cutecruel
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-05-06T12:28:17Z— updated 2019-05-24T21:11:06Z

Good things about this episode:

  • Varys is no longer useless;

  • Sansa playing the game of thrones to support Jon’s claim;

  • Gendry Baratheon;

  • I like the parallel they’re drawing between the two queens - Daenerys is going to lose her three children just like Cersei. But how does Euron have pinpoint accuracy against Rhaegal and then the entire fleet shoots bolts at Drogon and they all miss?

Bad things about this episode:

  • More shitty battle tactics - D&D said Daenerys just kind of forgot about the Iron fleet and Euron's forces. This is so stupid. Even if she forgot her advisers shouldn't have forgotten;

  • Entire scene with Bronn;

  • Cutting out Sansa and Arya's reaction to the big reveal, because they have to do some dumb jokes and establish Brienne/Jaime as a relationship even though they were already great friends;

  • It doesn’t make sense that Cersei had Dany and Drogon in the range of those giant crossbows and didn't take them out;

  • I guess we will never learn any more info on the NK or white walkers, which is disappointing.

Next episode: Jaime kills Cersei
Last episode: Daenerys becomes Mad Queen and Jon kills her

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how does Euron have pinpoint accuracy against Rhaegal and then the entire fleet shoots bolts at Drogon and they all miss?

They kinda showed us how Rhaegal not flying that good after he got hurt prior to them leaving Winterfel. But I agree, he was still flying, and falling and they hitting he's head is irrational, and can everyone just stop cutting onions around me?
