I don't understand the hate this show is getting this season. I still love it. Could they have done more? Maybe if there were more episodes, maybe but it's the quick pace of this show that has always been a strength. You know there is something in every episode and people kind of expect characters to die at every turn but how would they conclude the show without the characters.

I love how Sansa developed as a character these last two seasons. I went from straight up hating her to being impressed by her. She did truly learn a lot from being close to Cersei, Ramsay and a Littlefinger.
I believe Jaime will play a big part in the upcoming episode, I don't think he would leave Brienne hanging like that, maybe he is protecting her by being overly rude, either way, I believe (and hope) that he will be the one to take down Cersei - and that is, i hope, after Cersei takes down Dany because where I love Sansa's development, I hate Dany's. -

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