++++++++++ Best writing in a GOT episode since Hold the Door
+Suitable mourning for the lost that didn't eat up too much time
+Interesting party with all sorts of positive and negative interactions going on between characters (San-San is looking like it has potential, The whole Jaime-Brienne stuff was good, Jon being cheered as king while Dany uncomfortably looks at them, etc.)
+Debate about who the best ruler would be was AMAZING
+ Rhaegal getting killed was genuinely shocking
+Cleganebowl is all but confirmed
+ Jamie returning should have been more about how Cersei is pregnant with his child but the route they went with had excellent dialogue so it's still a great part
+Dany being a bitch to Jon about letting her be the supreme ruler and Jon submitting fit soooooo well into the episode

*Jon picked a really shitty time to tell his family about his parentage and yeah, I get that was sort of the point but he obviously could've put it off until after the war so it still doesn't sit the right way. It was crucial to the episode being so good though so I'm torn on whether it's actually a negative
*The show is finally going to have to deal with the consequences of the Unsullied not being emotionless robots like they are in the books. It'll be interesting to see how it shakes out
*Ballista cannot sink seaworthy vessels and the alliance splitting their army when they aren't sure they could even win against Cersei in an even fight was not a smart decision

-the Bronn scene was kind of dumb and he has no way of ensuring that they follow through on their agreement. Honestly, he would've had a better chance of success if he actually joined them.

Fantastic episode and honestly, if the internal divisions about Jon or Dany allow Cersei to come out on top it would be fucking genius

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@seanmsu You really think this is ''good writing''? What weed do you smoke? I want some

@maplab What specifically did you dislike? That there was an actual conversation over who deserved to be on the throne? The only legitimate one in like 4 seasons?
