Gotta give a shoutout to Lord Varys and Tyrion Lannister, honestly their conversation took me back to earlier seasons. That was great.

The way a few things ended in this episode, I really do hope they don't just end there, while the main plot continues. Ghost and Tormund, Gendry, Bronn, Arya and the Hound...

Another dragon dead. So easily. (First of, I hope this wasn't done JUST to even out the odds). How did nobody see this coming? Did they not think Cersei would try something like this? Was Dany to rash? Did someone see this coming (Bran, duh) but chose not to say anything about it? Is Dany slowly becoming the Mad King? Ruled by emotions, not thinking logically, doing everything to get the throne? If so will Jon be able to stop her? In the pursuit of "someone else... someone better" ruling the seven kingdoms, will Sansa end up killed by Dany? Is this what it then takes for Jon to see that Dany has gone mad? Is the best ruler actually the one who doesn't want to be the ruler?

I think this was a strong episode, as I think this is a strong season. There are many things I question, but I also enjoy that. I don't want a show like this to make me happy, to be predictable. I want it to make me furious, left wondering, give me something good, but change my mind. For what is good, can't stay good forever.

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