Andy A.


Omicron Persei 8

South Park: 1x12 Mecha-Streisand

Weakest episode so far but still enjoyable.

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South Park: 1x04 Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride

Ironic that woke culture could take lessons from South Park 2 decades too late.

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Turning Red

The messaging is a little on the nose in a way I don't appreciate. I'm willing to bed the director is self inserting herself here.

Other than that, it's a gorgeous movie. It's an ok movie. Not good, not bad... But worth a casual watch when bored. :blush:

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The Crow

First time seeing it in 2024... I assume people who grew up watching this will have liked it, being a product of it's time ans all.

I however, did not enjoy it. Felt a bit too try hard emo.

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The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns

Funny enough this movie is has a better plot and pacing then most Fantasy Movies.

It's become my comfort movie... Mostly because the CG and effects are so bad it's hilarious.

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Zathura: A Space Adventure

Dear God I wanted the punch the little kid in the face... What an obnoxious whiny cheating loud ass character.

In concept a decent movie... But lack of ruleset and pacing kinda ruined it.

It's just a worse jumanji. Literally.

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What Lies Beneath
  1. This should not have been 120mins long.
  2. They clearly couldn't decide between thriller and horror and ended up half assing both.
  3. The woman had the acting range of an ironing board.
  4. I predicted every turn the movie made... And that's when it wasn't even making sense.
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The Hunt for Red October

Not bad but I feel a book probably did this story more justice.

It slow parts stayed slow for too long. I can't help but feel this couldn't possibly happen irl unless the entire crew is retarded.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Specials

If anybody happens to know where I can find this content aside from buying the DVD... Please contact me on discord.

Tag: astranora

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x21 Sozin's Comet: Avatar Aang (4)

A perfect ending for a near perfect show. 10/10.

I could write an entire blog... But if you made it here it means you already know what there needs to be know.

We'll all part of a group who can be thankful for this entire show regardless of age. :blue_heart:

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This is one of the dogshit movies you somehow still enjoyed for reasons unknown.

I know it doesn't deserve a 6...but it's a 6 to me.

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This movies acting was absolute ass. But I'm nostalgic as I remember watching it as a child and found it awesome.

So forgive my rating as it's based on the view as a child...

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The Mask

The actual story is only a 6/10 but it gets some bonus points for originality and creativity both in directing and visuals.

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Dances with Wolves

A lovely slow burn movie... It's nostalgic to see a movie from the times around my birth.

I can't help but feel every healthy human with have taken the route of Dancing With Wolves under the same conditions. There's a certain peace to be observed in living in simpler ways.

I wonder if a newer generation has the patience to appreciate this type of movie.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x13 The Firebending Masters

One of my favorite episodes... It still hurts how they retconned this lore in Korra to a weaker version.

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By itself a beautiful animated movie.

Some issues rise quickly though.
- They understand each other within 60 seconds... Like enough to feel insulted by a remark.
- They put a pretty big emphasis on the fact Smith is an expert at killing Natives.. While that's fine (within story context), it's pretty weird they also make him out to be a nice guy without any character development.
- This feels more like a high school drama than a Romeo and Julia story.

In the end I feel it missed the 5-10 min character development part that Tarzan had for example.

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Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World

It's been years.. I don't remember a single thing other than it being absolute trash.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x04 Sokka's Master

I like everything about this episode aside that they only spend 2 days there. Realistically you wouldn't learn a whole lot (practical, not theory) in 2 days.

I know they put a self imposed schedule but making it 4-5 days would have felt more meaningful.

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Shazam! Fury of the Gods

First half was aweful...

Second half was half decent... Actually as soon as Shamam was the solo hero again it was better.

It wasn't bad... But it wasn't good ether.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 2x03 Return to Omashu

The plot of the episode was 10/ was just a little fast paced. This would have served better in 2 episodes.

The second part of the episode shines though. Bending combat truely hits off from here:
- Water to manipulate environment in favor of defense
- Water to manipulate environment in favor of offense
- Water to immobilize with ice
- Water to freeze and shatter after making metal brittle

  • Fire wheel for a directed long range tracked projectile
  • Blue fire to imply Azula is more dangerous

  • Blowing cold air to freeze metal and shatter it after it's Brittle

While not "realistic"... These are 100% grounded in reality where there's enough reality in there to make feel grounded in the avatar universe. It doesn't feel like "magic".

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A goofy fun movie. The score 8/10 is for a superhero movie... Probably more of a 6 or 7 if you're looking for a serious plot.

The monsters look like ass though. Someone else said it well... They look like straight out of a scooby do movie.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Season 1

A slow start, with a few "childish" episodes but overall a great first season and foundation to build on for what overall will become 10/10.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x16 The Deserter

One of the best episodes in the entire series. Action, drama, humor, character development... It's all there.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x15 Bato of the Water Tribe

Sokka abandoning Aang for 1 small mistake is the most childish thing ever... I know they are only teens but in a show with this scale it's disappointing to see them use drama like this for a "lesson".

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The Godfather: Part III

A decent movie, but another step dosn from the second movie.

I'm almost inclined to redact points for the godawful acting of Michael's daughter Mary. I've seen porn with better acting than that girl.

The rest of the cast excelled though, the story is just mediocre.

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The Godfather: Part II

Great but worse then the first one... It's clear they are trying to recapture some of the story telling but that's impossible as the first movie was family centered.

No family... No coherent story.

That said, it's still a great movie. Just worse in comparison.

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The Marvels

What a dogsh*t movie. They really do a disservice to women by pretending this garbage is empowering.

I genuinely hope women get better superheroes than this trash.

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Your Lie in April

It does the first half better than tbe anime... But the second half felt rushed. That said, I think that could only be avoid had this been a 4-7 hours mini series.

All in all if you liked the anime you'll most likely like this if you give it a fair shot.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x06 Imprisoned

I never get tired of the guards thinking Momo is earth bending. :joy:

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x04 The Warriors of Kyoshi

Sokka being a sexist *sshat and getting humbled instantly only for him to bown down on both knees to ask for forgiveness for it is one of the rare cases of proper character progression.

As a child I didn't know how good this was... But after all the horrible attempts at " feminism" in a toxic way, you learn to appreciate the good.

It's enjoyable to see characters grow in a healthy manner.

Thanks for hearing out my TED talk.

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