Andy A.


Omicron Persei 8

Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x08 Legends

Avatar: The last airbender
Book 1: Air.. Apparently

Aang didn't bend a single droplet of water despite that being the core of the entire show... Him learning to master elements.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x03 Omashu

Gave it an extra point for Cabbage man.


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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x07 The North

Only partially in and I'll add as it goes on.
- He arrived in Northpole and Aang didn't do single moment of Waterbending.. Aka he's magically gonna learn it in the moment of need...

  • All the acting falls flat.. Almodt every single actor did an aweful job this episode... The only one who remains consistent is Iroh.

  • Sokka and the princess kissing out of nowhere

  • Lighting effect got introduced at a terrible moment on top of looking terrible

The longer the show goes on the more it seems to suffer from rushed content. It's slowly falling apart.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x05 Spirited Away

The biggest devation from the animated show yet. Not a bad deviation but it's stolen from 2 episodes from S2 so I wonder if we won't see it there.

Deviated material: Library spirits & Swamp truths.

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Poor Things

I can't help but feel this movie is for snobs who get off on "you missed the point" comments as they sit on their high horse.

I'm not saying that's how it is... I'm saying that that's how it feels like to me when I read praise of this movie.

Well enough said really... I think it's terrible. I felt like I'd have a good time with this movie if I was still 15...that's the emotional maturity this movie seems to have.


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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x06 Masks

I can't recall if the official lore of Zuko's crew is the same crew he got exiled over... But damn, it's the first devation from the original I really like.

The show feels more rushed every passing episode.

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The villain was set up as a villain without build up... We somehow were expected to just expect him to be bad because he was tense.


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The Iron Claw

I won't say the movie is bad, it's directed and performed very well by all involved.

I just can't seem to connect with it, the pacing and story just feel off to me. But again... I'm sure it's a great movie for where it does connect for others.

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Dune: Part Two

I don't understand people rating this above a 7...

  • Dogwater pacing
  • Went from average joe to leader in less then 60mins
  • The mother in 15 minutes
  • Acting ain't bad.. But average casting at best

Listen.. The lore isn't bad... But there's simply not enough screen time for us to care about anyone living or dying.

I imagine if you read the books this movie is a sight to behold.

But as a non book reader. This is well deserved 6.

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Jujutsu Kaisen: 1x37 Red Scale

Not even sure what I'm looking at... 12 different camera angles per second.

It's like they wanna mimick hollywood dogshit camera work.

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Fallout: Season 1

As far as a pilot goes this was pretty good.

They were faithful to the games esthetic... The nuke scene was great. I'm glad they showed it full force.

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Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!

I enjoyed it until the love triangle aspect came in the picture... We all know what's gonna happen... Nothing.

It's a cute anime but is pretty predictable due all the characters being super predictable.

The goodie goodie innocent guy being popular is so overdone. In reality a person with that personality doesn't exist.

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Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!: 1x08 Yakiniku with Friends Is Super Delish

As expected the more characters get introduced the lamer it becomes with an enforced status qo despite one clearly having a strong interest.

I really dislike the super good guy who can't choose.

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If I'd watch this first in 2000 I'd give it a 8/10.

But it just falls a bit short in keeping my attention. Nonetheless it has my respect for doing it's own thing.

Definitely worth a watch and I can see why others would rate it higher.

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South Park: 2x09 Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls

Suck on my chocolate salty balls,
Stick 'em in your mouth and suck 'em
:notes: :notes:

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x12 The Storm

A slow but very important episode. A first glimpse of why Zuko is who he is.

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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
  • Too much (bad) CG
  • Too many new plot driving of characters we barely know and as a result don't care for
  • Fantastic Beasts: Barely any fantastic beats
  • The crimes of Grindewald: He kills 2 people

Terrible sequal.

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Sound of Freedom

I don't know what worries me more... The subject of the movie... Or the fact I see comments saying it's propaganda like child trafficking isn't real.

It's legitimate worrying people are down rating a movie that's at least daring to tackle a sensitive topic.

Is it a masterpiece piece? No.
Was it a solid 6 or 7 /10? Yes.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x04 Into the Dark

Decent episode with an anticlimactic ending with some dumb slide.

+1 for well integrated references of the original works.

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Seen clips...

  • Weapons don't match
  • Human to Spartan to Alien scaling is wrong
  • Bad cg
  • Special effects done in After Effects
  • Took his helm off????

No respect for the source material. I can't imagine any fan of the game scoring this above 5. (and a non fan above 7)

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Requiem for a Dream

I remember watching it as a kid but couldn't remember a thing. This is one fucked up movie... Should be shown to everyone at the age of 16.

See you in another 15 years.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

For those rating it a 10. I wonder if your rating it based on the subject or based on the movie. I guarantee every 10 would loose 2 points if it was some no name band.

This felt like a worse version of the Elton John one. 2 hours of focus on his sexuality...

Really wished they focussed more on the band or music. It basically was the most stereotypical band movie I've seen 5 times over.

Again... Not bad, but for a Queen movie,100% mediocre.

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Fast X

Who needs a tank... Doms car is made of the most durable material ever.

So... Another dogsht movie. Glad I'm not paying for it.

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Palm Springs

It's uncanny to have this to be such an enjoyable romcom. I don't think anyone tuned in expecting anything more than a 6/10.

  • Great casts
  • Great chemistry between all 3 time loopers
  • Side cast had just enough presence to be relevant but not intrusive
  • Simple to follow plot
  • Very natural romance as far as it's possible
  • No reliance on nude humor
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Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life

The good:
- I spend 2 minutes trying to think of something to at least give it something... But I couldn't. The movie was terrible

The bad:
- No perky breasts
- The casting
- The classical Lara Craft look was missing
- Bad CG...
- The charming side kicks took a back seat and barely had any presence
- The plot... It was dogshit. So was the first one... But that one had some good things going for it at least
- No tight shirts... Cmon man...
- No sexy slomo scene :(

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Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

The good:
- The perky breasts
- The casting
- The look
- Surprisingly enough, the CG
- A good casual action flick
- The side kicks had charm
- The tight shirts showing off breasts
- The braless slomo scene of Jolie running

The bad:
- Travelling from and to locations was lack luster
- The villains didn't put up much of a fight
- The plot... It was dogshit. But it was an action game adaptation so your kinda at fault for expecting much

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Monogatari: Specials

The way TMDB handles anime is abysmal...for correct watch order follow link below:

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South Park: 7x05 Fat Butt and Pancake Head

God I hate this episode...

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Kizumonogatari Part 3: Reiketsu

Aside from the super weird soft porn scene at the end... It was awesome.

Not sure how nobody is happy though. Aragi has best of both worlds. He's immortal but immune to the sun.

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Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu

A bit slow, but decent start.

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