

Burnaby, bc

Code 8 Part II

Wanted to like this more than I did. Enjoyed the first one, so had moderately high hopes. Just felt stuck in the mud and despite all that was going on it was dull. There were redeeming aspects, so not a total failure, but a minor disappointment. All that said, it was nice to see the Amell bros make another one. 5.3.

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Red Eye

Been almost 20 yrs since I first saw this. Was fun to McAdams, Murphy and Cox two decades younger, but this one misses more than it hits. I still was entertained for the most part, but I kept eye rolling harder and harder as we progressed. A generous 5.9 for the decent acting. The script was pretty mediocre.

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Cinematography, and sound design were fantastic. It's difficult to give a mini review without some level of spoiler. Disturbing and hilarious. Will be divisive for certain. 7.3.

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Society of the Snow

It's difficult to critique a story like this. A harrowing and heart breaking, but also awe inspiring tale of friendship and survival. I remember seeing "Alive" during a grade 7 movie viewing. We chose it as a class with our teacher's permission and she was soon mortified at the graphic details our 12 yr old selves were subjected to. Fast forward 30 years and I'm watching the same story, but told quite differently. This version by Bayona chooses a more deliberate pace and emotional core. 8.0

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Road House

Watched the og last night and it although it was better this does have some decent moments. Gyllenhaal is absolutely slumming it here, but has fun with it and elevates what could have been a far worse production. I enjoyed some aspects of the fight scenes, but wasn't digging the strange CGI videogame mode they went into at times. As a McGregor fan on his come up in the UFC it was fun to see him make his debut. He played the psycho baddie pretty well all things considered. Fun, b movie 6.4.

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Road House

Had to pop this on before the reboot launches at midnight. I thought I'd seen this growing up but there's a ton I forgot about. Some of the absolute worst fights you'll ever see, but charmingly so. Elliott and Swayze's bromance is top tier and Doc is smokin'. Also features one of the more hilariously feeble looking final bosses you'll ever see. Still, a riot in many parts. Cheese like you wouldn't believe abound. 7.0

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Old Henry

TBN & Dorff are great here. A real meat and potatoes slice of "western" life at the turn of the 20th century. Great acting w a tiny budget from the two main leads. The son was a bit of a miss for me, but small gripe. Competently made and told. 7.0

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Lisa Frankenstein

Target demo will be for those younger than us, but this had its moments. Some asinine, some well executed. On the whole it felt a bit more cringe than not, but I appreciate the intent and it looked like everyone involved had fun making it. The 80s style is what drew us to this one, and the sets, music, and colour palates used were fun. Good editing and decision on overall length as well. 5.9

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Night Swim

Started out solid, so I had a feeling a startling drop off would occur. Did it ever. From decent suspense and foreboding to start to complete inadvertent parody. Barely bothered to watch the last bit. 3.7

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Avatar: The Way of Water

Finally decided to sit down for this one. Watched on an OLED which Dolby vision which makes a big difference for this type of movie. Great sound design and spectacular visuals with a pretty breakneck pace for the final hour. This helps keep focus on a story that otherwise is pretty by the numbers. I cared for the animals more than the rest. A very impressive technical masterpiece, the story just doesn't keep pace, but still an emotional and rewarding story. 7.9.

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Ricky Stanicky

Cena is the star here, and some of the jokes land well, but when they started getting into after school special emotions they lost me. 5.3

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Dune: Part Two

Saw in IMAX. A grand spectacle deserving of the big screen experience. Outstanding scale and breadth. Chalamet shines. Run, don't walk. 9.2

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Land of Bad

Crowe was fantastic, and bargain Hemsworth was very good as well. Some moments were infuriating just to ratchet up the tension, but overall this a B movie with teeth. Good tension and action. 6.9

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This movie was weird. Felt bullet train fun to get going and then devolved into an over the top spoof that'd have naked gun cringing. Great actors, just a weird peyote trip of a flick in the final act. 5.4

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You're Next

Gave this a 7/10 when I first saw it when it was released. Today, upon rewatch it's actually aged really well and is amongst my favourite slashers. There is a lot that's not perfect, but I'm grading on a curve with most of this score going to pure enjoyment and appreciation of the scenes/decisions that do work and work very well. Lots of graphic gore for those not into that, so beware, but for genre fans this is top of the heap stuff for what they were trying to go for. 7.9 revised score.

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Lake Mungo

Thought I'd enjoy this one. I wanted to like this, but felt completely detached and uninvested throughout. I can dig a slow burn, but this was boring. Some scenes were well done, but not enough to go above a 3.5.

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Had some fun moments and shockingly didn't feel that overlong. 20 min shorter would have worked quite a bit better imo, though. Didn't expect much, and it lived up those meagre expectations. Silly escapism w cheap nostalgia. Still, I enjoyed seeing JRD quite a bit. 5.7

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Falcon Lake

The two leads were excellent. Very good non-verbal communication by the young boy that hammers home that feeling of inadequacy of being the youngest in a group of older kids, especially when you have feelings for one of the girls. I felt like it flew by actually despite being deliberately paced in some areas. Very strong 7.6

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Dream Scenario

An A24 special to be sure. I'm in the target demo for these films, so I tend to enjoy the unhinged and/or bizarre elements more than some. Cage is fantastic here and it's an interesting premise. The execution is lacking in some ways and totally hilarious in others. Overall I'm happy w the final product. 7.0

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Started out alright, but became a sobbing mess of one family's melodrama. If you enjoy shouting and crying for the final 90 mins this is for you. Also the decisions made by the townspeople became ludicrous as things carried on. All that said there was some good good drama, and I did like some of the characters, they just lost me with the decision to make things mawkish. 5.3 but could be in the 7 range if you're not as critical of the sap.

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Raiders of the Lost Ark

Made the year I was born, it still has some charm left in it, but as the years goes on the cheese gets stronger. Somewhat of a tough watch nowadays, but we're committed to re-watching the entire series before seeing the latest entry. Graded on a bit of a curve as it's still one of the most iconic adventure films ever made, and the chemistry between Indy & Marion is fun watch this is a 2024 7.5.

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Anyone But You

Perfectly funny romcom w moments of horrific cringe. I'm forgiving some elements I didn't enjoy because those we did enjoy we enjoyed a lot. Great chemistry and silly raunch abound. 7.3.

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The End We Start From

Watched this for Comer and she was quite good. It's not an easy or enjoyable watch, but felt well told for the first half and then meandered into something else. Worth watching for her performance, and the overall solid direction, but can be a trying and depressing slow burn in many parts. 6.1 for good execution, but missed the mark on the road to greatness.

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American Fiction

Wright's a delight. SKB steals every scene he's in. Absolutely hilarious yet sobering portrayal by him. The acting by most everyone was quite good. Incredibly effective satire mixed with real drama. The family banter in this felt so natural and unforced. That was the main highlight. A very enjoyable 8.2.

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Trunk - Locked In

Shout by Pete
BlockedParent2024-02-08T10:33:48Z— updated 2024-02-12T01:01:27Z

I typically enjoy these types of single setting thrillers alla Buried and Oxygène. This one had some smart scenes, but also too many poor and/or frustrating ones. Can't recommend it, scoring it a 5.1. You could do worse if a monster fan of these types of thrillers, there is some fun camera work in one particular scene I loved and the main actress was pretty solid, but didn't have too much to work with script wise.

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Anatomy of a Fall

Captivating. It's long, but I was engaged throughout. The manipulations of various facts throughout the trial to assist both sides really plays with our perception of events. Triet directed (and co-wrote) this wonderfully and Hüller was fantastic. Strong 8.5 here.

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I have wanted to see this since I heard of it months ago. Didn't get the chance to see in theatres so finally saw it home tonight. Honestly the negative reviews are right. This could have been so much more than it is. Some good elements and I'm a big Costa Ronin fan from his work on The Americans and Homeland so was looking forward to how this got fleshed out. Too many shakes of the head w the choices they were making. I think I still liked it more than the avg watcher, but ends up a 5.4.

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The Beekeeper

Exactly what we wanted tonight. A stupid, but entertaining vengeance tale with some decent and brutal fight scenes. Kurt Wimmer wrote this and although he's penned some duds, this one is probably #3 for me behind equilibrium and law abiding citizen. Ayer likes directing pulpy actioners. Good combo. Statham is born for this type of role. I wanted this to push into the mid 7s, but the final third devolved enough for it to land on a 6.6. Very friendly scoring, but immensely entertaining junk.

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Follow Her

I thought the leads did a decent job here. Some strange tonal shifts and writing decisions pulled me out of it at certain times. Horrifically awful heavy handedness in one scene in particular. You'll know it when you see it. There are good and fun campy aspects and some genuine humour in spots. It's self aware, but just missing a few elements to rate it higher. 5.1

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A solid telling of a remarkable story. Foster was sensational in this for me. Benning seemed to nail the tough to handle main character here. Good crowdpleaser. Beautiful cinematography during dark night scenes as well. 6.5

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