

Burnaby, bc

Jackass Forever

Fun for jackass fans and who else would really watch this? some legit lol moments and some hard cringe ones too. All to be expected. 6.9 for me. Niccce.

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Finally saw this. I enjoyed the tension, but felt like the protagonist was the worst driver in history swerving all over the road once he hit 70mph lol and smashing into things throughout. A tense situation for sure, but he handled it horribly. His reactions to things seemed pretty over the top at times or nonsensical. All that said still a solid beginning for Spielberg. He was only ~25 when he made this. 6.3 for me, probably higher if I saw it upon release and it wasn't 50+ yrs old.

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It was ok. Expected more from Kitamura. A lot of the acting was bargain basement dvd bin stuff, but that's also half the point I guess. Super low budget and gory. Fan of the genre just not entirely of the execution here. Solid ending though. 4.7 overall

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

Really enjoyed this. It's difficult to review this one without spoilers so I'll just say genre fans will be very amused. Also bonus pts to those watching on an OLED. Watched in 4k Dolby vision and it looked truly spectacular. 8.4

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The Adam Project

I enjoyed it. It'll absolutely be a divisive film. Firstly, it looked spectacular and was created for OLED televisions. Some of the best non-nature documentary HDR I've seen. A visual feast to be sure. It was also filmed (at least partially) in Vancouver, and it's fun to recognize some old haunts. The chemistry between the actors was pretty solid, and I'm not yet tired of Ryan Reynolds playing Ryan Reynolds as long as the execution of the surrounding pieces works. The science nerds will hate it( which is funny) , it has some cheese, but overall it's better than the sum of its parts. 6.7 for me.

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The Trip

If you're in the mood for a dark horror comedy this will fit the bill and exceed your expectations. This was very fun, but also incredibly gory so if you're not really into that take a pass. I tend to enjoy the over the top stuff and initially was going to score this around the 6.7 range, but feel like they accomplished what they were after and I was thoroughly entertained. 7.5 for me. Big jump in the final third. Absurdist stuff to be sure.

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Eyes Wide Shut

Interesting film. Took me over 20 yrs after if was released to finally view it. There were lots I liked (Cruise's performance), the score, his reactions to how everyone treated him...and then there was the seemingly endless between scenes moments. A lot of meandering which can be okay, but lost me a few times. Good, but different than what I expected. 7.3 on a Kubrick scale.

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No Exit

Solid, but lacking. If you're into small budget thrillers you could do worse. There are tense moments, and some really silly ones. 5.8 for me.

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Finally got around to checking this one out. Enjoyed it overall. Some slow moments that didn't connect, but a great performance by RW. 7.3 for me.

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Solid enough small SciFi which I'll always welcome. Good leads, I imagine this movie had Pascal recommending Thatcher for Boba Fett. Not exactly "enjoyable" all the way through, but a good watch nonetheless. 6.3 for me.

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Gunpowder Milkshake

B movie that was cringy in spots and a lot of fun in others. Leave brain at door and enjoy yourself. You'll know right away if this is the type of movie for you. 5.8 for me (rounds up to 6 and I consider a 6 a "good" movie. Or if not good in the traditional sense, a fun movie.) Some consider 5-6 a poor score.
Some fun kills both slo-mo and reg speed. I enjoy the style of these, but the dialogue could get real bad in spots and the two hours did feel longer than it needed to. Gillan did a good job.

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Nightmare Alley

Had been looking forward to this one for some time and finally sat down and watched it this evening. 1st & 3rd acts I enjoyed considerably more than the middle stanza. I can appreciate a slow burn, but this felt like a lack of quality as well as a much slower pace than had been the first hour. Things do pick up as we get to the climax, and I would recommend it overall. 6.5 for me.

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King Richard

I enjoyed this quite a bit. Interesting look into the mind of a hyper determined father (and yes mother too) to turn 2 of his daughters into two of the greatest tennis players of all-time. I would have liked a little more focus on Serena's development as well, but overall it was well worthy of a watch. 7.3 for me.

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Wasn't sure what to expect out of this one. Solid first two acts and an absolutely phenomenal third act. For fans of this meta shit that don't snob up during some blatantly silly/unexplained aspects this was great nostalgia mixed w the new gen. Generous 7.7 overall

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Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard

Bad movie I found entertaining far more than I expected. Saw the 117min director's cut, so experience may be different than most. Some shockingly cheesy choices, but they were all for comedic effect whether they landed or not. It's legitimately a 3-4/10 that I just liked more than I probably should have. 6.3 for me.

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Lethal Weapon

Over the top cheese made me like it even more. Was going to 7.4 it, but that absurd street fight at the end put it over the top. 8.2. Lol. Still holds up 35 yrs later.

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The Fallout

Pretty well acted and immersive story dealing w difficult subject matter. The abject horror they feel at the outset is palpable and well portrayed.

There were some slow parts, but overall this was worth the watch. Fun fact: Maddie Ziegler who plays Mia is the girl from the Sia music videos (most famously "Chandelier").

7.4 for me.

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The Power of the Dog

For the first bit I wanted to like it more than I did. What it became was a superb slow-burn. Psychological masterpiece in parts and a touch uneven in others. 7.8 and a recommended viewing for certain.

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The Drop

Finally watched this tonight. It felt long, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. Sometimes takes me awhile to watch a movie that features someone that passed away shortly thereafter. Love Gandolfini of course. This is an understated gem of a movie that just isn't quite very good, but is still recommended and well acted overall. 7.5 for me, but one I move to a 7 vs up to an 8 on a 10 pt scale.

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Army of Thieves

I liked this. There were many issues w the plot, but the chemistry of the leads (at least Emmanuel & Schweighöfer was enjoyable. I enjoyed the soundtrack and the glossy nature of it. That all said it's probably a 5/10 movie that I just enjoyed more than I should have. 6.4 for me. (I consider a 6 a good score and recommendable).

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Solid fun. Fan service, new adventure and not too much cringe humour. 7.4

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The Matrix Resurrections

I'm a sucker for nostalgia, and didn't hate this like so many did. I don't know what people expected. It was silly, fun, and a serviceable entry. Keanu being 57 is nuts. 7.1 for me and my rose(red)-coloured glasses.

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Tom Clancy's Without Remorse

MBJ is solid. Rest of the cast's acting felt somewhat forced. Would still watch a sequel, but not too invested. 6.2

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Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

First half felt pretty solid. Second half they tried to cheese it up to 10 and I didn't give any more fucks. Somewhat expected going in, but had a false sense of competence in the first act. 4.6.

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Shot Caller

Gritty, depressing, electric. A Waugh specialty.
I tend to gravitate to the stories he both writes and directs. It took me too long to finally watch this one. Solid stuff. 7.5

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Don't Look Up

Pretty on point satire. Too many over the top in your face retard moments though. Got to be too cringy for us. perhaps that's because the truth hurts. Regardless check it out as a Walmart version of idiocracy that's far closer to reality in the current climate. 6.2 (over 6 is considered good on my scale).

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Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Fun & silly. Not quite the level of the first, but those giving it 1s & 2s must not remember what they're watching. Trashy & fun. I could watch a dark comedy w venom eating bad guys and trynna hold off eating the good ones while delivering one-liners. 6.5

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The Last Duel

Very good. Difficult scenes to watch, but masterfully portrayed. Excellent performances abound. 8.2.

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The Card Counter

Good acting by Isaac here. Slow building story, but worth your time if you want a to go on a sometimes gritty psychological journey w his character. Far too many slow moments for me with some interesting character choices as well. Not a great execution for me, but was happy I watched. 6.3

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Red Notice

Worse than I expected. Very cringe in several areas. I like all 3 leads, so disappointed even for a silly popcorn flick. Not here for the plot, but was just too stupid to enjoy. 4.2

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