This movie starts off emotional and ends emotional and the ride in between is epic! Luckily I'm in the Netherlands so I could see it before and no actions here. This movie should be watched by all people no matter the color of their skin. Wakanda forever!

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Namor was so hot omg

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Absolutely amazing :clap: I cried more times than I'm willing to admit during this movie. May he rest in peace, in both worlds :heart: The MCU has been getting a bit out of hand in my opinion but this brought it back down for me. I was hanging on the entire time. An easy 10.

EDIT: Also wtf is wrong with all the idiots complaining about racism in this movie?? I didn't see or hear anything wrong here. I don't get why everyone has to bring race into everything, it's stupid and pointless. If you're so bored with your life that you have to imagine problems where they don't exist, maybe consider going out and touching grass. Or find a hobby. I hear knitting is quite in this year.

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Shout by Iron Rinn
BlockedParent2023-03-03T18:36:54Z— updated 2023-03-05T05:31:30Z

I really don't understand why there are so many people who, watching the sequel to a film, always expect it to be episode 2. This film is a tribute to pride, to the millennial history of African and South American peoples, harassed, plundered and exploited for centuries by Europeans and North Americans. An alliance for a more just world. This is it.

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Another marvel movie lots of visuals pretty decent story

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Are you telling me there's no actual post-credit scene in this one?

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Pain, real or imagined, is real to the person experiencing it. Is there a line between grieving someone we don't really know, or remembered grief, or re-experiencing grief....

“And what is good, Phaedrus, and what is not good — Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?” ― Robert M. Pirsig

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Admittedly, I was never a HUGE fan of the first Black Panther, even if it was very good. Well...this is great! Its a pseudo origin story (which I am a sucker for), the villain is great, the plot is DENSE in a good way. It may not do much to win non-Marvel fans over. It also may not win over people that was in your face superhero scenes. Where this movie succeeds is by telling a wonderful story. Start to finish is meaningful and I am thrilled by where Wakanda will go next!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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man! the references, the the wholesome moments. the action. what a treat for the fans.

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I had absolutely no expectations before watching this movie due to the dissapointment with the previous recent marvel movies and were actually pretty pleased. It was quite emotional obviously and I think Namor was an excelent enemy! His character was really interesting. I'm glad we got to see Suri more, but I would have loved to had seen her even more. I must admit I was pretty dissapointed with the Queen's killing. Besides that I enjoyed the movie a lot!

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Beautifully done. Chad was very well honoured, the cultures shown, I will nog say too much here. But very well thought through and splendidly done. The criticism, spoiled people that seek to be explosively amazed every time. Just look at the beauty before you. Top movie.

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It's emotional and heartbreaking. Chadwick lives on as T'Challa. The silent Marvel intro was a great way to start. The beach scene in the end broke my heart. Phase Four wasn't so good, but it ends in a high note. Angela Basset is a true star and deserves all the spotlights in the world.

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After all these years… RIHANNA IS BACK!!! :heart_eyes:

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All I Can Say Is I Want To Watch It Again - Black Panther Wakanda Forever Did Justice To the Original Black Panther - The Story Was Damn Good With Action That Fit The Story Of Wakanda & The Marvel Universe - Simply Put They Did Right By King Tchalla Aka Chadwick Boseman & I Was Happy To See The Next Wakadan Take up The Mantle Of The Black Panther - I Can't Wait To See What Comes Next

I Will Watch Again For Sure - And Only One Post Credit Scene

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it was a nice tribute to Chadwick Boseman. Very classy.

Namor's character felt a bit odd, but it was well cast and well acted.

Shuri as the Panther didn't quite feel like the same level as T'Challa. I get that she's new at this, but I thought that she'd be more durable. Particularly while wearing the suit.

I really wish that the AI was in the previous shows like Jarvis was. And that he had more personality, like Jarvis and Friday.

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In the comics, Namor is known as being the world's first mutant, his mutant ability being the wings on his ankles that enable him to fly. He also refers to himself as a mutant in this movie, making it the first mention of mutants in the MCU.

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It seems like they deleted some scenes with Martin Freeman. Or it feels like it. The accents are more understandable than in the original Black Panther, so that's nice.

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Shout by Darth

Long movie but it was actually pretty good, the writing was good and I liked the soundtrack a lot

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The first half wasn't so great, second half was amazing, it was as good as the first movie but in a different way, this was a very touching story, and a good tribute to Chadwick RIP.

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Very long movie, unnecessary,two hours top

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I didn't expect to enjoy this one as much as I did. Action packed with heart. Great set pieces and performances abound. Well worth your time. 7.7

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A beautiful movie that is dedicated to the loss of such an amazing actor and human. The movie does a great job of showing how much emotion and thought was put into this, and it is able to craft such an amazing movie that respects what came before it.

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This was a wonderful tribute to Boseman. It was also nice to see Letitia as the Black Panther. Hopefully she will remain so as well. There were a lot of fun and cool action scenes as well.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Chadwick Bosesman and the character of T'Challa may be absent from this sequel but their spirits live on throughout the threads of this emotional but still thrilling story. It's a fitting tribute to two great men and the beginning of something new as the Black Panther lives on.

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Really enjoyed this movie, characters were fun and visuals were great. Typical superhero movie. So you should know what your getting into with this one. But doesn’t make it a bad movie at all. Villain was interesting as well.

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Wakanda Forever is a good movie, but a great sequel, in fact probably one of the best sequels in the entire MCU. It was refreshingly independent from other MCU films, and did a great job of balancing Chadwick's legacy and resolving themes he had to deal with in the previous film. It was also refreshing to see Shuri carry the film, which pretty much everyone was nervous about going into this thing.

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I watched this movie last night and have taken the time to sleep on it before writing my review.

I loved it. From the sensitive and emotional handling of Chadwick Boseman's legacy, through the development of important characters, to the introduction of new stars, we are taken on a clever journey of powerful and surprising storytelling. The long run time just flew by and I was entertained throughout.

Full credit to the cast and crew with some eye popping special effects and an absolutely spot on music soundtrack.

This sequel was as good as the original - no mean feat - different but mature and brings the MCU right back in the game! Certain scenes gave me goosebumps and a tear to my eyes.

I look forward to watching this movie again. See it, on the biggest and loudest screen you can! 8/10.

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Full review:

Beautiful visually and emotionally. Not perfect, but really good

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Caught between being a mediation on grief and being the latest cog in the MCU machine, enough of Coogler's style and voice comes through to make it a good time. Namor was a real highlight. I left this thinking that the only way forward for the Black Panther franchise is M'Baku, not Shuri. I'd say no offense to Wright, but she's an anti vaxxer so full offense, she does not have the charisma and magnetism to center, ground, and solidify an ensemble cast. She was fine as comic relief in the first film, but she never rises above fine here and you can clearly see her stretch and strain to reach the dramatic heights required of her. Winston Duke though? Now that's a star. There's a leading man. Sorry this just became a Winston Duke love letter but he deserves it.

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Heart Ache and Heart Break. Surreal acting, punchy action, witty jokes, and mind blowing cgi. I didn't think they could make a number 2 not a disappointment to number 1 but they did.

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It was a nice eulogy for Chadwick Boseman, but the movie was way too long (2 h 40 min). They could have cut out a whole hour. Nevertheless, this part is better than the predecessor

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It had it’s moments… not that much, but some.

While Namor was cool, the „new Black Panther“ disappointed.

Tbh, I don’t really know where to put that movie…

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It was ok. They could have easily cut 30-45 minutes out of this film and still been good. This is also a Black Panther movie but the title character doesn't even show up until the last 15 minutes of the film.

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Honestly way better than I expected. The best of most recent Marvel's imo

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It’s an emotional, beautiful and well made goodbye to Boseman. Storywise you won’t really miss anything going forward that you couldn’t quickly pick up. Both myself and my teen son gave it 7/10. There’s only one end credit scene.

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A friend of mine gave an 8. I give a 7 because the fights were too weak. You should have made this Lady Panther fight harder.
Great tribute to Mister Boseman :heart:

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For a number of reasons, Letitia Wright was an incredibly poor choice to step into the role of the Black Panther. Both Lupita Nyong'o and Danai Gurira were much more deserving. In fact, I don't think that they even needed to name a successor in this film, but they did, and they chose poorly.

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It's impressive how this was a 162 minutes long movie, but it didn't felt tiring to me. The combat scenes are really beautiful, the deep ocean is incredibly pretty (even though I felt a little bit disappointed we didn't get to know much about their society), the acting is great and writing is awesome as well.

The way Namor is portrayed here impressed me, it's different from other villains in MCU, and I like it. I just felt it a bit dry for the third act from him (and his society in general). Again, a missed opportunity to show more about them.

Loved the movie overall, one of the best sequels done by Marvel.

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I can’t be the only one who thinks this is actually decent lol (buff from all the other crappy phase 4 movies??)
All that’s left for marvel to me now really is just nostalgia and any remaining attachment for the characters.
Liked the music a lot.

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Solid movie. Definitely not without it's problems, and it could have been tightened up in the editing, but overall one of the more decent MCU entries lately.

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Namor and his kingdom is definitely one of the best things the MCU has brought to the big screen!

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Shout by Reiko LJ

It's taken me a while to watch this one. I lost someone very dear to me around the time it was released and knew it would be a film that dealt with grief. Even now after 4 months it definitely struck a chord with me and brought plenty of tears.
Overall it was a decent film, definitely lulled in the middle and I fought to keep attention on it. The final portion made up for it though. Great action and a showdown that had me screaming for Shuri to take her vengeance.
Wonderful homage for Chadwick and T'challa.

My biggest complaint is that we got Lake Bell of all people and they killed her off! Poison Ivy herself with the most wonderful of sultry voices :hearts: Stay safe in DC land. :hearts:

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Well this one definitely surpasses the first one, not amazing tho but I enjoyed it more and all cast did well and the action was fun and did alright job on the marvel comic character namor.

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I enjoyed the sequel more than the first movie. I found the first movie was also good but it came with a lot of hype and high expectations.

The sequel had more time to explore the different storylines. The bad guy's motivation was clear and easy to empathise with. He wasn't the bad guy because just because he's a one dimension evil villain.

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I'm not crying. You're just blurry.

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I rather enjoyed it. The lower ratings and poor reviews it received are due to this film being very non-marvel: there's no main superhero, no villain, and the story resolves differently than all other Marvel films. Some lazy writing and clearly running out of ideas at some points, but if it were a standalone title and not a part of franchise, it could easily score 8.5 or more.

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It must have been extremely difficult making this without Boseman. That must have been tough on the crew and actors.

I thought they could have done a better job with T’challa’s death but I understand why they approached it like that.

It was much too long though. The last hour and bit picked up, but overall it seemed more DC and less Marvel.

That said, it was sad watching the intro and the ending, but it feels like closure and a nice transitional movie towards the next generation of BP movies.

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"To everyone, he was a king. But to me, he was everything."

What a hard task to achieve. This movie starts off with some hard beats and the theater was definitely sniffling in unison, and all it kept reminding me of is that Chadwick Boseman is no longer with us. There are some moments that could've been shorter, and you can tell they had to rewrite a bunch of things, but this movie was necessary and I look forward to seeing what happens next in Wakanda.

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You really feel the heart and care put into this movie. And the parts I like are good enough to make the not-so-good ones almost inconsequential. It has a lot of Marvel's bombastic elements, but it balances that with the softer, more heartfelt journey of the different characters. Congrats to everyone involved for honoring Chadwick's memory in such a beautiful way.

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Shout by Jim222001

I was into a lot of the movie. I just found it silly that someone drowned after the person she rescued survived and was under water longer. It was also predictable that Shuri and Namor would decide to end their war peacefully.

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Like Laverne Cox reading you a Bernstein Bears bedtime story, the plot is basic but the look is based.

As for the film itself, go for the directing and cinematography -- both of which are spectacular -- but don't expect much of a story. The plot is overly simple, even by comic book movie standards, and doesn't come close to deserving the 2 hour 41 minute run time.

I'm addition to the look of the film, credit is due Winston Duke who steals the show with his return performance as M'Baku, and no one told Angela Bassett this was just another super hero movie because she acted the crap out of her role.

The Chadwick Boseman tribute aspect is handled far better here than the one to Paul Walker in Furious 7. I'll admit I was nerdy enough to get choked up a little in the intro scene and the tweak to the Marvel production logo was tastefully done.

This film will make a good guilty pleasure if you don't judge too harshly.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’:

  1. I thought the music and score were absolutely fantastic. This was a heavy film for Marvel, for obvious reasons, and the music most definitely helped illustrate that and set such a profound tone.

  2. There were moments that were riveting and others that felt rushed. I was thoroughly entertained throughout, which marks success for a movie so long, but it didn’t seem to reach the expectation I had held.

  3. The Ironheart storyline fell flat to me. So this girl basically became Tony Stark overnight? I know we’re supposed to suspend some disbelief for these superhero films, but this bit was a stretch. Some buildup and backstory would’ve been nice.

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Although the critics seems overall negative, I enjoyed watching it. Watched it on IMAX 3D, not sure if I would enjoyed so much on regular screen.

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Shout by Kevin

Good movie that gets muddled in the middle with the addition of characters seemingly forced in for no good reason. My only thought is they are setting up future properties but it is jarring. By the time the movie gets on track it loses much of the potential. It’s still good but could have been much better.

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Shout by H

Not a fan of the storyline but it was a beautiful tribute to Chadwick for multiple reasons. His presence was hugely missed and has left a hole that sadly can’t be filled in this particular sector of the franchise no matter how much they’ll try. I did enjoy the fact it was mostly led by women who carried the film and especially seeing more of The Dora Milaje. So badass

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It was a good film according to story wise, movie was dragged a little. Don't expect full on actions sequences.End credits were good.

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Shout by Tr4il

Angela Basset kills it in this movie. M'Baku is now comic relief instead of the big bad warlord we saw in BP1, that was a bit weird. Over all, pretty good movie experience, but nothing extraordinary. We miss Chadwick, but this movie does as well.

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A more appropriate title for this movie: Black Panther Wokeness Forever

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Not even remotely as epic as the trailer suggested, but still manages to deliver the same solid mediocre entertainment we expected. This one has a darker and more mature tone than its predecessor, yet it comes with the same problems with the writing. The movie is bloated with subplots and unnecessary steps that took away time that could have been used to flesh out the characters’ relationships and make the plot plausible. The characters keep running in circles for most of the movie, only to rush at the end with an anticlimactic final battle and an oversimplified resolution to what could have been a way more complex conflict. They keep hinting at a huge war between civilizations, yet we hardly see more than a dozen people involved.

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The movie was 2 hours too long. Didn’t need half the BS in the movie. Very weak writing. It seemed like they hired writers from The CW network.

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Reminded me a lot of Iron Man 2. Some really great characters, but it's bogged down and lacks focus because of all the peripheral Marvel stuff.

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The story line was okay, and isn't vital to the MCU at this point, but as with a lot of movies this day, I feel a lot of stuff was in there just for longer movie, and there were quite a few stories that I feel didn't really get wrapped up. It was definitely a movie full of emotions and heritage, but not something I'd call rave worthy this round. I will, however, commend the way that Marvel honoured Chadwick in this movie. They dealt with it well, upfront.

Also, only a mid credit scene. No point waiting until the end for a black screen.

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I might just be burnt out on superhero films... This was a slog to get through. It seems like half the movie was unnecessary and bolted on for...reasons? There's no reason this needed to be almost 3 hours with the very basic plot we follow. There a multiple characters who are And the action was fine but really nothing amazing. I really hate how bored and disinterested I was through a lot of this film...

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The CGI is next level. There's times you forget that so throughout the movie and it's really mind blowing. As far as the movie goes, the movie follows the prequels plot layout pretty close. Making for a slight "copy and paste" feel. Overall, it's an ok movie. Visually fun to watch.


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Felt a lot more like a tribute than a marvel movie which is fine but you could definitely tell

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Bit of a weird movie to introduce Atlantis

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They overdid it with the female heroes in this one for my taste

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This movie shouldn't have been made without Chad. That Shuri girl can't act to be in a leading role, and she's too skinny to be believable as the black panther. Also the story was kinda stupid.

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There's a mid credit scene (prior to the white text on black scrolling). Post-credits is simply "Black Panther will return" text. No scene.

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It's fine, it's not the roll that they say in some places, nor the wonder that they say in others, that perhaps instead of lasting almost 3 hours it could be shorter, yes. 1 post-credits scene

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever offers a more emotionally driven narrative compared to its prequel as the movie centers around Shuri and her struggle with grief. I enjoyed Shuri's character arc although it felt mildly cliché and the resolution, in regards to her conflict with Namor, was rather predictable. The movie's pitfall, however, was the plot. The introduction of new characters—Namor and Riri Williams—and an entirely new civilization (as well as their conflict with Wakanda and the rest of the world) was an obvious attempt to advance the overall MCU timeline in a somewhat forceful manner. All of this detracted from the originality of the film itself, and I believe there was much greater potential in a more character-driven movie. Still, I will applaud Marvel for handling Chadwick Boseman's death honorably.

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Straightforward story and some lazy (Namor origins), macguffin ("mutant") writing saved by top-notch acting.

PS: RIP Chadwick Boseman.

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A cross between Aquaman, Avatar and Greek mythology... are the writers running out of ideas? ;)

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I didn't like the similarity of Iron Man costumes, I liked the soundtrack.

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Too long, I would have cut many parts making it a 1h45m film, 2 hours maximum. The antagonist is the only thing that is minimally characterized, explaining why he acts the way he does. Shitty ending, usual Marvel happily ever after. Anyway, it's not bad, but not good either; it's watchable, nothing more


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What a waste of time. Two hours and forty two minutes? Were they too lazy to edit this? I mean, it felt like Wakanda was going, Forever, literally. :rofl:

The best part of this movie were the first scenes farewelling Chadwick Boseman. That was pure class. It's all downhill from there.

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Quite enjoyed Avatar: The Way of Water

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When we see past the homage to Chadwick Boseman, we realize that this was the only think strumming on our heart strings. This movie is flawed beyond measure and it is really not that good.

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