Review by The Snipe

I absolutely loved the way the handled Chadwick's passing. The first few minutes of the movie were very emotional, especially for someone like me that has an immense love for the MCU as a whole. Angela Bassett killed her role, especially in the beginning at the UN. Such an awesome scene! The amount of times I wanted her to say 'fuck around and find out'....man. M'Baku's role in this movie compared to the last was great; like a big brother figure. He's such a perfect actor for the role too.

To be clear, I thoroughly loved this movie. It's in the top 8-10 MCU movies for me.

What didn't work for me:
-Namor's little ankle wings. Giving a character the ability to fly with no real explanation (i.e. Superman, Ebony Maw, Dr Strange) I can deal with. But, Namor's little tiny wings just can't produce the lift needed, especially when you see him moving super fast and with a lot of agility. I don't know why this one bothered me so much.. but it did.
-Riri's suit for the final fight. It just looked too cheesy.. like DC tv show suit. It was like a Great Value miniature Gundam Wing.

It's not as if these ruined the movie for me or anything of the sort. Just a slight suspension of my immersion during a few scenes.

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