Perhaps the worst film in the MCU, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is a convoluted mess. The plot is kind of all over the place, but the main story follow a race of sea people attempting to force Wakanda to join them in their genocidal plans to destroy all the nations of the world. The writers do a good job at addressing the loss of Chadwick Boseman and working it into the plot, but that’s about all they do well. The villain is ridiculous, as is the manufactured conflict between the sea people and Wakanda, and the introduction of Ironheart comes off as forced. However, some of the action scenes are pretty exciting and there are a couple of interesting new ship and weapon designs. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever takes on too much and ends up doing it all poorly.

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A friend of mine gave an 8. I give a 7 because the fights were too weak. You should have made this Lady Panther fight harder.
Great tribute to Mister Boseman :heart:

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Heart Ache and Heart Break. Surreal acting, punchy action, witty jokes, and mind blowing cgi. I didn't think they could make a number 2 not a disappointment to number 1 but they did.

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For a number of reasons, Letitia Wright was an incredibly poor choice to step into the role of the Black Panther. Both Lupita Nyong'o and Danai Gurira were much more deserving. In fact, I don't think that they even needed to name a successor in this film, but they did, and they chose poorly.

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It's impressive how this was a 162 minutes long movie, but it didn't felt tiring to me. The combat scenes are really beautiful, the deep ocean is incredibly pretty (even though I felt a little bit disappointed we didn't get to know much about their society), the acting is great and writing is awesome as well.

The way Namor is portrayed here impressed me, it's different from other villains in MCU, and I like it. I just felt it a bit dry for the third act from him (and his society in general). Again, a missed opportunity to show more about them.

Loved the movie overall, one of the best sequels done by Marvel.

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They made a sequel to Black Panther ??

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I'm sorry, but what happened to these characters? Just dull. World building alone doesn't make a movie. Rewatch the first movie and give this a pass.

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the movie wasn't annoying ,it just was meh. the war between wakanda and namor's people was... stupid ,but every war is stupid so idk. the movie was like that : " when two fight, the third wins"
the tribute for T'Challa was ok,but i wasn't feeling bad for the character. i was feeling bad for the actor , because he played the character the best as he could

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever offers a more emotionally driven narrative compared to its prequel as the movie centers around Shuri and her struggle with grief. I enjoyed Shuri's character arc although it felt mildly cliché and the resolution, in regards to her conflict with Namor, was rather predictable. The movie's pitfall, however, was the plot. The introduction of new characters—Namor and Riri Williams—and an entirely new civilization (as well as their conflict with Wakanda and the rest of the world) was an obvious attempt to advance the overall MCU timeline in a somewhat forceful manner. All of this detracted from the originality of the film itself, and I believe there was much greater potential in a more character-driven movie. Still, I will applaud Marvel for handling Chadwick Boseman's death honorably.

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Another marvel movie lots of visuals pretty decent story

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The Wakanda Movies are the Jar Jar Binks of the Marvel Universe.

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Absolutely amazing :clap: I cried more times than I'm willing to admit during this movie. May he rest in peace, in both worlds :heart: The MCU has been getting a bit out of hand in my opinion but this brought it back down for me. I was hanging on the entire time. An easy 10.

EDIT: Also wtf is wrong with all the idiots complaining about racism in this movie?? I didn't see or hear anything wrong here. I don't get why everyone has to bring race into everything, it's stupid and pointless. If you're so bored with your life that you have to imagine problems where they don't exist, maybe consider going out and touching grass. Or find a hobby. I hear knitting is quite in this year.

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Surprisingly the better alternative to Avatar 2

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I thought this was incredibly boring. I'm going to assume that Chadwick Boseman's unfortunate passing threw the plans for this film into chaos, and they were unable to fully recover from it. Because, well, this was dull as hell. The only interesting part was Michael B. Jordan's appearance.
It absolutely did not need to be this long, either. Didn't justify its length.

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Marvel movies are in a big downwards spiral. I got disappointed again.

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In the comics, Namor is known as being the world's first mutant, his mutant ability being the wings on his ankles that enable him to fly. He also refers to himself as a mutant in this movie, making it the first mention of mutants in the MCU.

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Is it Wakands Vs. Avatar?

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Bit of a weird movie to introduce Atlantis

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This was too long... They could've made it shorter and Wakanda stronger. but also Chadwick Boseman r.i.p.

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So let me start by saying I like marvel films, I liked the first black panther but didn't feel it was as good a film as credit was given. Some great characters like killmonger but not a patch on Thor Ragnarok so I can't say I was desperate for this one. Regardless of that I was keen to see this after the initial reviews but having now sat through it I honestly can't find anything about the film which makes it half decent. It's a whole lot of nothing story based around tributes (which I have no problem with) and poor matrix style slow motion action sequences which are over done and board line cheap. The film falls into the recent trend of being a whole lot of film about nothing, I'm personally calling this phase the Snap! Hoping for more with Ant-man as Marvel has started to become the emperors clothes.

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Utter rubbish from stay to finish, really thought this was the beginning of the end for Marvel

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You know what's worse than a movie with a stupid made up language that forces you to constantly read the subtitles? A movie with two of them! Way to go, Marvel. We went from "everybody, in every planet, happens to speak in English", to no-fricking-body does.

Also, pretty dumb story even by Marvel standards. And for the first time in a MCU movie, painfully boring. So...

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Really time to pick a new guy who can pull off this part! Not that I am against women in action but come on….

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What a remarkable insignificant movie. I'll not waste time writing a long review, it's not worth it.

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inferior and watered-down version of the original black panther. can't recommend it.

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I can’t be the only one who thinks this is actually decent lol (buff from all the other crappy phase 4 movies??)
All that’s left for marvel to me now really is just nostalgia and any remaining attachment for the characters.
Liked the music a lot.

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Marvel going downhill that's for sure

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Solid movie. Definitely not without it's problems, and it could have been tightened up in the editing, but overall one of the more decent MCU entries lately.

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[Disney+] As visually tacky as its predecessor, it manages to be even duller by developing a bland story. Perhaps due to a relatively good acceptance of the previous one, Ryan Coogler wants to mix social commentary (with a notable lack of knowledge of Latino culture) with conventional plots for undemanding followers of the MCU. It shamelessly copies designs from "Avatar" (2009), but the action scenes appear taken from the Japanese Tokusatsu movies of the seventies, especially in the mediocrity of CGI.

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So for what reason is this nominated for an Oscar except Boseman and its 97% non-white cast? Because this movie is bad even compared with just other movies in the MCU universe. Boring story that goes on for an hour to long.
If this wins, the Oscar's as a measurement for good film making is dead.

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Namor and his kingdom is definitely one of the best things the MCU has brought to the big screen!

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This was one the the worst movies I have ever seen. So many chaotic cuts, stupid plot, terrible cgi, poor dialogues, music out ot place... I cannot find any entertaining aspect in this movie. I am glad that I didnt watch it in cimena, but waited for D+,

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Shout by Iron Rinn
BlockedParent2023-03-03T18:36:54Z— updated 2023-03-05T05:31:30Z

I really don't understand why there are so many people who, watching the sequel to a film, always expect it to be episode 2. This film is a tribute to pride, to the millennial history of African and South American peoples, harassed, plundered and exploited for centuries by Europeans and North Americans. An alliance for a more just world. This is it.

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OMG !! It'd have been better not do this 2nd part. Horrible movie, I managed to watch it through the end, but it is really bad.

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I Don’t even know how I colud finish it, what a waste of time

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90Utter drivel. When your 12yo gets so bored of the film that he'd sooner go and dig planting holes in the garden for his mum, it tells you all you need to know. He got more enjoyment from the 5m Pitch Meeting of this film than he did the film.

Also, why do Disney insist on trying to make us believe that 7st women can win fights with 13st+ men? Can't help feeling this will backfire in real life somewhere. Also, why is it OK for British/American black actors to affect 'generic African' accents?

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Boooooring, what a shit movie. Two hours too long... But logical with this lousy script, easily worst MCU movie so far. And now the woke diversity should not count? Pathetic, hypocrite and racist. Hope this stupid misery will end soon in Hollywood.

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The CGI is next level. There's times you forget that so throughout the movie and it's really mind blowing. As far as the movie goes, the movie follows the prequels plot layout pretty close. Making for a slight "copy and paste" feel. Overall, it's an ok movie. Visually fun to watch.


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Weak sauce. Too long for no particular reason. Too many "colonialist" jokes, the expected LGBTQ characters, and the all black/female good protagonists,. This reverse racism/gender bias is no better than the original. You got to expect that from most Netflix/Disney productions lately.

Watchable but not recommended..

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They overdid it with the female heroes in this one for my taste

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Shout by Reiko LJ

It's taken me a while to watch this one. I lost someone very dear to me around the time it was released and knew it would be a film that dealt with grief. Even now after 4 months it definitely struck a chord with me and brought plenty of tears.
Overall it was a decent film, definitely lulled in the middle and I fought to keep attention on it. The final portion made up for it though. Great action and a showdown that had me screaming for Shuri to take her vengeance.
Wonderful homage for Chadwick and T'challa.

My biggest complaint is that we got Lake Bell of all people and they killed her off! Poison Ivy herself with the most wonderful of sultry voices :hearts: Stay safe in DC land. :hearts:

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Put of 10 this movie is 7.8

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I might just be burnt out on superhero films... This was a slog to get through. It seems like half the movie was unnecessary and bolted on for...reasons? There's no reason this needed to be almost 3 hours with the very basic plot we follow. There a multiple characters who are And the action was fine but really nothing amazing. I really hate how bored and disinterested I was through a lot of this film...

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Terrible acting, the plot was nonsense, the dialogue was cringe, and the movie was way too long.

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I did not like the movie. Plot was so generic,. At the end, like what was the point of the antagonist. Character arc was generic and weak.
Acting was weak.
Visuals were ok, but on lazy side.
Styling was bad (from hair, to wardrobe e.g the supersized ugly LV sunglasses. Was it product placement?)

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Are you telling me there's no actual post-credit scene in this one?

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When we see past the homage to Chadwick Boseman, we realize that this was the only think strumming on our heart strings. This movie is flawed beyond measure and it is really not that good.

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Well this one definitely surpasses the first one, not amazing tho but I enjoyed it more and all cast did well and the action was fun and did alright job on the marvel comic character namor.

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It seems like they deleted some scenes with Martin Freeman. Or it feels like it. The accents are more understandable than in the original Black Panther, so that's nice.

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Shout by Darth

Long movie but it was actually pretty good, the writing was good and I liked the soundtrack a lot

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I don’t get how this movie got a 7.1. A lot of cgi 2,5 hours. Should more like 90 minutes. Watched small parts doing other stuff. Didnt miss a thing.

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This movie is further proof of how crappy Marvel is. The fact that it has a score of 71 on here, shows how many trakt users don't know a thing about movies.

Female superheroes will never be as cool as male superheroes! Stop trying liberal Hollywood!

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It was a nice eulogy for Chadwick Boseman, but the movie was way too long (2 h 40 min). They could have cut out a whole hour. Nevertheless, this part is better than the predecessor

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I found the film quite offensive. The past few years people have become more diverse, living in a multicultural society. Yet the Wakanda country is only inhabited by African people. I expected better of Disney and I hope they embrace diversity with the next Marvel films.

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What a waste of time…

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The first half wasn't so great, second half was amazing, it was as good as the first movie but in a different way, this was a very touching story, and a good tribute to Chadwick RIP.

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Shout by Mike

Another meaningless Marvel crap film

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I love Marvel movies and the MCU but my review of this movie is just three letters…MEH.

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snooze fest imo. def am tired of marvel movies.

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Really did not enjoy this one. The overly long run time certainly didn't help things. I thought the movie was boring, the action was subpar, and I didn't care for almost all of the characters or the main plot.

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This is it. This is the end. The formula has been exhausted, and even though there is a decent tribute to the late Chadwick Boseman in here, the rest is such a paint-by-numbers Marvel affair that the runtime is a bigger antagonist than Namor. What a boring, slog of a movie who's sole purpose is to introduce the next roster of characters for even more TV shows and movies which are sure to be stuck to the same formula.
I think it's time to slowly wind down this universe and maybe think about the less is more approach. Fewer entries with a bigger spacing between entries could do the world of good for this dying machine of cinema.

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I enjoyed the sequel more than the first movie. I found the first movie was also good but it came with a lot of hype and high expectations.

The sequel had more time to explore the different storylines. The bad guy's motivation was clear and easy to empathise with. He wasn't the bad guy because just because he's a one dimension evil villain.

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I truly appreciated the tributes to Chadwick, and the fight scenes were typically Marvel. But other than that, it was stupid.

Also really not a fan of the new Iron Man’s suit.

This just felt like a (poorly done) filler movie with the sole purpose of just introducing new characters.

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Too long, too boring, too silly.

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40 minutes and bored like hell.

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Very long movie, unnecessary,two hours top

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I'm not crying. You're just blurry.

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The first Black Panther is my least favourite MCU movie so I didn't hope for much but this was so good. I love Shuri as the new BP.

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I rather enjoyed it. The lower ratings and poor reviews it received are due to this film being very non-marvel: there's no main superhero, no villain, and the story resolves differently than all other Marvel films. Some lazy writing and clearly running out of ideas at some points, but if it were a standalone title and not a part of franchise, it could easily score 8.5 or more.

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it was a nice tribute to Chadwick Boseman. Very classy.

Namor's character felt a bit odd, but it was well cast and well acted.

Shuri as the Panther didn't quite feel like the same level as T'Challa. I get that she's new at this, but I thought that she'd be more durable. Particularly while wearing the suit.

I really wish that the AI was in the previous shows like Jarvis was. And that he had more personality, like Jarvis and Friday.

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Straightforward story and some lazy (Namor origins), macguffin ("mutant") writing saved by top-notch acting.

PS: RIP Chadwick Boseman.

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I didn't expect to enjoy this one as much as I did. Action packed with heart. Great set pieces and performances abound. Well worth your time. 7.7

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It had it’s moments… not that much, but some.

While Namor was cool, the „new Black Panther“ disappointed.

Tbh, I don’t really know where to put that movie…

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A beautiful movie that is dedicated to the loss of such an amazing actor and human. The movie does a great job of showing how much emotion and thought was put into this, and it is able to craft such an amazing movie that respects what came before it.

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It must have been extremely difficult making this without Boseman. That must have been tough on the crew and actors.

I thought they could have done a better job with T’challa’s death but I understand why they approached it like that.

It was much too long though. The last hour and bit picked up, but overall it seemed more DC and less Marvel.

That said, it was sad watching the intro and the ending, but it feels like closure and a nice transitional movie towards the next generation of BP movies.

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Namor was the best part of this movie. They def did the character justice. Everything else fell super flat. And sadly Ryan fell victim to the first movie where the third act fell apart and was awful in every way. The worst part was the costume design and cgi. Iron heart and the black panther suit looked so fake and bad. Really hoping pulls out of this generic cookie cutter crap with phase 4

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Much like the first black panther movie, it was meh not that great.

What I don't get, is why some people claimed racism over avatar using blue people who were acting like African tribes. But making Latin Americans blue and doing the same thing, isn't racist.

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This was a wonderful tribute to Boseman. It was also nice to see Letitia as the Black Panther. Hopefully she will remain so as well. There were a lot of fun and cool action scenes as well.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Chadwick Bosesman and the character of T'Challa may be absent from this sequel but their spirits live on throughout the threads of this emotional but still thrilling story. It's a fitting tribute to two great men and the beginning of something new as the Black Panther lives on.

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what a pile of racist fascist nazi black woke ideology! Basically the movie is about "all races are good except for the white one"!
Absolutely disgusting! Hitler wouldn't have dreamed of being so racist.

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Worst Marvel movie to date.... Filled to the brim with leftist ideologi and disgusting hate for everything non-woke. Only good thing is the amazing Angela Basset.

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Story of an underwhelming conflict between two nations. Not as mystical or culturally significant as expected. Angela Bassett's performance dominated by far.

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What a waste of time. Two hours and forty two minutes? Were they too lazy to edit this? I mean, it felt like Wakanda was going, Forever, literally. :rofl:

The best part of this movie were the first scenes farewelling Chadwick Boseman. That was pure class. It's all downhill from there.

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Utterly boring. I disliked Aquaman but at least Mamoa has some charisma, this just had more bland underwater sequences with Namor being dull, boring and lifeless. And the rest of the movie was mostly people just talking and being miserable

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Just more of we wuz kangz n shieet garbage. Now with the addition of flying mexikangz now. Soy fueled idiots will still consoom product.

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The movie was 2 hours too long. Didn’t need half the BS in the movie. Very weak writing. It seemed like they hired writers from The CW network.

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A more appropriate title for this movie: Black Panther Wokeness Forever

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"To everyone, he was a king. But to me, he was everything."

What a hard task to achieve. This movie starts off with some hard beats and the theater was definitely sniffling in unison, and all it kept reminding me of is that Chadwick Boseman is no longer with us. There are some moments that could've been shorter, and you can tell they had to rewrite a bunch of things, but this movie was necessary and I look forward to seeing what happens next in Wakanda.

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A cross between Aquaman, Avatar and Greek mythology... are the writers running out of ideas? ;)

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You really feel the heart and care put into this movie. And the parts I like are good enough to make the not-so-good ones almost inconsequential. It has a lot of Marvel's bombastic elements, but it balances that with the softer, more heartfelt journey of the different characters. Congrats to everyone involved for honoring Chadwick's memory in such a beautiful way.

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Not even too bad in terms of plot development, though the ending was the usual thin ending of many Marvel movies. The big issues is that most of the background elements and plot twists were extremely forced and unnatural. It was not heavy, but half an hour less would have made it a smoother film.

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