This is a tough one. It's not great, it's not bad, it's just somewhere in-between.

Ryan Coogler had a tough task to accomplish here and I think they did what they could given the circumstances. There were so many decisions to make regarding the tragic passing of Chadwick Boseman and working around a pandemic.

As far as paying tribute to Chadwick and T'Challa goes, I think the film did a beautiful job, especially in the opening scene and the mid-credit one that let his legacy live on. I also fully understand the decision not to recast the character. I think it was the most tasteful way to handle the situation. In-universe, passing the torch to T'Challa's son one day also seems like a fitting idea.

Taking a look at the rest of the movie however, it's a mess and way too long for its own good.

Personal feelings about Letitia Wright and her views regarding the pandemic aside, I don't think Shuri should've become the next Black Panther and she doesn't work as a main character at all. While her conflict was played well, it was also very one note in the writing. Not once did the story or character (even before that) indicate any interest to become the Black Panther. If anything her storyline was more or less if she can recreate the flower to even make a new Panther possible, not to take up that mantle. Shuri is not a warrior, but a scientist. Sure, she can hold her own in a battle, but if all her appearances within the MCU indicated something, then that she works best as a scientist leaving the fighting to others. She's a badass in her own field, leave it at that. Her arc would've worked just as well by coming to terms that Wakanda needs a new Panther and that she doesn't betray her brother's legacy by helping to create one. As far as candidates go, I think it should've been Nakia or Okoye, because it would've fitted their storylines so much better. M'Baku maybe as well, though I'm fine with him becoming King instead.

The movie also unfortunately decided to sideline all the wrong characters. I don't think Shuri works as the sole protagonist, even if that is an unpopular opinion here. Some characters just function better in a supporting role. Again, I think focusing on Nakia or Okoye would've benefitted the movie more. M'Baku, while having some of my favorite moments in the film, also finally deserved his time to shine.

I appreciated the short return of Michael B. Jordan, because he is fantastic, though even that cameo felt shoehorned in.

Angela Bassett gave a very strong performance and was clearly a standout in the movie. I think Queen Ramonda's death however was absolutely pointless and unnecessary and she was just used as a prop for Shuri, something that could've been done differently in so many ways. Especially since she sacrificed herself for a character neither she or the audience have had any connection at this point.

Speaking of, I like Right Williams. I like Dominique Thorne's portrayal. I don't think she should've been introduced in this movie. There was no point in her being the scientist to figure out a way to find vibranium. If anything it felt a tad ridiculous, especially since even if Namor managed to kill her, the government already used her technology and knew about it, so that whole plot was flimsy at best. It also feels weird to introduce Iron Heart without even mentioning Tony Stark, but that's probably the MCU continuing to shit on its OG character (within the movie-verse I mean).

Namor started out as an interesting villain, with at least some sympathetic motivation until he went full out "let's conquer the surface world" without a warning. He also was basically there for lots of exposition. The movie was full of that. So. Much. Exposition.

I always enjoy Martin Freeman as Everett Ross, but a cameo in the beginning would've done that. The whole side plot with his ex-wife could've been cut and nothing would've been missing from the film.

The cinematography was beautiful and the CGI was better than in the first film, but got gradually worse as the movie progressed. The fight choreography was okay-ish but not very innovative.

In the end, I think they tried very hard to work around the incredible loss they suffered and I respect that. I wish they would've taken more time to work on the script though. There's a good movie hiding somewhere inside of this jumbled mess, but unfortunately it spends most of its time running around and chasing a red line. It is still better than a lot of other films the MCU has put out there in recent years, easily superior to the likes of Multiverse of Madness or Thor: Love & Thunder but still far from the greatness it could've been.

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