The setup was interesting, but then this movie started to get bogged down by action and the usual revenge vs doing the right thing-stuff. And let's face it: They could have easily cut Riri (some kind of female Tony Stark, Peter Parker prodigal), Ross and that creepy ex-wife of his, and not have had to change the movie one bit. And that AI? Why does Shuri all of a sudden need an AI? An AI which is infinitely less developed than Jarvis or Friday, mind you?

I wonder if anyone who swallows that blue flower juice develops powers akin to the Black Panther - if so, why don't they give that juice to the Dora? And who chose Shuri to drink it in the first place? Just because she's T'Challa's sister? Not sure but I saw quite a few women more worthy of the title Black Panther even without being juiced up, in this movie (Ramonda, Nakia, Okoye...).

And while I liked the mid-credits scene... I have to admit I hate those cop-outs: the hero dies, but doesn't really because he lives on in his love-child. It's too much of a cliché. Albeit in this case, it's born out of necessity due to Boseman's passing, not because the writers chose to let their hero die (but not die). That's why I was actually moved by this scene despite the cliché.

But the thing that still sticks with me is the Wakandan arrogance. I mean they were lucky the meteor landed in their territory in the first place... and they choose to keep it secret, keep themselves hidden... while all around them their neighbours fall to "white conquerors"... Not sure, but I don't think they have much of a leg to stand on looking down upon said white conquerors. Not sure that standing by and doing nothing when they could interfere is so much better. And still keeping the vibranium for themselves out of fear that others could build weapons with it? Ahem... don't they have vibranium-based weapons themselves? Again, not much of a leg to stand on.

Anyway, let's see what happens next with Shuri as Black Panther, M'Baku presumable king, Namor biding his time... and a possible future king T'Challa growing up in secret. I can only hope the result will be better than this movie.

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