Review by Illest of 'Em All

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 2022

Let me start by saying this. It is clear that this film faced many challenges, including the loss of Chadwick Boseman, who brought so much depth and nuance to the role of T'challa. Despite this, the film attempted to continue the story of Wakanda and introduce new elements to the franchise, including the Atlantians. Unfortunately, the depiction of this new civilization was lackluster and lacked the unique cultural and historical elements that could have made them a compelling addition to the film. The costumes were also a disappointment, with designs that were reminiscent of low budget productions and failed to capture the vibrant and imaginative world of Wakanda.

The soundtrack throughout the movie was overpowering and detracted from the film's overall atmosphere. It seemed more suited to a trailer than to a blockbuster film, and it failed to add depth or emotional nuance to the story. The plot was unsatisfying, with a lack of coherence and focus, and the acting was subpar, with performances that felt artificial and lacked the conviction necessary to bring the story to life.

The film attempted to handle multiple themes, including the mourning of T'challa, the death of Chadwick Boseman, and the introduction of new characters, but ultimately it failed to execute any of these elements well. The mourning of T'challa seemed fake and lacked the emotional depth necessary to pay homage to the late actor and character. The death of Chadwick Boseman was handled poorly, and the introduction of new characters was boring and failed to capture the audience's imagination.

In conclusion, "Black Panther 2" is a disappointment that fails to live up to the legacy of the original film and Chadwick Boseman. Despite its best efforts, the film was overloaded with too many themes and failed to execute any of them well. The soundtrack, costumes, and acting were all subpar, and the plot was unsatisfying. For these reasons, I would not recommend this film to fans of the original or to anyone looking for a compelling and well-crafted cinematic experience.

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