Not as good as the original (which is hard to do anyway), but still very, very good. My sole complaint is that many parts of it had the same alleged problem as the last episode of Game of Thrones, i.e., too physically dark to be able to see what was happening. Beyond that the music and visuals were amazing, the pacing was excellent, and the whole thing flowed remarkably well around the absence of Chadwick Boseman (RIP). I really loved a lot of the little details with Namor, and I hope fans of Hermes in all media types were taking notes, because the ankle wings were realistic and the cool fast skating moves for him to build up speed were inspired.

Those complaining about the writing and side characters, did you watch the same movie as me? I rate movies based on how engaged I am with them (so, am I dicking around on my phone at the same time or am I just watching the movie), and apart from looking a couple of things up during, I was fully focused on the movie, despite its length. (It didn't feel like almost three hours, either.) It seems like many people went into this burnt out on Marvel, or perhaps suffering from that trendy affliction of "let's hate on Marvel because other people like it".

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