Review by SkinnyFilmBuff

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 2022

About on par with the last couple years of Marvel content, which is to say, serviceable, but unspectacular.

My biggest problem with the film were the antagonists, who were not only underdeveloped, but also a bit too goofy for my liking. I just can't take winged ankles seriously. The blue skinned Aztec people felt similarly odd, and with Avatar: The Way of Water just around the corner, a civilization of water focused blue folks doesn't even land as original. Additionally, the connection between Wakanda and this other vibranium based civilization doesn't really make sense. Why did the same flower have such dramatically different effects for the two groups and Namor himself? That question is posed by two of the characters at one point, but the movie never bothers to provide a satisfying answer. I also thought the tactics of the antagonists were questionable. Given everything we had already heard from Namor, his mid-movie attack on Wakanda felt like convenient plotting. Such a successful attack and the assassination of the queen feels like it wouldn't culminate in a simple withdrawal and ultimatum.

While the antagonists weren't my favorite, I did generally enjoy all of our heroes. Shuri's emotional arc was quite strong, and the use of Michael B. Jordan's Killmonger was an excellent way to punctuate it. That said, Marvel's reputation for avoiding darker turns deflated the arc somewhat, as I was quite confident that things wouldn't go in the more extreme direction that was hinted at (although I kind of wish they had, as the set-up was solid).

Getting into some smaller thoughts/critiques, I thought the action was a mixed bag, with some of the smaller scale fights being well choreographed and weighty, where as the bigger moments and set pieces feeling a bit too CGI-packed and cheesy (the aforementioned ankle wings definitely didn't help). Also, it may have just been my theater, but I found that certain scenes felt too dark, to the point that I was straining to make out details (e.g. during the first attack at the vibranium drill site in the ocean).

As one final positive note, the Marvel logo tribute to Chadwick Boseman was a touching gesture. His gravitas/presence was definitely missed.

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