



I still dislike the Twenty-something characters we follow around, but I love the Monster's attack even more. The panic of the characters caught in the middle of the chaos seems very real. All of the unknowns about the attacking giant make everything even more intriguing.

I'm giving it a half-star upgrade from my original rating a couple of years ago.

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The Vanishing

This Dutch film tells the story of a woman who disappears from a cafe and her lover who searches for her for the next three years.

This is a slow film without any action to speak of. I never got impatient with it because I was interested to see whether the man finds out what happened to the woman. He does.

In what has to be one of the most shocking endings I've ever seen, "The Vanishing" reveals what it's known for: a dark, merciless conclusion.

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Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2022-01-15T16:50:04Z— updated 2023-11-05T15:01:17Z

This cult favorite is a classic example of the right way to make campy horror flick. It's filled with laughable characters and funny but very creepy clowns. And speaking of those clowns...Wow! Their costumes and facial expressions are amazing. They look totally convincing, and they are all uniquely different from each other.

About the laughs in this movie, they come from two places, the stupidity of the humans and the clown gags. However, the clown gags make you laugh rather unnervingly because the clowns themselves are so eerie. They kill a variety of ways and I'm not going to spoil it because the kills themselves are so creative. The special effects here are all practical and they are impressive. Check out John Vernon as Officer Mooney and Royal Dano as Farmer Gene Green for further hilarity.

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The Others

Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2022-01-15T16:10:38Z— updated 2023-11-05T15:03:53Z

This is an outstanding and scary ghost story. No gore, no ridiculous CGI, just atmosphere, atmosphere and more atmosphere. Director Alejandro Amenabar uses light and shadow, fog and darkness, and a very creepy old mansion to keep the viewer on the edge of his seat.

One thing is certain; the mother, Grace Stewart, is nuts. Nicole Kidman looks exquisite as the protective hen, raising her children in the dim light of candles and lamplight. After the opening credits, the movie begins with a scream and the ending shocks us with a surprise.

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Pet Sematary

BUILD A DAMNED FENCE!!! Honestly, put up a fence and there would be no reason to get into that sloppy, raising the dead thing.

I've never read this Stephen King book, which from all accounts is amazingly scary. After watching this movie, I wish I had. It's not that this is bad, it's just not that special. There are some eerie moments with the little boy but unfortunately he seems to be the best actor of the bunch. Dale Midkiff as Dr. Creed and his wife, played by Denise Crosby, are horrific...and I don't mean because they are in a Horror movie. They're so bad that they're distracting, which is a problem since they are the main characters. Fred Gwynne is big and stiff, too. But he at least brings some personality to his role.

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30 Days of Night

I liked this until the last 30 minutes or so. The vampires were above average on the "scary" meter, but I think it was because they had piranha teeth and didn't speak English. Unless I missed something, nothing was revealed about where the vampires' came from or if they survived. That unknown made them more interesting.

The last act of the movie is really bloody and violent. I have never seen such a brutal decapitation before...three hacks with an axe. It was excessive and totally took me out of the story. The sunrise scene was awfully corny for a movie that just got done showing me a head hanging from the shoulders by nothing but skin. I don't think the gore loving moviegoers care much for tragically romantic sunrises.

I did like the isolation and it did feel a little "The Thing"-like on that level, which is a plus. I'll have to say I enjoyed at least the first half.

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The X-Files: 1x24 The Erlenmeyer Flask

Mulder gets clues from Deep Throat. Mulder finds adult humans in a warehouse who are being kept in glass cabinets. I suppose they are alien/human hybrids since Mr. Serace, a human/alien hybrid with green blood and super strength has already been in the episode. Scully finds an alien/human foetus. Deep Throat is shot and killed in exchange for Mulder's return by Crew Cut Man. Story ends ominously as the Cigarette Smoking Man (CSM) stores the fetus in a warehouse at the Pentagon, ala "Raiders of the Lost Ark". They could have actually ended the series here in a very unsolved and mysterious fashion.

Secondary characters in this episode: Deep Throat, Crew Cut Man

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In the Tall Grass

Shout by whitsbrain

I've read a lot of Stephen King but I don't remember this story, which would make sense because this isn't good. The field of grass is cool and the whole evil rock thing is fine. But I'm totally baffled why rock-toucher Ross (Patrick Wilson) turns into an insane killer yet the other rock-toucher, Travis (Harrison Gilbertson), helps girlfriend Becky and little boy Tobin leave the tall grass. Maybe the rock has an adverse effect on realtors but rockers aren't affected as much. Eh...whatever.

The time line confused me and try as I might, I could not figure out when Becky, Cal, Ross, Tobin, or Travis were coming or going. I thought about that time line for a good while but to this point, I have no idea who arrived before who, who showed up after who. Eh...whatever. There was also something significant about the church, I suppose. I just haven't the slightest idea what it might have been. I'm going to just go ahead and assume that I wasn't paying attention and not blame Netflix for creating another crappy movie.

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The Terror: 2x02 All the Demons Are Still in Hell

In this episode, the emphasis is on establishing the real-life struggles of the main characters.

I am not enjoying this Season Two story line as much as the first, but maybe my patience will pay off. I do really like the characters (Chester, Luz, Henry, etc.). They are worth sticking with, I just hope the "terror" they experience is not just those of the internment camps. That's an interesting thing to explore, as was the stranded crew of the HMS Terror last season, but the paranormal terror is this series's selling point.

By the way, this new-story-per-season Anthology format is a great thing. I have gotten so tired of never-ending story arcs of so many other series.

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The Terror: Season 1

Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2019-05-24T01:11:04Z— updated 2021-06-08T03:53:34Z

This was a great season. It was wonderfully shot. The characters were believable and the cast was terrific. I liked that it was based on a real event. It was a great looking period piece. The music was sparse and unsettling. Crozier and Fitzjames were great characters, as were Goodsir and Blanky.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x04 The Outside

I really liked Stacey and Keith as what appeared to be a happy couple living an unorthodox but contented life. Later, one of the characters disappointed me. Dan Stevens is eerily funny as the "Alo Glo Man". And that closing minute when Stacey stares into the camera, continually breaking the fourth wall, was inspired and unnerving.

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James Bond Complete - Movie #3

After watching this again, I still think it's easily the best of the first three 007 entries. It's got the best bad guy, the best henchman, the best evil plot, the most action. The set design by Ken Adam rivals that of "Dr. No". Goldfinger's office unfolds into a huge playset that he can use to demo Operation Grand Slam with other mobsters.

I've been paying attention to the opening credits for each film. This one's opening, accompanied by the theme song, is truly iconic. The tune will never be my favorite, though. I can't handle Shirley Bassey's wailing.

The Aston Martin makes its first appearance and it has to be the pinnacle of gadget-laden cars in movie history.

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Yep. This is a lot like "Alien". I'll get that out of the way because that's what nearly everyone says about this movie. It's an easy comparison.

This is a solid, great looking space Horror. It's got star power and some terrific CGI. Actually, it could've used a little less of that star power. I never believed that Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal and Rebecca Ferguson were anything other than famous actors playing their parts. They never felt like actual astronauts. The alien itself was never really that scary. Because of the way it evolved, its capabilities were always new and this offered no opportunity for safety to the crew. It made for much less tension than it should have because the rules were always new. Make them up as you go never cuts it with me.

I need to make certain that I call out how much I loved the ending. I only watched this movie once, and thinking back, I don't think the director or writers cheated with the conclusion. Personally, it was really ominous and fun to imagine what may have happened next.

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I just finished watching this about 10 minutes ago and thought I'd try writing down a few things while still fresh in my mind (for once). This is more of a Drama than Science Fiction or Horror. It's actually more of a love story than anything else and for as seldom as I watch them, I'd prefer that more be like this.

I kind of spoiled it for myself beforehand because I didn't want to believe a lot of the hype. The last thing I wanted to do was watch an overly pretentious, arty film, so I dug into the premise a bit more and in hindsight, I wished I hadn't. There are certainly some surprises here and while they aren't the greatest twists in movie history, I'd have rather gone in without knowing anything.

I thought the two main characters were charming and I liked the dialogue for the most part, but at times it got to be a bit much. Definitely worth watching and I can't believe most people wouldn't like this even if it isn't easy to place in a genre.

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What We Do in the Shadows

I don't think I'm taking it too far by stating that this does for Vampires what "This Is Spinal Tap" did for Heavy Metal bands. It's tough for vampires that are hundreds of years old to live with the drudgery and law enforcement of current times, but somehow this quintet of blood suckers manages. Whether it be by personal slave or a software analyst named Stu, the vampire flatmates keep themselves alive even though they are helpless at nightclubs and on the Internet.

This is a very clever movie, shot documentary-style. There is some gushing blood that is used as a humorous gag a couple of times, but for a movie about vampires, it's surprisingly tame.

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Jeepers Creepers

I've watched this several times over the years and its stock keeps dropping with me. I initially appreciated its strangeness and better moments, which occur early when the "creeper" is first seen dumping body bags. Once we see more of it, and of Justin Long standing wide-eyed with his mouth gaping, the movie really loses a lot. "Jeepers Creepers" devolves into a shoot-em-up in a police station, ala "Terminator" without the suspense or menace. I don't know what the beast actually is and I could read into it metaphorically, but it's not a movie I care to think about any more than "creepy thing that smells laundry stalks two college kids".

The ending is definitely not a happy one and is actually a bit of a shock.

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Mission: Impossible II

I'm not going to spend much time writing what I thought about "Mission: Impossible II. I've seen a lot of movies lately and I'm a completist driven to writing at least something about every movie I see. This movie is not worth spending a lot of time on.

I've not seen many other John Woo-directed films, but if "M:I II" is typical of his output, count me out. The action is way over-the-top and these scenes go on forever. Ethan Hunt is basically a superhero here and this is all about the star power of Tom Cruise. The villain is entirely forgettable and the action scenes are not exciting. I don't remember anything about the plot, which means it was weak, too.

This is one of the most disappointing sequels I can ever recall seeing.

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Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2022-01-15T17:13:54Z— updated 2024-03-24T13:58:45Z

Warwick Davis and Jennifer Aniston are really pretty good in their roles and seem to know the movie itself is ridiculous. This isn't scary or gory or even the slightest bit suspenseful. It's not good, either. But it's funny and entertaining.

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Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Entertainingly odd and wildly weird is the way that I'd describe this movie. From Charlie's bed-ridden grandparents to the indescribable boat ride to the Oompa Loompas, it's a bizarre but fun film.

Gene Wilder's Wonka disposes of the children who break the rules and only little Charlie Bucket proves worthy of Wonka's reward. Everything is bright and wonderful here for the most part, a land of candy that is still amazing to watch today. Wilder is perfect in every single frame, teetering from nurturer to psychopath between breaths. The monologue he gives on the boat ride is a thing of nightmares and I really like the scene near the end where Wonka loses it in his office with Grandpa Joe. "Good day Sir!!" indeed.

The way that animation is thrown into the mix during the Oompa Loompa songs is delightfully twisted. Moments like these really add to the strange creep factor in an otherwise happy film. This version of Roald Dahl's children's book remains superior over the "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" remake.

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Village of the Damned

This movie is utterly ridiculous. I don't even care how good the special effects were or how many of them there were. Actually, it's all CGI so its nothing you haven't seen in every action/adventure movie released in the last five to ten years.

The level to which the main characters escaped the annihilation of the Earth was nothing short of…I can't even think of a word that can explain...the astronomical number of miracles, the sheer volumes of coincidence, the multitudes of dumb luck, that the characters experience.

Everything is so cornball. The characters have no depth. I predicted each and every single thing that was going to happen in the movie. Every single frame has been seen and done better elsewhere. Nothing is original. It's clichéd, it's tired, and it's predictable. Do you want to know what good came out of the end of civilization at the end of this movie? The main character's daughter conquered her fears and no longer wets the bed. The world dies but thankfully a seven year old no longer needs to wear pull-ups. Isn't that wonderful?

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There Will Be Blood
Mission: Impossible III

Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2022-01-15T16:50:33Z— updated 2022-06-05T00:32:55Z

This J.J. Abrams directed Mission Impossible entry is the best one of the first three. It watches less like a star vehicle for Tom Cruise and more like a team mission with other characters contributing. Oh sure, Cruise's character Ethan Hunt does a lot of things on his own, but he'd be screwed without his band of spies, primarily Luther played by Ving Rhames. Not all of his cohorts were killed during the mission so there was no predicting who would be dead meat before the movie ended. There are a number of thrilling action sequences and a couple of surprising twists which you'd expect from Abrams, the creator of the "Lost" TV series.

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From Dusk Till Dawn

This is what amounts to a high-profile grindhouse flick or B-movie. Much has been made of this taking a left turn half way through to the point of it becoming two different movies. The cast of stars seem to be having an awfully good time.

I like the ending quite a bit and it's funny that George Clooney never became an action hero because he played an awfully good one here. It's a movie full of gore and copious violence but it's done for laughs which is the key to its success.

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Fire in the Sky

The reputation of this movie has been built on the final 20 minutes: a truly frightening alien experimentation scene. However there is a good story here and some pretty sharp dialogue and characterizations. The mountain setting and the small town feel really saturates the film. You don't have to be a UFO believer to appreciate "Fire In The Sky".

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Dog Soldiers

I had a lot of fun with "Dog Soldiers". It's action-packed from start to finish with great British dialogue and quips. It's got a very likable hero. Actually there are multiple heroes and they all have their own great moments. It's bloody, even gory, and it tells a really good werewolf origin story.

The werewolf transformation scenes are mostly hidden from the viewer, no doubt because they couldn't recreate them or the budget wouldn't allow it. The werewolves are a bit rubbery looking and they aren't shown in extended shots but they are edited into the movie really well and are intimidating and relentless.

The action starts right away and does not let up. The sense of isolation is overwhelming at times. I saw a critic describe this as the "British werewolf equivalent of "Aliens"" and that is a pretty on-the-nose description.

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