Shout by whitsbrain

2012 2009

This movie is utterly ridiculous. I don't even care how good the special effects were or how many of them there were. Actually, it's all CGI so its nothing you haven't seen in every action/adventure movie released in the last five to ten years.

The level to which the main characters escaped the annihilation of the Earth was nothing short of…I can't even think of a word that can explain...the astronomical number of miracles, the sheer volumes of coincidence, the multitudes of dumb luck, that the characters experience.

Everything is so cornball. The characters have no depth. I predicted each and every single thing that was going to happen in the movie. Every single frame has been seen and done better elsewhere. Nothing is original. It's clichéd, it's tired, and it's predictable. Do you want to know what good came out of the end of civilization at the end of this movie? The main character's daughter conquered her fears and no longer wets the bed. The world dies but thankfully a seven year old no longer needs to wear pull-ups. Isn't that wonderful?

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