


The Book of Eli

As end-of-the-world tales go, this is one worth watching. Denzel Washington's character is lethal and mysterious and his mission is as noble as they come. You understand right from the beginning that he's required to save the world. You can compare him to Mad Max in the "Road Warrior", but he's not in it for himself.

It's great to see Jennifer Beals in something successful besides "Flashdance" and Gary Oldman is the best in the business. He's great in everything he appears in. There is a lot of violence here and some better than average fight scenes. The film's look is impressive with it's exceedingly grainy visuals and gray, dingy palette. A big deal was made out of the "twist" and the ending of "The Book of Eli". Many felt a line was crossed regarding the Christian themes explored. I found it refreshing because mainstream movies don't have the guts or desire to be anything but secular.

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Man on Wire

The fact that Philippe Petit actually walked on a wire for an hour, 1350 feet above the ground is unfathomable enough, but how they had to engineer the tightrope system, get all the materials on site, and rig everything up without detection made it all the more mind-boggling.

Myself being someone who isn't fond of heights, it is inconceivable that any human being would be able to do what Petit did. An amazing and insane accomplishment, for certain.

On the other hand, there was plenty to be creeped out by. Petit had his friends wrapped around his little finger. Everything was geared to his success in fulfilling his dream. It reminded me of the hangers-on that Billy Mitchell used in the documentary "King Of Kong".

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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

This is the unfairly overlooked entry in the Indiana Jones trilogy. No, it's not "Raiders of the Lost Ark", but what the Hell is?!? "Temple of Doom" is about as exciting and well-executed an action flick as you will ever see.

People complain that's it's too violent with its heart-extracting and monkey brain eating excesses, but it goes a thousand miles an hour and THAT is what you buy the action movie ticket for. The realism of jumping out of a plane in an inflatable raft and the roller coaster ore cart ride not withstanding, you won't find a more breath taking ninety minutes of movie watching.

And Willie and Short Round aren't really that bad...

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The Shining

Its been said many times before but its worth repeating; Kubrick created some of the most exciting visuals in movie history. This film is filled with interesting camera movements and angled shots, even when the set is practically claustrophobic. Like the scenes in the bedroom and the pantry. The way the camera follows little Danny around; we are allowed to discover the same horrors as him simultaneously.

"The Shining" is practically the opposite on a scale perspective than "2001". It's small in comparison to the grand "2001". Shelley Duvall as Wendy and Jack Nicholson playing Jack don't appear to be a close couple, and its clear that Wendy has had to deal with an abusive Jack quite often during their marriage.

Even though the acting is great, the shocking imagery is the real star. There is a moment in the movie when Wendy happens upon a ghostly image of a man with another person dressed in a weird dog suit sitting on the edge of a bed. The book makes sense of this shot but in the movie its ambiguous and adds a very creepy moment to an already creepy film.

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Don't Look Now
Black Mountain Side

This is atmospheric because of the isolated location and the cosmic elements within the film. The violence is visceral and personal and the fact that there's no way to escape adds to the tension.

There are a couple of conclusions reached by the doctor of the camp that are never followed up on. If you prefer your story points and conclusions all buttoned up, this isn't for you.

There was one point in the movie where a character hears a voice prompting him to "look" out his window, then to "look closer". It's a rare moment when a film actually gives me the creeps these days and for a few seconds, when the character obliges the voice, this one did. After this scene, I liked the surreal, cosmic elements but most events going on within the camp made little sense.

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Tales from the Loop: 1x03 Stasis

Not a big fan of this and the weakest of the episodes so far. It was basically a retelling of the Twilight Zone's "A Kind of Stopwatch" with some dysfunctional relationships tossed in.

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Tales from the Loop: 1x01 Loop

Loved the pace and the music. This episode was strange but only because you just don't see this kind of Science Fiction any more. Quiet, patient and full of wonder. The cinematography is first rate, also. I really liked the odd things placed around the town, in the woods and out in open fields. The robot that is just kind of walking around was very weird, especially because the humans had no concern that it was there.

This first episode had a nice story that ended up being rather sweet. There seems like there will be a variety of stories told with the "Loop" being the common link between them.

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Watchmen: 1x02 Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship

This isn't good. It's just using the Watchmen property. Jeremy Irons isn't enough, even though I will miss Tim Blake Nelson. And Don Johnson flashbacks aren't enough. The plot strays way too far from the original dystopian story line, and no amount of baby squid showers are going to remedy that. It was cool to see Hooded Justice in action, but the occasional tip-of-the-hat to the original comic feels manipulative.

If I hear that characters like Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandias provide more of a connection to the novel, I might revisit this. But for now, I'm done with it.

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Avengers: Endgame

The shocking and dour ending of the far superior "Infinity War" gives way to fan service and the tired (and inescapable) time travel trope present in "Endgame". This was predictable. The upsetting and untimely ends that many met in the previous movie were tied up neatly for all that needed to leave the theater in a shiny, happy mood this time around. And worst of all, the amazing Thanos was neutered to near Ronan levels (sans dance off). Oh, and Thor is scuttled, Hulk is de-nutted, and Captain Marvel is just too distracted to save the Earth on her own, which she could do if she weren't so gosh darned busy. Honest, she could do it all by herself. Really.

Most of the love showered on "Endgame" comes courtesy of the filmmakers pulling the tears out of the audience in the far too frequent dramatic character moments built upon the foundation of the last 11 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It all felt very manipulative. Ultimately, the past MCU films benefit the success of "Endgame" more than it deserves.

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The Terror: 1x10 We Are Gone

I wonder if Crozier stayed with the Intuit people because of loyalty and guilt of losing his crew or if he was eluding the possibility of some kind of criminal charges once he returned home? Mr. Hickey ended up being so gloves-off nuts that his impact and death in the final episode was tempered. The tuunbaq was an original monster with a very strange appearance. Its semi-human facial features were actually off-putting. I wonder if the tuunbaq was weakened by Mr. Blanky's vest of forks? Dr. Goodsir's suicide/self-sacrifice was brutal in the extreme.

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Fringe: 1x14 Ability

Another of the early series's classics. This does plenty to move the story arc along and there's more of Jared Harris (as Mr. Jones).

Mr. Jones makes Olivia pass a test to diffuse a bomb that will seal peoples' orifices (you read that right!) if it explodes. Walter's typewriter suggests that he wrote the ZFT book.

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The X-Files: 3x06 2Shy

Pretty gross story about a guy who dates heavier women and then eats them by excreting a substance on them. Scully is tough as nails in this and you can see her character become an equal to Mulder. She really takes charge.

Secondary characters in this episode: None

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Fringe: 1x01 Pilot

Great opening teaser. Really terrific way to kick off the series. I'm a sucker for crazy science and conspiracy stuff, so my objectivity is clouded right from the start.

Passengers on plane are dissolved. Agent Scott translucent.

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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters: 1x04 Parallels and Interiors

I've got to stick with this because of my love of the history of Godzilla in the movies and my appreciation for the beast's rediscovery in modern cinema and TV. But honestly, the pouting Randas and May the queen of snark are so, so pathetic...it's hard to keep watching. And as impossible as it is for me to admit, I don't think even Kurt Russell can save this mess.

I will admit to fast-forwarding through the Kentaro and May hookup flashbacks. I could not care less about them.

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Godzilla Minus One

Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2023-12-06T00:35:17Z— updated 2024-01-22T13:31:06Z

This is one of the very best Godzilla movies ever made. There's a really good human story and every moment that Godzilla is on-screen is great. The post-WWII setting absolutely adds to the desperation of the main characters and the dread of having to once again survive an attacking force, this time in the form of a beast that isn't protecting the Earth or any such nonsense. Godzilla is a force of nature (or science) that doesn't care about anything or anyone.

The only drawbacks of this movie are an irritatingly manipulative moment (tugboats) and a couple of unbelievably coincidental reunions.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x01 Lot 36

I enjoyed the performances of the entire cast, especially Tim Blake Nelson, who's gold in everything. The Rod Serling-like intro by Del Toro is fun. The story itself is a take on one of those dull reality shows where people get put into situations where they just argue with each other. Thankfully, that whole storage wars aspect is over in mere moments. Nelson as bitter curmudgeon, having to work with two strange eccentric people is satisfying. It would be great if the monster aspect of this first episode carries over into the rest of the episodes.

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This was quite an experience. There aren't many occasions when a film keeps me off-balance like this one did. I was never really sure where the story was going. The two lead characters are overwhelmingly creepy, or more accurately, gross. Sean Harris is especially amazing as a dysfunctional man (Philip) who was once a puppeteer who entertained children. Umm...hopefully not with the spider puppet he carries around all the time. Parents...avoid puppet shows!

This film has a practically apocalyptical look, with everything appearing dirty, dilapidated and broken. There are times when the spider puppet haunts Philip that are as frightening as anything I can remember watching over the last few years. The only negatives were a few jump scares that were totally unnecessary, especially as Possum scares most when at its deliberate pace.

This will be a tough watch for most movie goers as there's no one to cheer for and there's not a laugh in site. This is a dark, dank psychological Horror film focused on the fallout and destruction of lives due to child abuse. It's ugly and almost otherworldly, but I couldn't look away.

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The X-Files: 9x02 Nothing Important Happened Today II (2)
Predator 2

The mood that is set by the opening scene is incredible. It's shot in the pouring rain with a few of the main characters taking shelter in the rubble of the Rashomon city gate. The characters retell the story of a murder that they all witnessed to some extent and they each have a different version of what happened. This plot is interesting but now, seventy years later, just isn't as impactful as it likely was back then. However, it's still intriguing and keeps you guessing.

The most interesting thing about the film for me was the mood and how artistic all of the directorial choices were. It's black and white, but there's so much depth and contrast. It looks amazing.

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I've seen this so many times and I never tire of it. Carpenter and Cundey shot an amazing looking film. They were so patient in setting everything up and not afraid that their audience would lose interest. Love the tributes to Howard Hawks's "The Thing" and to "Forbidden Planet".

Horror movies WERE better back then.

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Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers
As Above, So Below

For a found footage movie that wants you to believe that fashion models like to explore underground catacombs, this was pretty good.

The gates of Hell concept was eerie and there was some chilling moments with things walking around in the tunnels, although it probably happened more times than it needed to. There weren't that many jump scares, seven according to wheresthejump.com (2 major, 5 minor and it's funny there's a website that actually counts them and tells you when they occur).

This isn't too gory, but if you're squeamish it will bother you. The actors weren't as annoying as most twenty-somethings are in the Movies, and the main character (Scarlett) was actually easy to pull for.

There were a few times that the camera was placed in impossible locations to capture what it did, but it wasn't egregious. I was surprised by the way this concluded because it wasn't the usual modern Horror movie ending.

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Pacific Rim: Uprising
The Empire Strikes Back
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

I haven't seen many films with this much visual imagination on display. The detail of the worlds is amazing. The story wasn't great, in fact, I can barely remember it. Valerian and Laureline weren't as bad as rumored. They seemed a little young, maybe. Pretty, but pretty forgettable, too.

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