


Chernobyl: 1x02 Please Remain Calm

The newly introduced character of Ulana Khomyuk is an amalgamation of several actual characters who worked with Legasov to prevent the second explosion. Even though she is fictional, she provides invaluable insight into the even greater danger of a potential second explosion. The possibility of that second explosion is fact. It would have happened if not for the bravery of the three men who volunteered to drain the water tanks.

The conflict between Legasov and Shcherbina was remarkable. This series continues to amaze with its recreation of the event, but adds just the right amount of dramatization without being offensive to those of us who find the facts as, if not more important, than just being entertained.

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Chernobyl: 1x04 The Happiness of All Mankind

I'm running out of superlatives for this show. I continue to marvel at the historical accuracy of the events. I was waiting to see if they would recreate one of the most amazing facts about the accident...the clearing of the roof by the "biorobots". 90 seconds. 90 seconds on the roof to receive a lifetime dose of radiation. And going out on that roof wasn't voluntary. Nice government. Also, the scenes of young Pavel being forced to liquidate starving, deserted family pets was one of the saddest things I've ever watched.

The opening scene features an old woman milking a cow while being told by a soldier to leave her farm for her own safety. She tells him she's not leaving and recalls the history of her life under the iron boot of the communist system. The mention of the horrific Holodomor was shocking to me. It seems that kind of reflection on past evils (other than Hitler's Nazis) is never mentioned.

This series has pulled absolutely no punches showing the oppression and brutality of the Soviet government. I hope that support for such a system, no matter how well intended, never sees the light of day again.

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Chernobyl: 1x01 1:23:45

The Chernobyl disaster is something that has always been of interest to me. Even though this is a dramatization not a documentary, it seems to be striving for accuracy and realism in its depiction of the event. I watch a lot of Horror and I'm probably desensitized by that frequency. But this episode had my heart thumping as the plant workers and firefighters fought the disastrous explosion. It's scarier than any Horror film that I've seen in a long time.

This episode did a great job of recreating '80s Soviet Union Pripyat. The architecture and styles looked accurate. The most stunning recreation was the stifling bureaucracy and buck-passing that was no doubt present in the Soviet socialist state. So many layers of supervision. So many organizations and titles. This episode appears to accurately portray the dismal, incentive-sucking grind that citizens of a communist society experienced.

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I can't think of any TV series that has ever impacted me like this one. I was quite familiar with the true story of the Chernobyl disaster, but the way that this dramatized the event and retained historical accuracy was amazing.

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Chernobyl: 1x05 Vichnaya Pamyat

This final episode wrapped up the story of the nuclear disaster appropriately. A great conclusion to a great series.

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The Shawshank Redemption

I don't want to like this as much as I do. I don't want it to be the Top Ranked movie on IMDB. It's too mainstream, too Forrest Gump-y for that. But deep down, I know I love it. It's not my favorite movie but it's so enjoyable and so positively warm and fuzzy that by the end, I have to rate it really high. It also has some twists that I enjoyed the first time and like looking for whenever I happen to see it.

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Fringe: 1x01 Pilot

Great opening teaser. Really terrific way to kick off the series. I'm a sucker for crazy science and conspiracy stuff, so my objectivity is clouded right from the start.

Passengers on plane are dissolved. Agent Scott translucent.

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I've seen this so many times and I never tire of it. Carpenter and Cundey shot an amazing looking film. They were so patient in setting everything up and not afraid that their audience would lose interest. Love the tributes to Howard Hawks's "The Thing" and to "Forbidden Planet".

Horror movies WERE better back then.

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The Empire Strikes Back
The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!

"The Naked Gun" is one of my favorite comedies. The slapstick, the setup to the joke, the payoff...just great. I loved the original "Police Squad!" TV series. It only lasted 6 episodes back in 1982, but it was a lot of fun.

This movie features some great character actors. There's Leslie Nielsen, George Kennedy, and Ricardo Montalbon (Priscilla Presley not so much). It makes no sense to try and explain the story. Everything is wordplay, gags, and visual absurdities. Nielsen should be considered one of Hollywood's finest comedic actors. High praise, I know, but he's one of my all-timers.

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The General

I never thought a 90-year old movie could entertain me like "The General" did. I feel sorry for anyone that won't be open to films that are A) old or B) Black and White.

This film is hilarious and astounding. Buster Keaton's humor is so subtle. You must keep your eyes on him because you'll be rewarded with laughter if you do. He is also an incredible athlete. The stunts he does, and he did all his own stunts, are effortless and graceful. There are no special effects. Everything he does is real. But don't you dare say that the effects aren't special.

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I will not be able to bring anything to "Psycho" that hasn't already been said. It is one of the greatest Horror films...no check that...one of the greatest films of any genre ever made. It paved the way for the modern-day slasher flick and it contained a couple of the greatest plot twists ever.

It looks wonderful on Blu-Ray. And by the way, people who haven't experienced old Black & White films restored to Blu-Ray have no idea what they're missing.

This is simply one of the greatest movies made by perhaps the greatest director of all time.

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The Andromeda Strain

Warning: This is a slow burn. There's no real character development so if you want a soap opera with people fighting with each other about past misadventures or love triangles, this isn't for you. It's a film about something that kills most of the members of a small town and the pursuit of what that thing is. There's not a lot of action but the urgency is found in the struggle to find a "cure" that will fend off the potential devastation of life on Earth.

There's lots of early '70s tech and half a century-old hard science. If that's of no interest to you, don't watch this. It's certainly not without its flaws, but the fine performances and great early '70s special effects and attractive sets make this a well spent two hours. The strange electronic score by Gil Melle is incredibly original.

This is based on a book written by Michael Crichton (writer of Jurassic Park) and is directed by Robert Wise (The Haunting, Star Trek: The Motion Picture).

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Castle Rock: 2x05 The Laughing Place

Wow! This was an amazing episode! Basically, it's the "origin" story of Annie.

If you saw the reveal of Pop's secret being made known to Nadia coming from a mile away in the previous episode, don't worry, because "The Laughing Place" will make up for it. It will surprise, delight, and shock you. And it will do so more than once. One of the best episodes of television I can recall seeing in recent memory.

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Star Trek: 1x14 Balance of Terror

This is a great episode! The story takes place almost entirely on the bridge of the Enterprise, with Kirk matching wits with a Romulan commander. I really like how Kirk uses input from his crew to make decisions and plan their strategy. Captain Kirk would be a good boss to have. I was surprised to see Spock make a blunder.

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Star Trek: 2x06 The Doomsday Machine
The Outer Limits
Mission: Impossible - Fallout

It seems impossible, but this was even better the second time.

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Mission: Impossible - Fallout

I've been reading a lot lately, mostly because I'm just not getting as much from watching movies as I used to. Everything is a Marvel laugh-fest or another Star Wars "epic". It's all quips and quotes and there's just not a real sense of danger in most of Hollywood's rehashes, re-tellings and remakes.

Then along comes "...Fallout", restoring my faith in the movies. There's tons of action, amazing stunts, and great characters who work together to succeed.

Tom Cruise is truly insane and Rebecca Ferguson is as good a female action star as there is today. The villain is a strong malevolent force (Sean Harris).

"Mission: Impossible - Fallout" has saved the summer for me.

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The Howling

This is still my favorite werewolf film. It's a little goofy at times. The tone changes often. But man! Those Rob Bottin special effects...I love the "bubbly" skin and the way the nose stretches. Looks painful!

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Other than the fact that I am a completist, I can think of no real reason to post a review of "Jaws". Everyone knows about it. It's a part of our culture. Heck, this whole "Shark Week" craze that happens every summer is a direct result of its continuing popularity. This film set the table for all summer blockbusters to come. It set up Steven Spielberg for greatness.

When I rank my favorite films, this one is on the list. I don't know if it's in my Top 10, but only because I have seen it so often that I think I take it for granted. Maybe I ought to base my personal Top 10 on the number of re-watches. If that were my method of measurement, "Jaws" might be my favorite movie ever.

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2001: A Space Odyssey

"2001" is probably the most visually stunning science fiction movie ever made. In fact it is one of the most influential movies of all time. I appreciate the respect Kubrick has for his audience. "2001" requires an attention span and for it you are rewarded with an experience that really pulls you in. The use of music throughout this film is as important to the success of it as the dialogue is. The special effects do not look dated and appear as though they could have been created today. This is a very special movie.

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Star Wars

"Star Wars: A New Hope" is probably the single most fan-obsessed movie ever. It has no equal as far as being a part of our culture. I'm not a Star Wars nut but I am a fan. I just rewatched the theatrical version which I hadn't seen in probably 15 years. The thing that jumped out at me the most is the performance of Harrison Ford. His Han Solo has got to be one of the coolest characters in a movie ever. Alec Guinness and Peter Cushing really stood out to me this time as well. It's funny how the special effects of the original theatrical version are showing their age. They are a little rough in spots and maybe even a little crude at times but I love the practical effects. The pace of this movie is perfect and the simple relationships that the characters build along with the sometimes corny dialogue really do nothing but make the film more special. Even some 30 years from it original release it is a remarkably lovable film.

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King Kong
The Howling

This is the original Japanese version of the movie and it is surely not your kid's Godzilla. No dubbed in English, just subtitles. It's amazing how un-silly it is. The people that made this movie were scared to death of the atomic future. In this film, Gojira is the embodiment of death, a representation of past atomic horrors and future uncertainties.

This is the only entry in the Godzilla series that has a poignant enough story to make you forget about the man inside the rubber suit.

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