



I can't think of any TV series that has ever impacted me like this one. I was quite familiar with the true story of the Chernobyl disaster, but the way that this dramatized the event and retained historical accuracy was amazing.

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This turned out to be a nothing special story about one woman's grief and her subsequent torture of innocent bystanders. It's pretty dark if you think about it a little and that's fine, except it's another Marvel tease that never pays off.

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The Outer Limits
Night Gallery

This show is very funny! The contests are absolutely insane and makes me wonder what the actual Takeshi's Castle series was like. But what MXC does with its dubbed audio and hilarious play-by-play commentary from Vic Romano and Kenny Blankenship makes me laugh out loud during every episode.

Word of warning to those who are more current with their sensitivities, this show will offend. It was made 15-20 years ago, and times have changed.

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Salem's Lot
The X-Files

It's taken me years to watch this entire series from start to finish. Watching the first five seasons of the show as it originally aired was one of the best television experiences I can recall. The continuing storyline (the "mythology") held my interest back then, but after the film "Fight the Future", I never continued watching.

I purchased the entire series on Blu-ray a few years ago and have finally made my way through it all. The mythology half of the series finished as a complete mess, and it's really too bad because this show's fun, anthology, "monster-of-the-week" episodes are what made the series great.

I'm giving this a "10" despite the sloppiness of the mythology. There are many episodes of "The X-Files" that are truly great and are among the finest episodes of TV ever. Its influence is unquestionable. I'll probably never re-watch the entire series again, but will definitely revisit many of the episodes that made the series great.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities

I'm never going to be completely fair when it comes to anthology series because I absolutely love them. It's the whole you-never-know-what-you're-going to get aspect of them. Unfortunately, there were no episodes here that blew me away, "Graveyard Rats" and "The Outside" being my favorites of the lot. But the variety of the stories, the visions of the directors, the opportunity to see different actors, it's what make anthology series so special. I don't have to invest myself in a continuous storyline and the same characters week in and week out.

I also thought the introductions by Del Toro were wonderful. I pretty much love that guy for keeping the monster kid in me alive.

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Star Trek: The Animated Series

Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2022-06-02T01:31:05Z— updated 2022-06-05T13:36:32Z

Overall, I enjoyed this series. James Coburn's voice was great. I liked the opening of the show enough, and Coburn seemed kind of insane a lot of the time when introducing episodes ala Rod Serling. There were twist endings, which is normally the case with these sorts of Anthology series. I didn't score any episode higher than an '8', but scored nothing lower than a '3' rating, either.

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Very different show about multiple dimensions and time "warping", I guess. It was kind of an audio anthology series or at least that's what I thought until the individual stories came together in the final episode. It had a decent ending.

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Neo Ultra Q

Overall I liked this show. It looked great and the main characters were all appealing. Some of the stories had very strange endings or really no endings at all. It's certainly a different series, and I appreciate that.

My favorite episodes are "Pandora's Cave", "The Extremely Smelly Island", and "The Tokyo Protocol".

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Kolchak: The Night Stalker

This show scared the crap out of me as a wee 9-year old, but did no such thing as I watched it now as an aging adult. However, I still love this series for its characters, situations and imagination. The nostalgic charge that this series had given me still remains, even though it is not the fright-filled wonder it was in my youth. I can definitely see how this series planted a seed in the mind of X-Files creator Chris Carter. It is truly a wild ride, with it's B-movie horror and almost comic book delivery. Their cheap production values and formulaic structure kind of wore on me by the end, but again I still love them for their imagination and their goofy charms.

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Police Squad!

Love this show! Slapstick humor and the inspiration for the Naked Gun movie series. Leslie Nielsen and Alan North are hilarious!

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Greatest Events of World War II In Colour

I watched this 3 or 4 episodes at a time but just rating the series overall. A couple of years ago, I became interested in World War I and was struck by the influence of patriotism and culture and how a person could be swept up in it so totally that they would walk into certain death. While that condition also seems to exist in WWII, I hadn't realized fully the brutality and cruelty that occurred (outside of the victims of the Holocaust). The attacks on civilians in WWII was atrocious.

History should be studied from multiple points of view and learned from. There seems to be a desire by far too many people to want to erase record of the past. But then how do you learn from your mistakes? (and to be fair, your successes).

Regarding this series, I'm sure there isn't a lot of new footage contained within. The addition of color certainly adds impact although I can't believe that someone who is interested in history would disregard footage because it's black and white. This series contains incredibly graphic footage, especially in the later episodes, that will certainly disgust and repulse many viewers.

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Jonny Quest

This is comic book quality animation from a time when not everyone watching Saturday morning cartoons needed to be coddled in bubble wrap. There's high adventure here. Monsters, evil scientists, gun-toting thugs...the works. Jonny and Hadji are in constant danger. Race Bannon is a total badass and Dr. Quest is the smartest scientist on the planet. Gadgets, lasers, hovercraft. It's all here.

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Ultra Q

These episodes are being compared to each other when rated. The rating reflects my enjoyment of one episode compared to the others. So, if I rate an episode of Ultra Q as an "8", it's not the same as if I gave an "8" to an episode of the original Twilight Zone or the Outer Limits, since I consider those shows to be superior to Ultra Q.

I'm glad I finished watching this series. I think it has moments but my unfamiliarity with Japanese culture and short run times made this a tough series to get through.

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