Shout by whitsbrain

Life 2017

Yep. This is a lot like "Alien". I'll get that out of the way because that's what nearly everyone says about this movie. It's an easy comparison.

This is a solid, great looking space Horror. It's got star power and some terrific CGI. Actually, it could've used a little less of that star power. I never believed that Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal and Rebecca Ferguson were anything other than famous actors playing their parts. They never felt like actual astronauts. The alien itself was never really that scary. Because of the way it evolved, its capabilities were always new and this offered no opportunity for safety to the crew. It made for much less tension than it should have because the rules were always new. Make them up as you go never cuts it with me.

I need to make certain that I call out how much I loved the ending. I only watched this movie once, and thinking back, I don't think the director or writers cheated with the conclusion. Personally, it was really ominous and fun to imagine what may have happened next.

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