Ninja Poon


Omicron Persei 8

Furious 7

Can't make me push play... You're not getting me again Hollywood!!!... I'd rather watch Dukes of Hazzard reruns all day and see cooler Mopars and Daisy's dukes...than push play on this 15 year old prepubescent bonerfest

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The Bye Bye Man

Bye bye from my watchlist man

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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Madmartigan! Madmartigan!!!...fetch the stick Willow!!!

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Jurassic World

Shout by Ninja Poon
BlockedParent2017-04-05T06:51:02Z— updated 2018-02-13T15:41:07Z

Good up till Starlord rides bikes with Velocidoodles.. fetch boy! Get em! Speak!!! ppphhhffrrrrttt

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Hidden Figures

Dances with Astronauts saves the day.... The real story of these amazing women was far more interesting to read about than this version which had you wondering which parts actually happened and which parts were added in so Sunkmanitu Tanka Owaci could sleep better at night

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Kong: Skull Island

Ooo ooo ahh ahh ahem! I mean... Don't leave until the credits are over, the whole theatre missed a great end credits scene haha dummies

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Professor X puts on lipstick and a dress after hotboxing Cerebro with Scott Summers

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"buncha slack jawwed faggots!..this stuff'll make you a goddamn sexual ty-rannasaurus...just like mmee"

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Predator 2

So much blind hatred over the years for this flick. I have loved this sequel since the first time I watched it. Awesome cast..come on mannn Bill Paxton?? Whaaat???? From Terminator, Aliens, and now a Predator flick? Badass...r.i.p. brother...Maria Conchita ayayayaya sexy and tough and crazy Gary Busey who was in Lethal Weapon with Danny Glover...and then we get not just one Predator but an entire Lost tribe of them and Kevin Peter hall reprising his role from the 1st one...yeah sounds terrible so far...but wait!!! There's more!!! Tell em what they've won Bob!..then theres the awesome xenomorphic Easter egg at the end...Predator 2 has its flaws but its a more than worthy sequel and a better pass time than 90% of sci-fi flicks that drop these days..."you never see the eyes of the demon..till he comes a callin"

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Why Him?

James Franco stars in this autobiographical film about Felix Kjellberg's life

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Keeping Up with the Joneses

Shoulda been called Keeping up with the crusty old dudes with hot wives

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Resident Evil: The Final Chapter

Meh last one shoulda been the end

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The Great Wall

The Protagonist Warrior, Dlanod Pmurt defends his wall after making tax payers pay for it

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xXx: Return of Xander Cage

If it was titled Triple Kizzex the Retizzurn of Kizzander Kizzage...I may have have pushed play

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Deeeck da harrs with bows of horry fah rahrah rah rah rahrah raaahh raaahhhhh

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Office Christmas Party

And just like a real life office Christmas debated whether or not to even participate but when you did, you had fun... at first...familiar faces..a couple laughs...and then it crashed and burned into some unfun turd you wish you would have napped thru

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Hacksaw Ridge

Desmond Doss heroically saved 75 men without using a the sequel, he will save 150 using only a rape whistle

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Career propelling movie... Hilarious from start to finish...I am Mclovin

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

I cant even remember what happened lol...most of the superhero movies have just merged into one blurred memory wirh very very few standouts between Deadpool and Dark Knight

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21 Jump Street

The scenes when the two idiots are high is worth watching the movie to see

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Brokeback Mountain

If you just close your eyes and cover your ears during the plowing scenes, it turns out to be a pretty good, albeit sad flick

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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Dem white folks show is crazy bout dey rings

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The Dark Knight Rises

Do you feel in charge?

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Captain Fantastic

Viggo my Wendigo bay-bay

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The Legend of Tarzan

Me Jane...this time rental

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The Jungle Book

Shout by Ninja Poon
BlockedParent2017-02-09T07:34:35Z— updated 2018-01-10T03:48:32Z

Honey..ya put it on, ya lick it off....I put it..ehhhhhhhverywhere

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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring


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Men in Black saw my blinker beezee...

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The Nice Guys

I think it was good...they did stuff...pew pew pew whatever Ryan Gosling

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Bleed for This

He bled harder in Whiplash

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