Ninja Poon


Omicron Persei 8

The 40 Year Old Virgin

Know how I know you're gay?? Cause you're on trakt

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Fight Club

His name was Robert Paulson

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The Deuce

Pimps hoes drugs jive talkin n tittays tunes n rides..goddamn I love the 70's

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A Quiet Place

Top notch horror flick... Who needs words when you can act

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National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

"Oh, Eddie... If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised than I am now."....bahahahaha could very well be the funniest Christmas movie ever made... A ton of one liners and quotes... Chevy Chase at his best when he stomps a mudhole in the xmas display and walks it dry

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Raiders of the Lost Ark

The movie that single handedly showed us what happens when you bring a knife to a gunfight

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Jackass Forever

Ok so it's not a 10..but they still got it. It was bittersweet watching the gang..nostalgic too...bro we were dyin rollin watching these fools on a dubbed cky VHS tape. Before my 20 year old kid was even born. Shit we was kids..20 plus years have gone by and I still laughed out loud in the theater so thank you Johnny and crew..we have watched so many hours of you guys over the years and various shows..git your shit together Bam.. but yeah man, it's not a 10 but it was hella fun to watch with my family and it Absolutely sucks that there may never be another

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Conan the Barbarian

Conan!!!..What is best about trakt? ..Crush the bad reviewers..see them driven before you..and hear the lamentation of the women!

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Forrest Gump

I may not be a smart man..but I know what a good movie iiiiiiiiiiizzzzz

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"buncha slack jawwed faggots!..this stuff'll make you a goddamn sexual ty-rannasaurus...just like mmee"

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I'm a sucker for a good Western but mannnn who knew Tim McGraw could act

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It's the Moors!....Moops! Moops!!!

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THIS...IS....SPARTA!!!.....kick!!! Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh ppphhhffrrrrttt

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None of you seem to understand... I'm not locked in here with you...You're locked in here with ME!

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The Devil's Rejects

I'm on Oh-ficial Clown business bitch, so watch this great movie!

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The NeverEnding Story

I said to my ol'lady, what movie you playin? She said, Never ending story... Out of the 10k movies we have access to..thats what you pick?? ... She replied fuck yeah! 'Merica!! I fired up some of pac nw's finest and wtf??? ...this movie is good as hell still ... where's the pb cups?!

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Wedding Crashers

Why don't you try gettin jacked off under the table in front of the whole family and have some real problems jackass

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Hip Hop Evolution

Goddamn I miss rap music

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The Book of Eli

...People had more than they needed. We had no idea what was precious and what wasn't. We threw away things people kill each other for now...

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Don't wait to tell your Ellie you love her

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Dawn of the Dead

Do you feel that?? Ohhhhhhhhhh shit.. wah-ah-ah-ah..wah-ah-ah-aaahhh..Get up, come on get down with the sickness..Open up your hate and let it flow into me

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Blade Runner

As excited to rewatch this the night before the sequel drops as I am the sequel itself...this sci-fi Gold is a small piece of my childhood...and ol'lady loves this movie too which means I get to throw a couple C beams across her Tannhauser gate after haaaaa

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School of Rock

A perfect 10 is not judged by the budget or actors or box office performance but by the replay value...Jack Black is a Master of his craft and the soundtrack alone is worth hearing again...the kids loved it too..maybe too much lol but at least when they're burning this flick up repeatedly I can jam to some good ass tunes baybay

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After Life

"I'm fascinated with the anus..always have been always will be. A man who is tired of the tired of life" - Brian

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Deadwood: The Movie

Yeah mannn it's good...great even... cocksucker ain't long enough

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Demolition Man

This movie is a 10 just for the replayability... and the 3 sea shells are for washing, rinsing, and drying duhhhhh lol

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Léon: The Professional

No kids... BOOM!!!

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

A milf in a suit with safety glasses and a gun?? Boioioioioioioioioioioioioing!!!!

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The Fifth Element

Now boys stop having unnatural thoughts about Milla

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The Descent

Some claustrophobic scary ass shittt there..with them THINGS running around?! can count me out!

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