Ninja Poon


Omicron Persei 8


The movies an 8 but Walton is a 10 as 10 it is...hope you haters enjoy your coal

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Groundhog Day

Yesssssss...good choice for date night... I get to laugh AND my ol'lady thinks I played it to be romantic... Ka-ching!!!

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You idea... how bad it gets!...I wish I knew how to quit filming you

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Woulda been a 9 if it was R rated goodness

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The Tank

Woulda gave it an 8 if it 8 the whole family

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Mannn was Helen underrated smokin hott in this..something about a chick in jeans and white tees boiiiiiiis.... rip Bill and Seymour mannnnn time flies

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Last Shift

Hey...when you seen most of the great horror movies..its ok to watch a good horror flick... it was fun and free

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In the Earth

Dont listen to all the whiners n criers on here lol..go ahead and push play.. you can check your email and enjoy some sweet Nakatomi tower foot porn in the process

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Thomas Jane proves romance isn't dead in this heart warming tale of family life on a thriving farm in 1922

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Jingle All the Way

Yessssssss..almost 25 years since I turned it off half way thru hahaaaaa gtfo turdbo man

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Bad Santa

How is this only a 72% lol ...absolutely hilarious...where else can you see a drunk Mall Santa bang a Gilmore girl, a midget get dick punched and John Ritter hearing interesting sounds from a changing room what in thee faq bahahaha.. a 10

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Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle

Daaaaaamnnnnn..he said you ain't special, that's just something mom tells you cause you come out wrong... Of allll the post apocalyptic, alien invasion, demonic things I have watched this year, that's the coldest shit I heard by far

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Red Dawn

Hey let's remake Roadhouse with Zac Efron while we're at it ppphhhffrrrrttt

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Ready Player One

At 1hr 14 minutes you can see Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un on a billboard

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Blade: Trinity

Only the first one is worthy of a replay

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Goddamn, Al Gore was right...ManBearPig is alive and scary as shit

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When We First Met

Where's Blake and Ders mannnnnn fuck it I'll be on the roof gettin ripped

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American Made

He went this way!...we went that way!...I said "where'd he go?!" Hollywood says "Wheeeere'd whoooo gooooooooo?!"

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"buncha slack jawwed faggots!..this stuff'll make you a goddamn sexual ty-rannasaurus...just like mmee"

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The Hunt

That was fun as part is in the car when home girl makes robot sounds as she slowly Jack knifes her legs, swivels and kicks dudes face off with her foot bones bahahahaha priceless

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Don't listen to all the avacado toast eaters giving poor reviews... if you love sci fi.. it's a good watch with a good twist.. and it's free so stfu

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Am I a team player?.. I chugged a 40 with my asshole!.. I'm a team player

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Predator 2

So much blind hatred over the years for this flick. I have loved this sequel since the first time I watched it. Awesome cast..come on mannn Bill Paxton?? Whaaat???? From Terminator, Aliens, and now a Predator flick? Badass...r.i.p. brother...Maria Conchita ayayayaya sexy and tough and crazy Gary Busey who was in Lethal Weapon with Danny Glover...and then we get not just one Predator but an entire Lost tribe of them and Kevin Peter hall reprising his role from the 1st one...yeah sounds terrible so far...but wait!!! There's more!!! Tell em what they've won Bob!..then theres the awesome xenomorphic Easter egg at the end...Predator 2 has its flaws but its a more than worthy sequel and a better pass time than 90% of sci-fi flicks that drop these days..."you never see the eyes of the demon..till he comes a callin"

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Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness

Wtf did I just watch.... on a side note, she definitely did that shit

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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan

Wow Dwight's training really paid off

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Rim of the World

If I was 12 and it was 1986 I'd have given it a 9/10 and watched it again already

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Triple Frontier

if you got a choice between carrying my giant dead ass or being filthy rich.. all means..take the fucking money bro

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THIS...IS....SPARTA!!!.....kick!!! Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh ppphhhffrrrrttt

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Fifty Shades Freed

..clicks play......ehhhhhhhhh....hmmmmm....stop... exit... Click Pornhub dot com ahhhhhhh better.
.squirt!!! The end

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2 hours in and nobody's been terrorized by a giant insect... Honey... I shrunk the Trakt score

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