Ninja Poon


Omicron Persei 8

Old Dads

Just like Bills standup..we know all those people and they are ffffffuckin annoying so I spent some of the movie laughing and the rest irritated as hell haha they nailed their roles

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Black Adam

More like Blah Kadam pppfffrrrtttttt

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Deliver Us from Evil

I love horror movies so it don't take much for me to be entertained especially when it's based on real life

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That's a damn Legend right there boys..Sly, we love you brother.. I'm a child of the 80s and Sly has been a part of my life since I can remember..from being entertained on the big screen, to playing as kids and reenacting different scenes, to great quotes and one liners.. so thank you man for being an inspiration, for being entertaining and for just being fucking cool

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Midnight Run

As a kid in the 80s this was the first time I saw Robert Deniro act.. I was too young for old people movies like Raging Bull and the Godfather..still a super fun watch..
Rip Charles Grodin, Dennis Farina and Yaffet Koto wtf mannnn I feel old today boiiiiii

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Cocaine Bear

You ever watched a movie about cocaine bear....onnn ..weeeeed?? Is there someone in the bushes? I don't know mannnn...Red team go! Red team go!

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The Gate

Fun to revisit for the last time

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Talk to Me

Fun to watch with the kids but I was yawning by the end

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Guy Ritchie's The Covenant

I wish I knew how to quit you Ahmed!

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Uncommon Valor

This movie is not a 10 but I have loved it for so long. I watched it for the first time when I was far too young to be watching war flicks. There is something that a majority of movies, especially war movies just can't get right..and that is the feeling of true brotherhood amongst the actors. They have a comradery that doesn't feel rehearsed. When they suffer loss I feel that fucking loss too as the viewer..maybe it's just me being an old fart now lol ..all star cast and very fun watch .. rip Fred Ward and Patrick Swayze miss you guys in flicks

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No One Will Save You

Kept hoping she'd find a flamethrower duck taped to a pulse rifle and get this invasion handled

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Woulda been a 9 if it was R rated goodness

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Evil Dead Rise

Evil Dead Rise up and get off my watchlist already

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Navy Seals

Michael Beihn, Bill Paxton and Rick Rossovich from Terminator ALL team up again in what should have been an awesome movie..I mean I loved it a child of the 80s but I also dug the Smurfs then lol.. We can only dream of how this movie would have been if Ridley Scott was the original director as planned ohhhhhh

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The Tank

Woulda gave it an 8 if it 8 the whole family

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Missing in Action

Don't be comin on here hatin on Chuck because you're still mad your mom has a lady-boner for Walker Texas Ranger.. I guess that the difference between yours and my generation..this movie doesn't need to be kids we'd be reenacting scenes and dreaming of having enough money to buy that assault raft..of course we played outdoors and didn't need a phone to get home lol..its a fun watch from beginning to end and I put it on every best of Vietnam war movie flicks list

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Joaquin Phoenix at his best making faces while watching brutal coliseum deaths like a psycho lol

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1st of all...this is sci-fi for adults. I started watching because as a sci-fi fan the previews for season 2 looked good and then I looked up the score for season 1 and was like ooof 50 percent. I am super glad I pushed play it has been a very fun watch... yesss there is a lot of character development and story compared to just showing human vs alien action scenes the whole's slow and effective because unlike the negative reviewers..I am not a child I am also a parent and an adult so we more easily insert ourselves into terrifying situations especially when the acting is very good and the post apocalyptic look and feel is done so well

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Silent Rage

Chuck Norris vs a maskless Michael Myers? I'm innnn and it's totally worth a watch as Chucks only horror flick. I was 8 when I watched this and John Kirby scared the hell out of me, especially the very end..sure some things are dated but the villain needs no makeup or special effects to be one big ass scary dude ....pluuuuuuus....there's titties lol

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Missing in Action 2: The Beginning

A fun watch when I was a kid but NOWHERE as good as the first one... it's like watching Conan the destroyer expecting Conan the Barbarian

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Braddock: Missing in Action III

I remember this being the first time I was disappointed in a Chuck Norris movie

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Alien Invasion

Alright you got me..the trailer looked better than a sci-fi channel movie buuuuut tadaaaaaaa!!!'s worse

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What's not to love about Tom Cruise in a post apocalypse with armed drones and things runnin around

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Code of Silence

Back when it was cool to like Chuck Norris flicks before all the lady boners over Walker Texas Ranger ruined it

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This Fool

Hugs not thugs baybeeeee lol

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Every time I push play..I tell myself this is the greatest movie of all time

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Captain Phillips

Tom Hanks is awesome as usual and like all true stories you'll only watch it once so sail on Tom ppphhhfffrrrttt

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Mannn was Helen underrated smokin hott in this..something about a chick in jeans and white tees boiiiiiiis.... rip Bill and Seymour mannnnn time flies

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The Day the Earth Stood Still

I'm a sucker for sci-fi and the potential for the end of the human race so I'm in

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Universal Soldier

Dolph and Stallone then Dolph and Brandon Lee, and then Dolph and Van Damme..loved all 3

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