

The Netherlands

The Lion King

A movie that never justifies its existence.
I have a lot of respect for what John Favreau did with The Jungle Book.
He managed to do something that every remake should aim for, but usually fails to do: improve upon its original.
This, however, is the exact same movie.
There was zero effort put into improving things, or even do anything different, for that matter.
And to some degree, I get it: the original is almost sacred to some people, and they’ll act autistically if you change too much.
There’s also an upside to that, which some critics don’t pick up on: if a story works in 1994, it still works in 2019.
But you could at the very least try some different shot compositions, or different music cues, or anything to not make this movie completely creatively hollow.
Yes, it looks just like a Discovery documentary.
At the same time, the realism strips the expressiveness of the animals away, so those things cancel each other out.
There’s just no reason to watch this over the original.


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So, I assume Vincent meets Thanos in the sequel, right?

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I want one of those umbrellas.

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Stranger Things: Season 3

Yes, it’s utter trash in just about every regard.
But, you can have so much fun with it, especially with the right amount of friends and alcohol.
It’s also the ultimate time capsule of the early 2000s.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-06-27T13:51:12Z— updated 2021-01-01T21:22:54Z

A brilliant concept that’s wasted by very weak acting, especially from Himesh Patel and Ed Sheeran. Moreover, it thinks it’s a lot funnier than it really is, doesn’t take the premise to its fullest extent, and has characters that are extremely dickish for no reason whatsoever.


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Men in Black: International

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-06-23T22:54:20Z— updated 2023-06-03T18:33:53Z

The definition of a movie that’s competent but devoid of anything interesting.


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Dexter: Season 2

Great, but this Lila character wasn't a good idea, even with her pardoned tits.

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I’m kinda baffled that the critical response to this has been so much better than Bohemian Rhapsody.
Yes, its presentation is more honest and creative than that film, which alone makes Rocketman better.
But other than that, it makes the exact same mistakes by being extremely cliched and having mostly uninteresting characters.


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DC's Legends of Tomorrow

This is, without a doubt, one of the hokiest shows of all time.
And yet, it can be stupidly fun at times.
It's one of the best guilty pleasures out there, that's for sure.

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Dark Phoenix

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-06-05T14:06:44Z— updated 2024-04-23T20:49:21Z

This is mostly stuck in second gear for the entire runtime, it’s very bland and poorly directed. Interestingly, despite having a different director at the helm a lot of the problems from X-Men Apocalypse carry over. There’s once again visible cheapness in the costumes and make-up, Lawrence phones it in, Sophie Turner can’t pull off what she’s asked to do and the story feels muddled. The new elements it adds on top of that don’t really work either, for example Jessica Chastain gives the most lifeless performance of her career as the villain of this film. Generally, it just looks and feels like a cheap tv show, Kinberg clearly wasn’t ready for this. Due to it’s smaller scale it never becomes as schlocky as the worst moments in Apocalypse, X-Men Origins Wolverine or The Last Stand, but this movie feels unambitious next to all of those films. I’d be fine with the approach if it had genuine good writing and interesting direction, but what’s being served here is not cerebral, emotional or exciting.


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Black Mirror: 5x02 Smithereens

This one doesn’t sit well with me.
So we should blame big tech companies for making us addicted to their products, and the nasty consequences that come of it?
I very much question that morality.
Addiction is a problem of the individual, something you have to fix by yourself (with the help of others).
It’s not something that a company, seeking to make profit, should be held resposible for.

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-05-26T18:53:32Z— updated 2023-03-24T23:19:04Z

It’s Superbad mixed with some of that Community type of humour and creativity.
Really well done, I’d recommend this to just about anyone, even if you’re not close to its target audience.
Go and see it!


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A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Game of Thrones

And here it is: the end of the biggest television show of all time.

Seasons 1-4 are (close to) perfect.
Seasons 5-6 are where some of the cracks start to appear, with some filler episodes that don't build a lot of character. However, they're still great seasons nonetheless.
Seasons 7-8 are good, not great. They have certain pacing (rushed developments, teleportation of characters) and writing issues (plot armour, unsatisfying & unearned conclusions etc.). It is especially the level of production that elevates these seasons above average television.

Am I also unsatisfied with how they handled certain characters at the very end? Absolutely.
Do I think, however, that they mostly stuck the landing? Yes.

S1: 9.5/10; S2: 9/10; S3: 9.5/10; S4: 10/10; S5: 8/10; S6: 8/10; S7: 7/10; S8: 7/10
Overall rating: 8.4/10

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Enemy of the State

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-05-18T07:12:49Z— updated 2023-11-04T11:09:27Z

Ahead of its time in terms of subject matter, but really dated in terms of execution and style. The script is too dumb to be the statement against surveillance culture it wants to be, but Scott still manages to squeeze quite a bit of tension out of this material.


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John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-05-17T07:19:53Z— updated 2023-03-17T19:05:36Z

I don’t get the appeal of these.
Yeah, the stuntwork’s great, but I see no redeeming qualities besides that. The acting sucks, the dialogue’s corny, the story is schlock that’s presented way too seriously, the characters are uninteresting, there’s little to no tension because the main character is an invincible cartoon, the music’s unmemorable and generic, and most of the film is just plain damn boring.
All the good stuff that this has to offer is also offered by franchises like Mission Impossible and Fast and Furious, and more on top of that.
You’re not getting the clever intrigue or fun gimmicks of the MI franchise here, nor the tongue in cheek comedy or creative, over the top insanity of the F&F franchise.
This is so boring by comparison to me.


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Pokémon Detective Pikachu

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-05-08T11:24:17Z— updated 2022-09-05T08:11:30Z

Good world building, I would've preferred it the Pokemons looked more like animals and less like cartoons, but this Roger Rabit approach will do. Also, decent cinematography and score. But, the script’s complete ass (conveniences, unnecessary exposition, uninteresting characters without development, extremely predictable storyline etc.) aside from some of Pikachu’s snarky lines, so you’ll probably get bored at some part.


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Avengers: Endgame

It’s a Milla Jovovich movie.
What the fuck were you expecting?

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Triple Frontier
Velvet Buzzsaw

This really is 2 different movies squashed together.

One part is a satire of the pretentiousness within the art world, and it is really great.
The other part is a horror film about moving paintings, and it is generic and boring.
It only gets interesting when the moving paintings are used to delve into Jake Gyllenhaal’s character.
The other characters are just not that interesting.


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Green Book

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-01-27T23:45:38Z— updated 2024-01-04T20:54:12Z

Intouchables meets Driving Ms. Daisy.
Not bad, but not original or creative enough to be truly great.

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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2018-12-16T23:48:57Z— updated 2023-05-30T13:31:42Z

Great storytelling and concepts, it may be weird and even inaccesible for some folks, but it’s also very creative, original and bold. The characters are fantastic and well rounded, and they all inhabit a NY that’s captured it in a very unique way. That’s mostly a result of the animation, which grasps the attention immediately because it’s so boundary pushing and atmospheric. It’s just hard to find any weaknesses in it. The comedy is strong and tasteful, it doesn’t drag, the voice acting is excellent and all of the different Spiderman add to the story in their own way. I’m not as much of a fan of some of the bland autocrooning in the soundtrack (that’s probably the biggest thing that might make this seem dated in the future), though I generally still like most of the musical choices made here.


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It’s not immediately clear what it’s building towards.
But if you stick with it, you’ll find yourself watching one of the best films of the year.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2018-12-08T21:49:38Z— updated 2022-05-07T11:19:30Z

This is mostly just bad kitsch.
James Wan’s trying really hard as a director and ends up succeeding in many regards, but it just doesn’t bring much to the table otherwise.
Some of the practical action scenes look good, but the characters and story are severely undercooked, unfocussed and messy.
It’s good that they’re not taking themselves too seriously, but the costumes still look kinda goofy and lame, the dialogue is inexcusable at points, and the actors are far from charming or funny. In fact, the leads of this film straight up suck, and don’t have the acting skills or presence to carry a franchise like this.
It’s trying to look expensive and vast, but a lot of it ends up feeling like one of those cheap Russian knock offs of a superhero movie.


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