

The Netherlands

Ted Lasso: 3x12 So Long, Farewell

Wow, how the mighty have fallen. Was this season produced by the Hallmark channel? The schmaltzy music that plays in the background every other scene, the forced feel-good vibe, the corny jokes, the cringy musical interlude during this episode, that fucking Ed Sheeran montage…. it’s all so incredibly lame and cheap. Any of the sharp wit and quirk from the first two seasons has completely disappeared from the show. Instead this entire season felt like a bunch predictable, bland, sentimental nonsense made for the broadest of audiences.

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Ted Lasso: 3x03 4-5-1

Aren’t they pushing a little too far into cartoony territory this season? Roy Kent feels like a parody of himself, and the guy who’s meant to be a Zlatan Ibrahimovic stand-in is so over the top

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The Mandalorian: 3x01 Chapter 17: The Apostate

“Now that’s using your head” is the kind of punchline only Arnold Schwarzenegger could get away with in an 80s action movie. Also, can we please go back to the production techniques that were used on Andor? This looks like shit.

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Poker Face: 1x04 Rest in Metal

I like that they’re experimenting with the format each episode, but this was kinda dumb.
It’s a good thing this show doesn’t take itself seriously, because it’s abundantly clear that this wasn’t written by someone with an understanding of the music industry or metal. Ok whatever, but why is every character acting like a moron? The motivations are so far fetched that it becomes unintentionally funny. Why do they show the lead up to the murder twice from a different perspective when that’s not necessary? Why is the character of the drummer, who’s clearly meant to be likeable, directed in such a way where he becomes annoying? The choices of this episode made no sense to me.

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The Last of Us: 1x03 Long, Long Time

A fantastic short film that’s bound to become the major highlight of this season for most, while also likely to trigger some mentally deficient adults.
One of its best qualities is that you could in theory tell this story with a straight couple , and it wouldn’t lessen any of its emotional impact.
It’s such an original, creative angle for a zombie apocalypse show, and Nick Offerman/Murray Bartlett both deliver career best performances here. If their section was a bit more fleshed out, I genuinely think you could make a great indie/arthouse film out of it.
I also love how it portrays a hardcore Republican character without making him some incapable buffoon, we don’t get enough of that in movies and tv.

Ps: I’m pretty sure they used an existing piece of music during the marriage montage , I’ve heard it before but can’t quite place where it’s from

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Barry: 3x05 crazytimesh*tshow

Is the Sally storyline meant to be meta commentary aimed at WB and David Zaslav?

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Ms. Marvel: 1x06 No Normal

Comments be like:

I’m done with these Disney products. This show had an excellent pilot, but it’s like they used most of their budget and stylistic ideas with that first episode. Such a massive drop in production and directing quality after that (though tbf: the finale wasn’t bad, which had the same directing team as the pilot). Lots of muddy cinematography, rushed vfx, weird pacing and haphazard storytelling. The cast was truly great and saved the show from becoming complete shit, but everything else feels so low effort and overly reliant on set-up/references. I’ll stick around for the projects that have people involved who know what they’re doing (James Gunn, Ryan Coogler), but Disney’s got to fix their overall quality problem. This is embarrassing and cynical; filmmaking and storytelling shouldn’t just be about creating a few short rushes of dopamine.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x06 Part VI

I usually hate shouty, overly dramatic comments, but this show doesn’t qualify as a professional production IMO. I’ve never seen directing, writing and camerawork this amateurish in a major production.

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Ms. Marvel: 1x02 Crushed

I did not expect a Marvel show to make a serious attempt at critiquing sexism in contemporary religion, but here we are.
Not as good as the pilot, the directing was a lot more plain, but still pretty entertaining.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x04 Part IV

That was the dumbest final twist I’ve seen in a long time.
It basically renders all the tension of the previous 30 minutes meaningless.

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Ms. Marvel: 1x01 Generation Why

I haven’t been a fan of anything Marvel’s done since Wandavision, but this was truly an excellent pilot. Pretty sure the visuals and editing are going to be a big talking point of this show, as it’s really well done and inventive. It’s not just the use of animation and colour, but the camerawork is actually exciting and fun without ever looking tacky or cheap. Great characters and acting as well, it’s all surprisingly fun. Maybe I liked it so much because it was light on action and story, which happen to be the two aspects where the MCU has been faltering lately. And yes, the brief action scene that’s in here might be a little too slapstick, but still. Great start.

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Moon Knight: 1x05 Asylum

It’s like Marvel just stopped giving a shit, it’s hilarious to watch.
I feel like this is their attempt at being experimental, but it’s really just turning into schlock, which is only amplified by the really awful green screen, ridiculous character designs and poor lighting choices.
It looks, feels and acts like a cheap Bollywood knock-off of what could be a good Marvel movie/show.

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Moon Knight: 1x04 The Tomb

Directed by M Night Shyamalan

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Hawkeye: 1x05 Ronin
Dexter: New Blood: 1x01 Cold Snap

I’m happy to see this character back, but what on earth did they do to the cinematography and colour grading?
Where did the vibrancy of this show go?
I absolutely hate this ugly, washed out, low contrast, ‘modern’ look, it looks cheap as hell.

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Loki: 1x06 For All Time. Always.

Jonathan Majors , love the dude, but that performance was godawful. He kinda reminded me of Jesse Eisenberg in Batman V Superman

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x05 Truth

Let me get this straight: Sam and Bucky just got upset about John Walker killing a terrorist.
Didn’t this entire show start with Sam throwing terrorists out of planes left and right?
The writing in this show is just laughable.
Everything happens because the writers want it to happen.
Like literally nothing, and I mean nothing, feels earned or logical.

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WandaVision: 1x02 Don't Touch That Dial

This show will ultimately fall or stand by the answers it gives to its mysteries.
Until then, I’m quite enjoying this as an homage to old school sitcoms.

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The Mandalorian: 2x01 Chapter 9: The Marshal

I really want to like this show, but when you create an actual interesting character for once, and then sideline him by the end of the episode, you’re not doing yourself any favours.

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The Boys: 2x01 The Big Ride

I can't be the only one who sees the irony in a company like Amazon being the producer of this show.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x01 The New Deal

Shout by Jordy

Agents of Shield, now with 200% more Legends of Tomorrow

I could start to make fun of how the timetravel rules in this completely contradict the ones from Avengers Endgame, which is technically in the same continuity as this show.
But to be honest, I think this show handles it in a much smarter way.
This whole ‘tides vs waves’ explanation is basically the writers going like: we know it doesn’t make sense, the timeline will be in danger whenever we feel like it.
That, to me, is always preferable over having a bunch of characters explain the ‘rules’, while having it make about as much sense as the average Michael Bay movie.
So good job, Agents of Shield.

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Westworld: 3x06 Decoherence

All that ending was missing was Halores yelling: “I HATE YOU!”

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Westworld: 3x05 Genre


First we root for her in the first season.
Then we hate her in the second season.
Now we’re kinda starting to like her again.
Or better said: the way we feel about her flips during scenes.

Westworld truly has its own Carrie Mathison.

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Money Heist: 2x16 The Paris Plan

During the first few episodes of part 4, I was afraid that this was going to be a filler season, because nothing truly happened.
But once the stuff with Gandia sets in, you know that things will start moving very soon.
I don’t think it’s quite as strong as part 3, as the leaps you have to take in terms of whether things make sense and are actually realistic are getting bigger and bigger.
Also, they emphasized some characters that don’t have a narrative purpose a bit too much, such as Arturo and Denver’s trans friend.
Having said that, it still does most of what it excels at really well.
I still love the creativity and unpredictability of it, which is what makes it so entertaining.
The finale is batshit and felt like a Prison Break episode, and I loved every minute of it.
Characters are well developed, and they continue to have arcs.
I hope that part 5 will resolve the current heist, but if they manage to keep it as fresh as this season, I won’t complain if it goes on for another season or two.


PS: why was everybody so fucking horny this season?

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Westworld: 3x02 The Winter Line

I have three main take aways from this episode:

  1. I never knew I needed a version of The Matrix that's filled with Nazis.
  2. Can we all take a moment to appreciate how awesome Maeve is?
  3. The Game of Thrones shout out was perfect and cracked me up.
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The Mandalorian: 1x01 Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

Despite some very minor issues with its tone, this is very good.
However, since this episode mostly consists of a lot of world building, I’m not going to extensively review it.
We still need to get a true sense of the story and characters after all.
I don’t think it’s too early to say that this show is going to be revolutionary for tv in terms of scope, cinematography and CGI.
The score is really well done too, and I applaud the fact that the pacing is tight; the episode isn’t too long or drawn out (this could of course be a budget constraint), which is something that the vast majority of Netflix shows struggle with.
If I should compare it to anything else, the closest thing that comes to mind is Firefly, especially in terms of tone.
I just hope that over the next few episodes the story and characters will become as strong as they were on Firefly.

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Treadstone: 1x01 The Cicada Protocol

This pilot proves that when you remove the memory loss, musical score and raw direction from the Bourne movies, you’re left with something that’s pretty cookie-cutter and boring. Right now, it feels like a show that only exists in order to cash in on the Bourne name.

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The Walking Dead: 10x02 We Are the End of the World

Can Sinead O’Connor just die already?

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Black Mirror: 5x02 Smithereens

This one doesn’t sit well with me.
So we should blame big tech companies for making us addicted to their products, and the nasty consequences that come of it?
I very much question that morality.
Addiction is a problem of the individual, something you have to fix by yourself (with the help of others).
It’s not something that a company, seeking to make profit, should be held resposible for.

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Westworld: 2x03 Virtù e Fortuna

It’s honestly starting to feel like the seventh season of GoT.
Yes, the action is bigger and better than the previous season, but any of the fantastic writing with a mystical/mysterious/philosophical edge, that was present in the first season, has vanished.
It’s still good, of course, but this straight forward human vs robot continuation isn’t I was hoping for.

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