

The Netherlands

DC's Legends of Tomorrow

This is, without a doubt, one of the hokiest shows of all time.
And yet, it can be stupidly fun at times.
It's one of the best guilty pleasures out there, that's for sure.

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Pretty fun, it's essentially Edgar Wright for television. The entire set-up is very reminiscent of Shaun of the Dead, except it plays with spy tropes instead of zombie tropes. Mix in some workplace comedy and good characters, and you have one of the most fun shows of its era. A true product of the 2000s that finds a great balance between accessible and alternative impulses. Nothing particularly boundary pushing or challenging, and the way it portrays Yvonne Strahovski can be a bit juvenile in the earlier parts of the show (it very much knows its target audience), but the smart genre fusion going on here keeps the show from becoming too stale or predictable.

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Mr. Robot
Game of Thrones

And here it is: the end of the biggest television show of all time.

Seasons 1-4 are (close to) perfect.
Seasons 5-6 are where some of the cracks start to appear, with some filler episodes that don't build a lot of character. However, they're still great seasons nonetheless.
Seasons 7-8 are good, not great. They have certain pacing (rushed developments, teleportation of characters) and writing issues (plot armour, unsatisfying & unearned conclusions etc.). It is especially the level of production that elevates these seasons above average television.

Am I also unsatisfied with how they handled certain characters at the very end? Absolutely.
Do I think, however, that they mostly stuck the landing? Yes.

S1: 9.5/10; S2: 9/10; S3: 9.5/10; S4: 10/10; S5: 8/10; S6: 8/10; S7: 7/10; S8: 7/10
Overall rating: 8.4/10

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Ted Lasso

The first two seasons are very nice and easy to like.
The third season is pretty awful.
It feels directionless, episodes are too long, the renewed focus makes it feel like a melodramatic soap opera, lots of misfires with the comedy (e.g. the Zava character doesn’t work at all), some of the acting got too cartoonish; the show took a swing and it turned into something that doesn’t work.
It’s nice that it tried to break down some barriers with the integration of real issues such as homophobia and racism in sports, but some of that stuff feels so tacked on or handled in a way that doesn’t make sense.

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It’s ok, I don’t understand why they focussed so much on trying to make this a mature drama when the show stars Frank Grillo and Nick Jonas.
They pull it off just fine, but I don’t think it plays to its potential strengths, because I think it’d be much more memorable if it focussed on the physicality instead.
The drama we have here is fine: acting is ok, writing is ok, filmmaking is fine. It never drops the ball, nor is it ever outstanding. They often play it safe, and in many ways the music perfectly encapsulates what the show is: very plain, straightforward garage- and blues rock. Sometimes you're in the mood for that, but I won't rush out to recommend it to anyone either.
It does have a tendency to stretch its own story a little thin; for example there’s no reason for season two to be 20 episodes long.
Does this show deserve a little more love and attention? Probably.
Am I surprised it got lost in the shuffle with the huge amount of high quality television that we got in the 2010s? No.

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The Boys

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-08-02T07:53:44Z— updated 2022-07-15T22:06:47Z

This is the show that Zack Snyder wishes he could make.
It deconstructs superheroes in a smart way, while not forgetting about important things like character development, story coherence or pacing.
In fact, this is a show that genuinly has a lot of profound things to say about the military industrial complex, religion, power abuse, and more.
It doesn’t just use fetishized costumes and pretentious dialogue to cover up for its own lack of substance.
Moreover, this show is darkly funny, original and twisted.
They could still improve the show by fleshing out some of the characters in Karl Urban’s crew, because I didn’t think all of them were interesting.
Also, the action scenes are straight up bad, but that’s in no way a dealbreaker, because the show isn’t all that interested in them.


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Breaking Bad: Season 2
Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2
Marvel's Daredevil: Season 3
Marvel's Daredevil: Season 1
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 4

Shout by Jordy

Add a cool new character from the comics, a phenomenal Aussie actress, and rip off The Matrix, and you end up with ... a fairly decent season of television.

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Westworld: Season 2

Make the show a little more streamlined, dial down the pretentiousness (for example, no more shifting aspect ratios), turn up the philosophical complexity (which I felt was completely lacking in this season, except from a few speeches by Anthony Hopkins), and keep the emotional reasonance (Dolores/Bernard, William/daughter and Maeve/daughter relationships), and we might just return to the greatness of the first season.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-03-19T22:07:57Z— updated 2022-04-15T21:08:09Z

A show about using sex and sexual imagery to sell media.
Is this HBO reflecting on itself?

Jokes aside, it’s actually pretty good. Recommended.

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House of the Dragon

I feel like this is what would happen if you'd let Spike Jonze and David Fincher direct a show that was created by Damon Lindelof and Charlie Kaufman.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that most of this was directed by Derek Zoolander.

Absolutely terrific show. Great attention to detail, it looks cinematic from the first to the last frame, perfectly acted (it's a very good showcase for Adam Scott in particular), interesting storyline with great dialogue and layers upon layers of subtext, memorable score and good editing.
My only complaint is that there are a few too many conveniences in it, such as how the book ends up with Mark's innie, or how Mark obtains the card for the security room .
Those small issues aside, I loved it.
Here's hoping it sticks the landing and doesn't turn into another Lost.


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The White Lotus

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-01-05T11:58:04Z— updated 2022-12-29T09:01:40Z

This probably plays really well if you also like Succession.
These characters are kinda like nails on a chalkboard, but if you can find the satire and commentary beyond that, it’s very enjoyable.
Really good characters, interesting and unpredictable story, very well produced (excellent cinematography and music), it’s fantastic.


Good new set of characters, love the location of cinematography.
The story doesn’t quite work for me, a lot more melodramatic than season 1 (feels a lot like a soap opera in places), it’s a lot of people fucking each other, cheating on each other, being disloyal, etc.
It squeezes some interesting ideas in there about masculinity, scamming, naivety and power, but whereas season 1 was this beautifully orchestrated car crash showing why contemporary can be such a nightmare, this isn’t anywhere as deep or interesting.
It’s mostly saved by the filmmaking and acting, but a massive step down compared to season 1.


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Wu-Tang: An American Saga

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-02-10T20:36:54Z— updated 2022-08-27T09:23:27Z

This show is a hidden gem. It’s Straight Outta Compton for east coast hiphop, you’ll probably love it if you’re a fan of Wu-tang, Ghostface, RZA, ODB, etc. If you’re the kind of person that likes to live in a safe, simpleminded bubble where you get offended by black people using the N-word, this show (as well as hiphop at large) isn’t for you. You'd probably know that already going in, so complaining about it is a bit stupid. Great acting (Ashton Sanders’ voice in season 2 excluded, which feels very forced), great filmmaking, occasionally a little confusing because of its many characters, but very satisfying and intriguing to watch. More of this please, it’s inherently more interesting than the recent films about Queen and Elton John. It doesn’t feel like a vanity project at all.

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The Sopranos: Season 1
Dexter: Season 2

Great, but this Lila character wasn't a good idea, even with her pardoned tits.

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Homeland: Season 3

The final few episodes are terrific, but they also show that the writers just didn’t know what to do with Brody’s family after season 1. Morena Baccarin doesn’t get anything to do, there’s no emotional pay off to the storyline with the daughter, it’s just very poorly handled. Also, there’s one nonsensical storyline in the first half of the season (you’ll know it when you’ll see it), and in general, this season is far less focussed than the second season, and particularly the first season. Nevertheless, it still delivers the thrills, and its still well made, so I do recommend it.

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Avengers: Infinity War

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-04-09T10:52:59Z— updated 2023-04-18T11:36:30Z

It starts out like this fun, sharp social satire about the different worlds that the working class and upper class exhibit (as well as the lack of understanding they have about each other). As the season goes along, the social satire gets pushed aside and instead it goes completely bonkers with the plot. It’s over the top, it switches genres whenever it feels like it, it’s unpredictable, and most of all it’s very entertaining. In fact, it might actually be one of the most accessible A24 productions, there’s a Tarantino feel to it that might just click with general audiences. I just don’t understand this show’s obsession with alt rock from the late 90s and early 00s. I don’t see what it adds to these characters, it doesn’t comment on the story in an interesting way, and most of these particular songs aren’t even that good. To me it feels like a middle of the road, safe choice for a show that’s otherwise so bold, exciting and carefully assembled.


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White Lines

Wow, I’d never thought Alex Pina could make something this shitty after La Casa de Papel.
Like, I can’t even begin to describe this show, or the plot for that matter.
The actual story is pushed aside for most of the season, which means that the average episode consists of people drinking, partying, fucking, snorting cocaine, boring conversations about fucking, more fucking, annoying melodrama about relationships and people being shitheads for 50 minutes.
Honestly, I dare you to find I character that you don’t despise by the time that the finale comes around.
Now, I could pass most of that off if the show was at least fun, or if it didn’t take itself so seriously, like Entourage for example.
But given the dark things that happen in the show, and also the fact that it has no sense of humour, I’m inclined to believe that they want us to take it seriously.
Normally, I’d give it a 1, but it doesn’t even deserve that honor, as it’s fairly well produced.


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Poker Face

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-03-05T22:32:57Z— updated 2023-03-22T07:32:53Z

It’s well made, I like that they switch up the format just a little bit each episode so that it doesn’t feel like a formulaic cable tv show. The only thing that’s consistent for each episode is the appearance of Natasha Lyonne’s Charlie. She’s fine, I like the gimmick of her character, but not all of the acting choices work for me, and I can’t shake the feeling that the writing tries way too hard to make her this iconic character (which it doesn’t succeed at). Now, because the show is so episodic, the quality between episodes varies quite a bit. Some episodes capture that Columbo fun perfectly, whereas other episodes are hindered by nonsensical structures, dumb/underwritten/annoying characters, corny dialogue (so many one-liners that are straight up groaners) or just a boring set-up. It’s a good thing that the show is heightened and doesn’t take itself seriously, because it absolutely wouldn’t work as a serious drama. Still, would I recommend it? Probably not, just rewatch Sherlock, it’s a lot more entertaining and not as phony.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-06-05T12:15:16Z— updated 2023-11-25T00:06:56Z

Stoner metal: the movie.
Best action blockbuster of the 2010s; a singular, visionary experience with terrific worldbuilding and a lot of viscera, testosterone and just enough story/character depth to keep things interesting.


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X-Men '97

It's whatever. Even in animation, Marvel Studios will find ways to make things look bland and impersonal. I don't care if the look is faithful to the original show, it should look way more detailed and bold, especially when there's money from Marvel Studios behind this project. Some of the parenting themes and horror influences feel very much targeted towards the audience who grew up with this show, but it's still combined with a simplistic plot, bright colours and a lot of campy, melodramatic lines. It's not fun enough for kids and simultaneously too empty/childish for adults. The balancing of all the different characters is pretty well done (it's not just the Wolverine show like a lot of the movies), but I'm very indifferent about the plot. The entire concept of the sentinels was handled with way more depth and care in a film like Days of Future Past, instead this is way more focussed on character drama, which is not as rewarding. It's watchable with nothing terrible in it, but the people praising it to high heavens need to go to nostalgia rehab. It's just another kids show, pump the breaks.


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Only Murders in the Building: Season 1

I’m not trying to be an edgy hater but I can’t think of a single type of person my age I’d recommend this to, I don’t think it’s watchable for people under the age of 50. Extremely contrived plotting, bad/annoying characters, some of the most forced acting I’ve seen on tv and the comedy doesn’t land at all. Technically it’s really plain and basic, though the score has a few nice moments here and there. Maybe it hit differently during the pandemic, I don’t get it at all.


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The Leftovers: Season 1

You really have to stick with it, because most of the weird stuff only starts to make sense in the final few episodes.
I love how this show took its time to fully delve into all the characters in the first half of the season, with some episodes highlighting one or two of the main characters.
The plot is rich and thematically interesting, and asks questions about meaning making and purpose in a world where no one seems to have answers for the things that happen.
Who do we believe? Scientists? Religious figures? Cult leaders?
Most of the characters have interesting arcs, but some of the B-storylines feel haphazard and unnecessary for the main plot (Tom/Wayne/Christine & Dean the dog killer), making the show less focussed than it should be.
Also, for as great as most of the acting is (Justin Theroux & Carrie Coon in particular), some of the younger actors aren’t all that great.


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