Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2018-04-25T11:40:16Z— updated 2024-03-18T08:37:43Z

This is one of Marvel Studios’ riskier projects, the hyperlink structure combined with the villain being the main character immediately makes it stand out in the genre. It’s because of those two aspects that the film works as well as it does. Thanos is a great character with an interesting motivation. The animation is so detailed and lifelike that it never fails to bring out the emotion, in fact I’d argue that the scenes between him and Gamora have the most emotional punch (courtesy of Zoe Saldana and Josh Brolin, who both put in a really solid performance). The balancing of all the different plot lines is also quite well done as there’s a relevancy to each one, nor does the tone feel too disjointed at any point. Some transitions or the sudden pop culture riffing during serious scenes can be awkward, but it’s handled about as well as it could. The exposition is handled tastefully and kept to a minimum, it instead chooses to focus on unexpected interactions between characters from different branches of the Marvel universe, which is the more exciting part. I’m less into the action and filmmaking, however. Not a lot about the camerawork or score jumps out to me, I feel like what little vision the Russos brought to their previous MCU projects is completely lost here. The washed out colour palette (which for some reason is slightly more vibrant during scenes in space) and obvious music embellishments don’t evoke all that much. The staging and editing of the action is a little too quick for my liking, the moments that are meant to be memorable don’t leave much of an impression because the editing doesn’t take its time to punctuate the stunts properly. Some of the CGI also feels a little weightless, for example Stark’s suit looks and feels like its made from paper. The resulting scenes, such as the final battle on Titan, feel more like small scale, digital mush than the big epic scenes they’re aiming for. Once the film decides to slow down for the dramatic conclusion, I find its intent to be manipulative and disingenuous. I felt that way after watching it the first time in the cinema, and after every ‘death’ in this movie having been retconned in one way or another, it turns out I was right. Even in its riskier films, Marvel will find ways to take most of the edges off. Overall, it’s still decent but it’s lost a lot of its flavour for me over the years.


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@jordyep Mark Ruffalo was terrible in this, thought he did alright in Ragnarok, but this...he looked like he just got out of bed in every scene and still needed to have his coffee.

@jordyep What do you mean by Civil War as soulless?


OPReply by Jordy

@jarvis-3326813 That’s actually a result of several reasons. I felt that the conflict in Civil War wasn’t properly set up, nor explored. Therefore, I didn’t feel all that much during the airport or final battle. The second reason, which isn’t nearly as substantial as the first, is the fact that everything looks so washed out and bland, which doesn’t exactly add a flavour to the film. It’s a style that worked for TWS, but I feel like CW should’ve been more grand and operatic in its style.

It’s not the worst example though. There was a certain movie released around the same period (that had the same plot as CW) that one could describe as the definition of soulless.

@jordyep wtf mark did amazing


OPReply by Jordy

@bsrbara alright, cool, that’s your opinion. I just think the toned down, Joss Whedon version of the character works a hell of a lot better.
