

The Netherlands

Jumanji: The Next Level
Ford v Ferrari

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-11-15T22:27:38Z— updated 2022-02-13T21:28:48Z

This is one of those films that is just impossible to hate.
It’s such a well made crowdpleaser; from the acting, to the score, to the camerawork.
From the very first scene, you know you’re in the hands of a filmmaker who knows what he’s doing.
It’s long, but you don’t feel its length at all.
The predictability of the story is the only real issue.


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The Mandalorian: 1x01 Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

Despite some very minor issues with its tone, this is very good.
However, since this episode mostly consists of a lot of world building, I’m not going to extensively review it.
We still need to get a true sense of the story and characters after all.
I don’t think it’s too early to say that this show is going to be revolutionary for tv in terms of scope, cinematography and CGI.
The score is really well done too, and I applaud the fact that the pacing is tight; the episode isn’t too long or drawn out (this could of course be a budget constraint), which is something that the vast majority of Netflix shows struggle with.
If I should compare it to anything else, the closest thing that comes to mind is Firefly, especially in terms of tone.
I just hope that over the next few episodes the story and characters will become as strong as they were on Firefly.

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Doctor Sleep

A very decent horror film.
The first two acts are like a dark version of Logan, but with Professor X in the leading role.
It's well acted, shot (Mike Flanagan truly has a unique visual style) and chilling.
Rebecca Ferguson makes for a good cocaine addict.
However, the movie also drags quite a bit, and uses fan service in all the wrong ways (i.e. a lot of forced 'remember this?' moments).


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Terminator: Dark Fate

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-10-31T14:30:00Z— updated 2022-01-11T20:29:40Z

Rule of thumb: if a movie has 6 (or more) credited people working on the script, chances are it wasn’t conceived by a writer, but a boardroom.
Having said that, I’ve seen worse executions of the Force Awakens format.
The script’s junk, but the production isn’t awful. The first action scene is actually well done, visuals and score are alright, and Mackenzie Davis and Arnold are great in it.


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Some people are going to dislike this simply because it doesn’t give you all the answers, or rather, it doesn’t spell the answers out for you.
But, knowing all the answers wouldn’t change what the film is really interested in (i.e. social mobility and bias in the American school system) , so I’m perfectly fine with the ambiguity in this case.
I think it hints just enough at what happened in order to leave you fulfilled.
The acting is also very solid, particularly from the lead guy.
However, the pacing could’ve been better, and the storyline with the girlfriend feels like a detractor.


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Ready or Not

It’s beyond stupid.
Thankfully, the movie knows that too.
The characters in this movie are played like cartoons of cartoons.
It’s not exactly operating in the area of subtlety.


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Dolemite Is My Name

Quite possibly the most flat out entertaining film of the year so far, only next to Booksmart.

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Zombieland: Double Tap

I’m starting to think that Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese, the writers of this film, are one trick ponies.
They really struggle with keeping subsequent films in their franchises fresh.
Between this and Deadpool 2, I see a lot of what I call ‘Hangover 2’ writing, meaning you change as little as you can from the first movie without making it a straight up remake.
I was annoyed by the amount of jokes from the first film that were repeated in Deadpool 2, and once again, Zombieland: Double Tap is just way too similar to the first film.
It feels lazy, but it’s still entertaining.


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Treadstone: 1x01 The Cicada Protocol

This pilot proves that when you remove the memory loss, musical score and raw direction from the Bourne movies, you’re left with something that’s pretty cookie-cutter and boring. Right now, it feels like a show that only exists in order to cash in on the Bourne name.

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The Walking Dead: 10x02 We Are the End of the World

Can Sinead O’Connor just die already?

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El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie
The Talented Mr. Ripley

This is like an Edgar Wright movie: it starts as one thing, and then it morphs into something completely different.
Very good (especially the performances and score), but it doesn’t always make a ton of sense.


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Gemini Man
The Fanatic

I’ll be shocked if this doesn’t sweep at the Razzies next year.
Finally I have a proper alternative whenever I feel like watching The Room.
Everyone should watch it, and corporate Marvel/DC slaves should be forced to sit through it.
Imagine Jamie Foxx’ Electro (before he turned blue) from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, dial that performance up to eleven, and you’d be pretty close to what Travolta is doing here.
This movie is just the best.

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Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
The Empire Strikes Back
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Breaching experiment: the movie.
This was such a much needed mirror to the Western (and particularly American) society.
There are still so many bits in this movie that are still every bit as funny, shocking and relevant today as they were in 2006 (e.g. the rhodeo champion, the college students, the dinner scene).
Having said that, a few minor scenes feel like exces, and they don’t really serve a point.
Like, what was the point of the scene with the feminists?
There’s no commentary in it, and I already know that the main character is a sexist and a homophobe.
But all in all, this is a great film.


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It Chapter Two
Speed Racer

Hands down, one of the ugliest and headache inducing films I’ve ever seen.

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The Matrix Reloaded

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-09-02T09:19:38Z— updated 2022-09-11T13:51:45Z

The visuals and some of the action sequences (like the highway chase) still hold up to this day, but this is overall a highly self-indulgent sequel with a discombobulated plot and even more wooden acting than the first one. Also, it marks the point where the Wachowskis started to go completely overboard with their use of CGI. They made a huge mistake by focussing on the philosophy for as much as they did, it’s bound to be way too complex and abstract for a lot of people, and even if you can kinda follow it, it’s not nearly as deep and profound as it thinks it is. Using the word ‘ergo’ doesn’t change that.


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Sunset Boulevard

This is the film George Lucas desperately needed to watch when he was making the prequels.

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I guess the people behind this movie really liked the final act of the third Harry Potter film.
This film is really stylistic, twisted and fun in a dark way.
You have to puzzle together how everything happened.
I could’ve used a lot more character development though, because you don’t care about any of the people in it, and the lead is kind of an asshole.
Also, they do kinda cheat by suggesting that you shouldn’t try to alter the past, which is supposed to raise the stakes, but nothing in this film even suggests that that’s possible.
The whole film takes the ‘everything is pre-determined, you have no free will’ approach to time travel, so you can’t change the past, even if you wanted to.


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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-08-09T14:04:19Z— updated 2022-03-13T09:13:14Z

I loved the majority of this film, but also found the climax to be a little off.
After the first act, you’ll be completely aware of the kind of movie that you’re watching.
In my mind, I found the story and character arcs to be very comparable to something like The Wolf of Wallstreet , for example, but with the themes of something like Us.
The only problem with this film for me is the big climax.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with Ki-Taek’s family being condemned for the fact that they’re shitheads , but the Tarantino-esque bloodbath scene didn’t fit this movie, at all.
It does so in concept, but not in terms of tone.
A real shame, because the first 110 minutes of it are flawless, and show all of Bong Joon-Ho’s talents on full display.


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A very important film, and without a doubt one that has had an influence on many directors.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is one of Christopher Nolan’s favourite films, as all of his famous tricks are present here, such as non-linear storytelling, cross-cutting between storylines and unreliable narrators.

As a film, Rashomon does a lot of things right.
The plot, acting, music, editing, cinematography and pacing are all terrific.
The problem lies in the fact that the film seems to be only interested in the idea its exploring (again, much like a Nolan film) and therefore, only tries to engage you on a story level.
The characters, on the other hand, are very thinly drawn.
Extending the film by 10 minutes in order to flesh out the characters would’ve really helped with making the film more engaging on an emotional level.
Also, the way they told the perspective of the husband doesn’t work for me, as it breaks from the serious and dark tone of the film with spiritual nonsense.
However, that might just be me looking at it from a Western perspective.
As Rashomon would say, who’s to say that my perspective is the right one?


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The Boys

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-08-02T07:53:44Z— updated 2022-07-15T22:06:47Z

This is the show that Zack Snyder wishes he could make.
It deconstructs superheroes in a smart way, while not forgetting about important things like character development, story coherence or pacing.
In fact, this is a show that genuinly has a lot of profound things to say about the military industrial complex, religion, power abuse, and more.
It doesn’t just use fetishized costumes and pretentious dialogue to cover up for its own lack of substance.
Moreover, this show is darkly funny, original and twisted.
They could still improve the show by fleshing out some of the characters in Karl Urban’s crew, because I didn’t think all of them were interesting.
Also, the action scenes are straight up bad, but that’s in no way a dealbreaker, because the show isn’t all that interested in them.


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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-07-31T20:36:40Z— updated 2023-11-02T23:03:51Z

Hobbs & Shaw: A Car Wars Story.


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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-07-28T14:41:48Z— updated 2022-07-18T21:48:28Z

It’s very solid, undeniably one of the most well shot war films ever made.
However, it lacks a bit of emotional resonance.
Most of these characters (especially the ones in the air and at the pier) aren’t that interesting, so it’s not a movie that fully engages you as a viewer. I don’t necessarily need a schmaltzy backstory, but they could’ve given Fionn Whitehead more of a personality at the very least.
Also, I thought the scenes in the air, while they sound incredible, got a bit stale after while.
It’s just Jack Lowden and Tom Hardy shooting at a bunch of planes, and there’s not much more to it.
Still, this movie deserves a lot of respect for its presentation, story structure, directing, acting, editing, sound design, score, etc.


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District B13

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-07-27T21:07:33Z— updated 2024-04-14T17:14:37Z

Cool parkour scenes, not that engaging besides that.


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