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Stranger Things

Season 4


Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-05-28T11:43:37Z— updated 2023-07-23T01:09:15Z

Amazing season despite a lot of new characters being more interesting than some of the old ones. Especially when Will has nothing to do but be love sick and jealous. While Jonathan is now a goofy stoner.
Though it is annoying how everyone tries to get Nancy back with Steve when Jonathan isn’t around.
The villain steals the show and so does as Max at one point. Eddie the metalhead Dungeons and Dragon club leader steals almost every seen he is in though.

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Sort of lame that season 2 has 9 episodes. Yet the last season will only have 8 ?

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The show’s appeal has regressed after each new season for me. This one was particularly poor.

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Shout by C

Stranger things has been a ride and one with its ups and downs. With episode 7 (All that is released at this point) it is definitely on an up right now. This season really feels like it has matured and now has everything in place to become a classic. Season 3 was a down for me and so far it has been good writing with only minor forced progressive identity politics thrown in. I am very pleased so far and love that it is all back to basics and simple storytelling. Some feels very forced, like the Joyce and Jim story... but it is fun and I am ok with it because its not a serious show and is very 80s anyway.

Thumbs up from me so far and now I am ok for more unlike I was after season 3.

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Kyle is either an unnecessary character or the actor playing him doesn’t fit the character.

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Robin Buckley love of my life

Honestly the Teen group in Hawkins is the most entertaining part of the show, would love a spin off of them going full scoooby gang and fighting supernatural stuff with the kids showing up every so often
Imo the other storylines we're v slow this season and just not as entertaining as the Hawkins team, the current group in Hawkins just has the best chemistry to watch
Anyway I love a lesbian, her platonic soulmate, his gun-wielding ex-gf, and their weird gaggle of children that they babysit

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Decent season so far. A bit disappointed in the retconning, though: after Eleven escaped in season 1 she had to learn how to speak but here she's having full-on conversations with One... Still, looking forward to the finale.

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This show feels very much like an ensemble piece now.
The amount of characters is huge, it’s almost like an HBO flagship (The Wire, Game of Thrones).
As for the quality of the show, it’s still reliably entertaining and very well produced. It’s still shoving its 80s setting in your face at just about every turn, and the music, visuals and tone are all on point. The writing is also still pretty decent; you’re usually pretty engaged and there’s some great dialogue, but at the same time it can get messy, unimaginative and very predictable.
It’s entertaining and the characters are all great, but the show kinda lacks narrative ambition in order to be more than just pulpy fun. Simple stories tend to work for movies, but not as much for the extended format of a tv show. However, when compared to the recent Star Wars and Marvel output on Disney+, it’s kind of a miracle that this show remains as good as it is.
So, is this show still quite overrated? Yes.
But is it probably more fun and better made than most of the big stuff that’s going to come out in cinemas this summer? Also yes.

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An absolute marvel. They have managed to simultaneously create three mundane, arduous story lines within the single season. The actors are too old for their characters and the storyline lacks the great qualities of the first season. Season 4 Part One is like sitting through algebra class, long, pointless and throughly unenjoyable.

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It's not the totally unkmown villain that noone knows til now. It's not the useless storyline for David and Winona. It's not the unfinished love stories and unclosed plots. It's not the stupid, dull and predictable basketball club. It's not the excessive length and filler material of the last two episodes. No. Even it's not the MBB's horrific wig. It's Eddie's death, the Metalian Role Play Dungeon Master killed dishonorably by a Level 1 demon bats horde, what gets the score down to 5.

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Good gods, I hope they stop making movie-length episodes, because they seriously don't add anything to the experience. Rather just detract from it. Two hours and seventeen minutes for a season finale? Bloody hell, that's almost a LotR movie, that would be too long even for a series finale. And this is supposedly a series. Not a movie serial. And from Netflix, who has a habit of releasing things all at once anyway, so people would binge. There's no rhyme or reason to keeping the episodes this long, especially when there's so much fluff and filler. Editing is a tool, for cryin' out loud - USE IT. More than enough points in every episode where they could've chopped them up without sacrificing anything. And the absolutely lopsided release made it feel even stupider. Just... stop, please. Get back to sensible episode lengths and sensible amounts of episodes.

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So much time is wasted on boring plots and introducing new characters.

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Oh, it's been a very long wait. Here's hoping it's worthwhile

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If I only could I'd make a deal with God and get him to swap our places (with someone who didn't sit through this entire shitty, lame season)

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Episodes were too long. The last became boring. Too much stuff going on and too much sub plots. It's a TV show keep episodes short and the plot on track,

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Shout by Dudaai
BlockedParent2022-07-20T06:50:19Z— updated 2023-07-03T06:21:09Z

Much as I like this series, this season, more than any other, just draaaaaaaags on for what feels like ever! Lots of new characters introduced, some a lot more interesting than others and the totally pointless Russian sub-plot (actually not even just a sub-plot now, it's a full blown, and boring, story in its own right) that seems to do nothing more than keep the adults out of the way, spruced up with some monster action rather than just having them sat in a library. The biggest problem by far though is the sheer length of the episodes, I mean feature movie length. Fine if there was a need for it but most of of the episodes could easily have been 40 minutes max, the rest is just padding, so much padding that half the time I ended up just wishing that the episode, and then the whole season would just hurry up and end, really hard to maintain the interest to keep watching, not helped by the endless monologues that seem to increase in length and frequency as the season drags on. Not sure I can be bothered with the next season.

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This is the best season of Stranger Things since the beginning. The show started to feel like it had lost its way and become generic horror/gore, but that neon synth lightning has returned! I am eager to see what's in store for the fifth season.

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It is the darkest season of the series, things happen all the time and there is no character left unexplored, the creators have left no detail unexplored, it is a leap in quality compared to previous seasons

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here… there… it’s a bit E V E R Y W H E R E! too all over the place and yet nowhere at the same time. why :man_facepalming_tone1:

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the only downside is that the music is a bit too much on the nose.

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Pointless subplots, overused clichés, drawn-out scenes, soppy dialogues, irrational decisions, stupid motivations... How did it come to this? How did it come to such awful, lazy, uninspired writing? This season was so bad it's a fucking insult to the audience.

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these episodes absolutely did not need to run well over an hour each

the show went exactly where I thought it would and took its sweet ass time dragging its feet there, hitting the most obvious beats and then hammering home the point over and over and over again with the most on-the-nose dialogue, packed to the gills with cliches, dialogue i've heard a million times over in other sci-fi/fantasy media, and characters largely reduced to fan-service spouting fan-service dialogue

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I'm not fond of the separate storylines because I enjoy watching the entire gang interact, and some storylines are better than others, but the objective part of me understands why it's necessary. At the end of the day, I'm invested in these characters, and this season convincingly sets up just the right amount of high-stakes situations to keep me tense and engaged.

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The best season of Stranger Things yet. Highly suspenseful and filled with incredible moments and big reveals. If season 5 can bring this story full circle and close on a high note, Stranger Things will go down in history as one of the greatest TV series of all time.

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Okay this one of most best seasons i ever watch, i mean not all series can keeps this level of excitement,Yah I know there some Expected scenes but it's not matter as they in the overall done great job, and makes you want the new season right now!
Anyway i really enjoyed it and big thank you for all who done this work

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Bloody hell season 4 is really good.

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There's a lot of great, creepy parts of this season. But there's also a lot of great character developments. Splitting the party between Hawkins and California gave a lot of time for people to develop.

The season had some pacing issues, with the final episode 2.5 hours to conclude all the things they started. They could've done better at integrating the stories earlier so that the season blended more smoothly.

Still, there's a lot of good drama throughout.

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So apparently i am the only one that didn't find the Russian storyline to be boring. I was able to enjoy almost every moment of this season.


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I’m not sure what I was expecting from this season but it certainly wasn’t what we got. It was so incredibly dragged out, but also lacked any feeling or charm. Everything was focused on the boring, repetitive plot while no attention was given to the character arcs and the relationships. We hardly saw anyone actually interact with another character in a meaningful or even fun way. Everything was bland, which is such a shame because the season started in an interesting way and ended strong. It was just the middle that didn’t work at all for me.

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Almost watched seasons 1 through 4 in one go. Thought this wasn’t really for me, but man was I wrong. This show is great. The performances, music and overall story are awesome.

First 3 seasons flow together nicely, episodes are nice and tight. In season 4 you feel this changing. It comes together in the end and it’s not bad at all, but you can almost feel the writing struggles. It just doesn’t fit as nice as the first three season. Still, I’m glad I’ll be tagging along for the final chapter.

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Fuckin aye man. The twists and turns just keep coming more powerful than the last. The longer runtimes are a chore to get through yes, but I still enjoy spending time with these characters and all the reuniting from each of the 4 main storylines are just the sigh of relief we need after such an extreme rollercoaster of emotion. No idea how Season 5 will top everything from Season 4 as well as wrap things up in a satisfying manner, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

Calling it right now: it’s gonna end like how it started, like a D&D game

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It wouldn't be wrong to call this season "the beginning of the end." Apart from that the creators have confirmed season 5 as the last season, this season ends by opening up new possibilities for close the story of this series in the next season.

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Shout by H

I’ve always given this show 9’s & 10’s once the season is over but I’m conflicted. The first half was good but not up to it’s usual standard. The Russian storyline bored me, as did the characters who went on the ‘roadtrip’. Lots of new characters introduced with only one of who I liked. As always my favourites are Dustin and Steve as I love their camaraderie. It improved by Dear Billy then slumped slightly then picked up again at episode 7 and continued to get better up until the finale. I don’t want to be too harsh because I did enjoy certain storylines but the others for me just felt too drawn out and overcomplicated. If only trakt did half stars my issue would be solved. Going to have to think on this

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Shout by Deleted

Soooo, Part 2 was two episodes. Nicely done (sarcasm sign). Also out of all the characters, you decided to kill the coolest one, again, very nice. Just out of curiosity, I'm gonna watch S5 to see how you blow it all away, 'cause at this rate, that's definitely gonna happen.

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Holy hell this was good. Such amazing shots, blocking, dialogue, fun characters, epic themes, goo performances, excellent usage of tropes, etc.

I LIVE for this shit.

But also? I wish the Russia/Joyce/Hopper storyline didn’t exist. It didn’t really add anything to the story thematically, internally, or externally. Just felt out of place.

The primary storyline though?? INCREDIBLE. I love love love Vecna. Fantastic.

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I hope Sadie Sink's and Kate Bushe's backs do not hurt from carrying this season on them.

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Shout by Deleted

So, I really really appreciate the inclusion of a character like Eddie ('cuz of course I do) but I also really really hope this "part 2" is the last of this series. Because, frankly, I feel just the way I felt when they kept bringing out seasons for AHS, and that feeling is the one you have when you know something it's losing its magic. Like a relationship that you watch die from afar and don't know how to stop it. Let it die as a hero for the series, don't let it become another villain.

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I was so disappointed from the last two seasons I wasn't planning on watching season 4, but I'm really glad I did. This is a real step up. Really enjoying it.

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so far so good. I like the origins storys, i think they made sense (in the nonsense that the show is, of course)
Not very fan of the russian escape plot .
I REALLY hope the second part finally asambles all the subgroups and they fight together. What made the first season so great was the friendship, and so far there wasnt any scene where the 5 friends where together in the same place .

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Shout by Vitor Moreira
BlockedParent2022-05-31T11:20:03Z— updated 2022-07-01T11:26:13Z

impressive their ability to renew themselves each season, nothing is the same as the previous ones but it does not deviate from what has already been presented to us. I think such long episodes are an exaggeration, mainly because of the way the series is made available (seriously netflix, put one episode a week is much better), but the series manages to do well. literally a single core didn't catch my attention, all the others are amazing, tense, funny and everything good that the series has already presented us. Watching the kids grow up is a really good experience, seeing them go through other problems and not just monsters from another dimension shows the series has matured. once again the series introduces us to new characters in a way that captivates us, even Argyle that I didn't like at first has a place in my heart hi so Eden who won hearts by having 10 seconds of screen. The revelations are incredible and the script almost perfect.
the second part manages to be even better, everything fell into place and the quality exceeded my expectations. but I'm completely devastated so stop here.

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This has been a great return to the ominous and dark air that made the first season good. It could have been better but all the faget shit that they decided to throw in for no good reason damaged it in the end. How much more of this woke crap do we have to endure?

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001 now resides in on of the kids

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After a disappointing season (not sure which one, perhaps several) I have to say this one is really close to a master piece.

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