Shout by Dudaai
BlockedParent2022-07-20T06:50:19Z— updated 2023-07-03T06:21:09Z

Much as I like this series, this season, more than any other, just draaaaaaaags on for what feels like ever! Lots of new characters introduced, some a lot more interesting than others and the totally pointless Russian sub-plot (actually not even just a sub-plot now, it's a full blown, and boring, story in its own right) that seems to do nothing more than keep the adults out of the way, spruced up with some monster action rather than just having them sat in a library. The biggest problem by far though is the sheer length of the episodes, I mean feature movie length. Fine if there was a need for it but most of of the episodes could easily have been 40 minutes max, the rest is just padding, so much padding that half the time I ended up just wishing that the episode, and then the whole season would just hurry up and end, really hard to maintain the interest to keep watching, not helped by the endless monologues that seem to increase in length and frequency as the season drags on. Not sure I can be bothered with the next season.

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