This show feels very much like an ensemble piece now.
The amount of characters is huge, it’s almost like an HBO flagship (The Wire, Game of Thrones).
As for the quality of the show, it’s still reliably entertaining and very well produced. It’s still shoving its 80s setting in your face at just about every turn, and the music, visuals and tone are all on point. The writing is also still pretty decent; you’re usually pretty engaged and there’s some great dialogue, but at the same time it can get messy, unimaginative and very predictable.
It’s entertaining and the characters are all great, but the show kinda lacks narrative ambition in order to be more than just pulpy fun. Simple stories tend to work for movies, but not as much for the extended format of a tv show. However, when compared to the recent Star Wars and Marvel output on Disney+, it’s kind of a miracle that this show remains as good as it is.
So, is this show still quite overrated? Yes.
But is it probably more fun and better made than most of the big stuff that’s going to come out in cinemas this summer? Also yes.

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@jordyep All rather salient points!
The first volume of Season 4 has an inordinate number of easter eggs--some of them brilliantly placed and I do enjoy them for that reason.I can't help but wonder whether that endeavor sometimes gets in the way of the writers' actual craft.

@jordyep Watch the rest of the show and let us know what you think then :)
