Review by Justin Numerick

Stranger Things

Season 4

Best season since season 1 and might even be better. This is the most epic and emotional season of the show yet and it feels very fresh and different from the last two seasons. It is much darker than previous seasons and I really loved the tone. The Duffer brothers called this their game of thrones season and I can really see that, with all of the characters being in different places and having their own journeys but all still being related to the main plot of what's happening in Hawkins. This season really did feel massive and so much bigger than anything they've done before, with the biggest stakes and the most complex story. I think overall this season did an amazing job of capturing that tone. And I really love the way the season ended, not like the happy victory from previous season but much more of a bittersweet and ominous ending and it really makes you feel like things are different this time. It does a great job of setting up what will be the final season of the show, and truly feels like the beginning of the end. My one main complaint is that I wish that some of the main characters got a little bit more attention. However, in the final two episodes many of these characters did get more to do and played a larger role, so this is more of a nit-pick mostly related to volume 1 and many of my complaints about the characters were resolved in volume 2. Otherwise, I thought most of the characters were given great arcs this season and the actors did a great job of conveying these arcs and bringing a lot of emotion to their performances. Just an amazingly epic and emotional season and this show proves it's still one of the best series out there.

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