Review by Kizz'n'Tell

Stranger Things

Season 4

So I got through the entire season for them to get together and the main action was all in different places......... awesome.
I think the whole finale would make more impact if the villain was introduced in 1st/2nd season, even for a scene or two to show us that there is a bigger boss. We were just left season after season with scarier monsters but I just didn't make the connection between Vecna and them. Its just random that while sending him to the upside down world with the monsters already existing, Eleven made a way for them and Vecna just happens to be on the same level as them, not a boss and not someone they could eat I think. The series didn't show much to think otherwise. It would be great to feel the need to understand every little thing to connect the boss to everything, not at 4th season which while almost entirely premiered at the same time and you didn't need to think, just get through episodes.
Almost all the crew was "dying" soooo long for Vecna to have a slow speech to Eleven and for Eleven to found her braveness again... also I hate when suddenly the plot is saying 'you hurt one you hurt all the bad guys' x.x
And also the plan which all of others thought is not going to work, worked, and they almost didn't need Eleven.... well.

Idk, maybe this show isn't for me but it still has the thing that interests me. I just cannot with the characters. I barely like Steve, I liked Max in the beginning, not now. I like Eleven for her powers only nowadays. So this season almost got none of it. I'm just staying for monsters and Upside Down world so it seems next season will be it for me, but I also thought every time that the next season will be amazing/better than the previous so idk really anymore.

I also liked the new characters more than the old ones and I wished for the new guys to live more than the old ones.... hmmm.

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