Review by chrundle1

Stranger Things

Season 4

Conflicted on this one. The first half of Season 4 was some of the most impressively boring TV I have ever witnessed. It was an absolute slog to get through. I even started watching at 1.25x speed on Netflix and was still so bored I rarely made it through a full episode in one sitting. I can appreciate slow, deliberate pacing - Twin Peaks: The Return is one of my all-time favorites - but this somehow transcends that. There are 0 stakes, nothing engaging happening, no new ideas, every single shot (soo many match cuts) and line of dialogue was like a fractal of predictable tropes nested within tropes.

That said, things really start to pick up around Episode 6, and only get better until the final episode, which was legitimately pretty awesome. Then back down again for the last 20 minutes or so, where the bleakness of the ending felt a little forced.

Overall, it ended great, it's just a shame you have to suffer through 6+ hours of some of the most boring TV I've ever seen to get there. (Speaking of which, why are the episodes so dang long? A show like this does NOT need 1.5 - 2 hour long episodes. Were previous seasons like this too?)

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