The Best GoT episode thus far! Avengers end game can't even compare.... bwuahahha

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Best TV Episode EVER! My heart rate spiked the entire show

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Shout by lorenzoDG

From the beginning until the end this episode got me wink not once °_°

Petyr: "You're welcome..."


And now good luck with Cersei...

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The episode could be summed up by a great quote from someone somewhere

“The night is dark and full of errors”

This episode is was actually a lot better visually wise when the lighting is fixed.

Still kind of cringy/obnoxious watching Jamie die like 7 times…

My brain would hurt trying to write down every logical thing that doesn’t make sense O_o

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My main criticism of this episode is how bad the dragons were used, and the charge of the Dothraki is kind of dumb but this quite the episode, very epic. Ser Jorah will be missed, epic death serving his queen, Edd another sad casualty and Lady Lyanna Mormont went like a true warrior..

I'm sure a lot of people are going to criticize this episode very hard but think about it, we were pointed in one direction and another person delivered the final blow to the Night King that's very GRRM if you ask me, there are plot holes but it works inside the universe, in the end the NK proved to be as flawed as all the characters GRRM has written so again it matches perfectly with the style.

About Arya delivering the final and fatal blow, I didn't get it at first but think about it, who is the character that have been groomed into becoming a fighter and later an assassin? Well Arya Stark! since season 1 she kept practicing with swords and arrows, GRRM and the TV show writers were setting Jon Snow as the "Prince" well it was the "Princess".

To each their own.

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I stan only one (1) badass and that's Arya freaking Stark. SHE DID THAT.

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This episode in blu-ray has a much higher proportion, the images are much more noticeable and clear, unlike the streaming that sacrifices everything. Second time I watch it in BD and it only enriched my experience even more. The open plans are beautiful and you could see perfectly the battle in the sky between the dragons (one of the best and most tense moments of the episode).

I continue to find this war all too intense and unpredictable. And that is why the outcome seems too easy. After all, it was eight seasons building the threat from the White Walkers and the Night King. As much as it is praiseworthy and exciting for Arya to be the person to kill him, this bittersweet taste remains in my mouth.

I'm sorry for everyone who fell... Jorah, Lyanna, Edd... Theon, who was very brave. And I'm sorry for Melisandre. Her last scene is impressive. And it surprises me because she committed one of the most cruel acts in the series, which was the cowardly murder of Shireen. But still, the character managed to grow on me.

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Fantastic episode! Absolutely great! I was nervous through out the entire episode.

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Really a masterpeace!!! I can't think this season is the last one…

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Shout by deanzel

"Everyone! Remain calm! The Crypts are perfectly SAFE!!!!! I repeat, the CRYPTS ARE SAFE!!"

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I was hoping we’d get to see headless undead Ned down in the crypt, but I guess it was not to be.

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"The Long Night" is a visually stunning episode of a fantasy television show. It features incredible cinematography, special effects, music, and audio. This is a disappointing episode of Game of Thrones.

So far, these three episodes of Season 8 have not been as politically or emotionally complex as episodes in previous seasons. However, I still enjoyed seeing characters I've grown to care about display feats of strength and badassery.

My favorite moment in this episode was watching the Dothraki ride into the black night, arakhs aflame, and seeing those orange glows slowly disappear. Miguel Sapochnik is a fantastic director!

This season could be redeemed if the death of the Night King is more complicated than we currently understand. It wouldn't be enough if the importance of the battle with the Night King was only to illustrate that prior enemies can band together and unite under a common cause.

I'm looking forward to Episode Four and beyond!

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OMG! This was amazing! I'm astonished!

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Great directing, but extremely poor writing. Disappointed.

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It was all leading to this and they did not disappoint. I was literally on the edge of my seat. There are no words to describe the power of this episode. I'm exhausted but so so happy. 11/10

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EPIC! The ending was unexpected!

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Sansa Stark: "The most heroic thing we can do now is look the truth in the face."

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well I have to say this is one of the best episodes I have ever seen. it's one of the few shows that has me clinging to my emotions. action packed, eventful and a joy to watch. best episode so far.

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Shout by AJ

What a great episode!!! If only we could have seen a damn thing, with all the darkness and the cold mist and the blurry action scenes... :unamused:

Also... fighting an army of undead? Shelter the women and children in a cemetery!! Brilliant idea :thumbsup:

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I cried when Jorah died.

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overall impression: bullshit hollywood movie (i.e same crap like marvel, DC).

but hands down, beautifully done BS.

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What do we say to the god of death?

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Mostly I just question the general trend in cinematography where there is an insistence on shooting nighttime like you are stuck halfway down a coal mine. You're trading a bearable viewing experience for hyperrealism. I remember when this came out and thinking, "lol they've spent so much time and money on all this action for hardly any of it to be seen and enjoyed". I think my favourite scene would have to be Arya in the library, reminded me of the Jurassic Park lab moment.

a charitable 7 cause idk, i do like set pieces. everyone's 4's are justified.

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Shout by mg_grey

I'm still hoping that THAT battle with the white walkers didn't just end up in one episode. The build up was so long, like seasons long, and I wished the battle was maybe 2 episodes max. Ugh. Idk.

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Last good episode of GoT, I'm calling it right now.

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Just watched it for the second time now and I really must say that I don't think I've seen anything like it on TV yet. Pure masterpiece!

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Best Walking Dead Episode Ever!

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Shout by André Dias
BlockedParent2019-04-29T02:21:00Z— updated 2019-06-07T14:34:00Z

How badass can Lyanna Mormont be?

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"Send the dothraki first since they are barbarians"

"Dragons are our heavy artillery let's keep them flying in circles without doing NOTHING for say 2/3 of the battle. Even if they all stop before a flaming trench and sit there nearly aligned for tenths of minutes. We can not win the easy way this must be EPIC"

"It's a massive invasion of Savage, quick and merciless undead but we like to walk orderly and calmly in libraries"

"By the way, libraries are still dead silent while people are being ripped to shreds outside"

"Hey, look, Arya slipped past 4.000 undead and learned Rey's air saber trick"

"Every major character gets to live even after being surrounded by dead. (jorah and theon were already half dead - oh yeah, theon, seems Arya waited in the shadows while you were impalled too. Go team.".

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Shout by Gotrek Felix
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-04-29T05:54:04Z— updated 2020-07-01T11:02:08Z

So in this big battle where "your favourite characters gonna die" they killed like 4-5 totally side characters nobody really cares about and defeated the night king in a lame ass way. Dissapointment is not even the best word to describe this episode.

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Absolutely incredible what they were able to deliver from a technical perspective. I just wish it was a little brighter, it was so dark that it was hard to see everything. A ton of great moments.

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What was this, Disney’s Game of Thrones? All these seasons of build-up... and we get this? How many characters of importance died?

I’m disappointed.

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sooo this was shit. The fact that everyone survived a battle no one should have is pure bullshit. and by everyone I mean the main characters.

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Arya for the win!

I've never had more fun being wrong predicitions-wise.

Theon's arc was perfect, dying at "home" as "a good man". Not to mention that Legolas-tier kill ratio.

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This episode is a masterpiece, perfect combination of tension, action and drama. The final was epic.. I didn't even blink for most of the episode. Just an amazing battle.. now is time for Cersei to die hopefully by the kingslayer hand.

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Fair but incredibly anticlimactic, all of that buildup and hype over the years just wasted in one episode like this, disappointing doesn't even begin to describe it. sigh

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Shout by Romy

fucked up ending. Fr they killed knight king so easily .

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A disappointment. It's not horrible, but it is far from having the quality GoT had in the early seasons. The writing is piss poor since the end of season 6 tbh. Most people seem to have liked it, even though it doesn't feel like game of thrones anymore. The writers have no guts, GoT shouldn't be about taking the easy way out. This was the most hyped battle in the show and managed to be the worst of them all in my opinion.
I'll be waiting for the books.

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What a terrible episode, too dark to see anything, probably to hide the bad CGI, Arya oneshotting the big bad boss with her OP teleporting powers, music was obnoxiously repetitive at many parts, stupid battle tactics etc etc. the list of stupid things in this episode is endless.

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This was another level of deus ex machina. What was bigger the battle or the plot holes?

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somehow the night king manages to fumble a million to one lead

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First I'm gonna say it was an episode worth to watch. It was pretty intense and you couldn't look away.


  1. Theons death was the dumbest thing ever happened in this show.
  2. Bran used his power, that created a big... wait a minute, what the hell is his power??? He took a lot of ravens and nothing really happened!! He was gone for like 98% of the episode. I can only think about him being the Night King or something like that.
  3. Jorah can teleport himself wherever he wants.
  4. Oh, Beric had resurrection during all the series but now... no he doesn't.
  5. Dothraki, you should go there and fight the walkers alone, we will watch you from here.
  6. Nicely done Ghost! (Irony off)
  7. Nicely done White Walkers! (")
  8. Apparently they can jump over a horde of Dothrakis but not over Brien, Jamie, Grey Worm, etc. (plot armour?)

And well, I can't think about anything else right now. Wholesome it was a good episode, but it's not even near the best ones. IMO

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This is not Game of Thrones anymore.

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What a garbage episode. 2 months to film that? One night in a room with the lights off and the soundtrack playing would give the same result. All the destruction and death that was barely visible and nobody of any real relevance kicked the bucket. Oh yeah, ‘big name’ d list characters died in what was built to be the biggest battle. If that’s the best they could pull out for the epic showdown thank god it’s only got weeks left.

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This episode: The night so dark I can't see the terrors.

Knowing Game of Thrones, somehow I’m disappointed in how few main characters died that episode.

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One of the worst and stupidest episode ever made in Game of Thrones. Don’t you know what I’m talking about? I’m sorry for you.

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Shout by Johnny Wong
BlockedParent2019-04-29T04:25:57Z— updated 2019-05-02T01:16:33Z

If only I can give this 200 out of 10 hearts!

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Ridiculous episode with so many idiotic "ideas". I don't remember the last time I hated TV shows like this episode. (And I didn't like very much the last two seasons.)

I don't think I can say anything new on this page, why I hated it... but...

I don't understand why must see so many high rating about this awful episode, after when we see so many inconsequent, illogical things. Open your minds and eyes!

I'm not a big fan season 6&7 but I enjoyed those... after that I see this episode and I think it's the biggest disappointment for me ever. (Of course only in entertainment.)

It's like an average bad superheroes movie.

It's not TV. It's HBO.

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The absolute worst episode of GoT, no question. Murky visuals and woeful plot, full of holes, apart from the main characters' plot armor, which is invulnerable. The Last Jedi of GoT.

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Shout by Wéjih M'zoughi
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-04-29T10:35:06Z— updated 2019-05-20T15:30:37Z

The fact that last season Arya used the same move that killed the Night King on ser Brienne when training with her is so cool. When she asked Arya who taught her that, she said, "No one." Who knew that was how she was going to kill The Night King. That's so clever.
Bran also gave that dagger to Arya. The same weapon she used to defeat him. I guess he really does know quite a few things.
The Night King is such a big bottler, though. LMAO :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Battle of Winterfell MVP: Arya Stark

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Great episode, defineatly one of the best of the series, but kinda dissapointed by the death of the night king, which was like the easiest death ever. But overall an amazing episode.

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This ep was a huge disappointment. Red women coming out of nowhere and her part to set swords on fire (why they used steel swords anyway...) and she light up the line of defense, while John sitting on a dragon... magicaly evryone survives... and so on... 2/5 just because CGI.

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Worst episode in the entire series. Also thanks for the visual impairment.

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3 years ago I named my dog Arya. I bet today during our walks all dogs will show insane respect.

What an episode, damn.

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"Big CGI battle coming up"

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My god, this was such a boring episode. They should make it 4 hours long and entirely in slow motion because “the greatest battle ever”.

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This episode ruined GOT for me. It was the best show until S3, then it went downhill with a few exceptions. I wanted to review the entire series to get the nuances, but they ended it with Aryas’ invisibility cloak, stealth superpowers and her Thanos little ice picker. Build up the entire Night King menace for this ridiculous end battle. Mediocre choice to boost a thus far unimpressive female character.

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What did Jon do in this episode?
1. Dragon surfed and missed most of The battle.
2. Fell of the dragon, leaving dany to save him - leaving walkers to attack drogon - leaving drogon to leave dany - leaving Jorah saving dany and die.
3. Playing peekaboo with the ice dragon.

How is Sam alive? Maybe tears are some sort of weapon.

Of course every character that died had its moment. The hero moment.

Im sad to say that i dont really care about the characters anymore.

This is not really game of thrones, this is fan service

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I was losing all kind of hope and then she killed that mutherfucker.
When the Dothrakis started the fight and Khaleesi saw how they were dying, things got out of control.
The darkness, the fear, the stress, too much was happening at the same time.
It was beautiful and well done. This episode is worth of being seen more than once time.
Now I want to see how they kick Cersi's ass and who's going to be the King or Queen of the Seven Kindoms.

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Shout by ThunderZtormDK
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-04-29T21:43:39Z— updated 2019-05-08T04:26:10Z

HUGE let-down.

So the super-enemy we've been building this entire show and lore about was, in the end, so weak and worthless that all he could do was smash a wall and ALMOST take ONE little town up north. He couldn't even manage to kill anyone important. How the HELL does Sam and Jaime survive that battle, for example?

This is Game of Thrones, what the hell happened since everybody suddenly got plot armor?

Also, what on earth is the point of Bran? He's been built up to be this super-threat to the Night King, but he's done absolutely NOTHING except sit around and look silly. THIS is where his story SHOULD have peaked.

Finally (for now), what the hell was up with the lighting in this episode? Was watching in complete darkness, and I still had a hard time seeing any real details.

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I got a new favorite soundtrack: The Night King - Ramin Djawadi

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Fair enough fair enough!! This was a very thrilling and exciting episode. Let the buzz begin. Good grief really!! Just this episode alone was worth the wait. Bravo!! Well done!!

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Shout by Jatin Srivastava
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-05-06T13:10:06Z— updated 2019-05-20T07:45:14Z

This is the most disappointing season of the entire series. First two episodes were a complete failure followed by the worst of all episodes that I have ever watched in the series so far. S08E03 was supposed to be something that can give an insight about The Night King's intention but he didn't speak a single word, and I have no idea what Bran is doing in the story if he has nothing to offer.

Even Hodor's death in season six explained about his past. That episode alone was way more emotional and intense than this entire disgusting season.

The worst part of all is the death of Night King, I expected something more meaningful form his departure after all he was the centre point of the entire series since the first episode of the series.

This YouTube video makes E04 more interesting and delivers true justice to Night King

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Somehow the stupidity of the Walking Dead made its way to Game of Thrones. Awful episode. It felt cheap and so Hollywood. Incredibly disappointing and anticlimactic.

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I enjoyed the episode and I was pretty engaged in it BUT it's been solved a little bit too easy. Too much plotting and not enough "smarts".
It's a bit rushed and a bit anti-climatic. They could have spent a bit more time fleshing it out.

And what are they going to do for three more episodes?

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Shot in the dark couldn't see a thing!

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What do we say to the God of Death? NOT TODAY, BITCH

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I am sat with the air conditioning to 'cool' and finish the episode with sweat all over and and burning ears.
Truly, A Song of Ice and Fire.

Oh yeah, God Daaaaaame.
P.S: I was stupid to me a shirt supporting house Stark when it's obviously the top guns are house Mormont.

And how did freakin' Cercei knew that it will happen? If you think about it you'll see that they spoiled us the season in episode 1.

Stick'em with the pointy end!

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I liked the episode and all but I really wanted this war against the dead to be how the show ended. that would make more sense to me because of how the show started. and what's up with almost everybody surviving it??? is this the same show that just went and killed ned stark????

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(That's all I wanted to say but there is a 5 word minimum)

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NWO everywhere. Are you kidding me?

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if I could marry this episode I would

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amazing, the best episode for me

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if this episode doesn't get rated 10 out of 10... then what would?

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I didn’t see that one episode of the series!

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I'm not gonna lie and say that Arya killing the Night King was shocking. Let's be real, she's one of the most (if not the absolute most) awesome and badass character in this show. Of course she was gonna save the day night! She's a boss ass bitch and I love her (same goes for Lyanna RIP)

The only thing I found to be disappointing was that Davos didn't kill Melisandre. Her pulling a Luke Skywalker was a lame way for her to die.

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I was expecting more deaths from more important characters, that was kind of desappointing. Jon did nothing but after all it was a great episode full of tension. Love it.

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Night king went out like a bitch

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GOT is the greatest thing to happen to humanity. So much hype was going around this ep, so many emotions... and it delivered. Nobody expected that. And i love so much about this ep that not a lot of people died as i was expecting. And as if i didint have enough reasons to love her, now im just obsessed with Arya,she is 100% my favorite. If she dies, im going to hate GOT.
one thing tho that im confused about is whats next, theres 3 episodes left, so all of them gon be about the battle with cersei??!! if they survived this night king shit they are supposed to die because of cersei dumnass.

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if just walking dead had one episode of this....

btw surprising episode so far...

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that's it? was that the long night? I've had nights longer than that

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Shout by Deleted

Almost everything from cinematography, sound design, actors to set design ist world class! This episode had some of the best shots I have ever seen in a TV show, period. BUT the writing was complete and utter shit. Following the trend of season 7, D&D decided to wrap up the story as quickly as possible without spending any thought in writing a script that is worth being called a "Game of Thrones" episode.

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Have to agree the I was a bit disappointed by this episode.. 7 Seasons leading up to the Attack by The Night King and they kill him in the first battle?? Talk about an anticlimax... feels to me that this is a case of the writer's needing to close out a lot of stuff in this season and basically the night Kitten winter coming and all of that needed to get done by the third episode so that they can deal with the situation between Cersei etc. Bit of a shame really and maybe they should have stopped typing up winter's coming and the night King a few seasons ago.

Personally I would have done it the other way round and have had the Seven Kingdoms sorting their stuff out earlier in this season and then ending with several episodes dealing with the night King. Anyway let's see how the rest of the season goes.

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I liked the episode but I'm a bit dissapointed as well.... as mentioned in other comments you see some heroes surrounded and next scene they're not anymore (example when Jon rushes the NK and gets surrounded from every side by reanimated dead ... next scene you see him fighting them but he isn't surrounded anymore... how?

Also still find they hyped the battle and the dead so much in past seasons just to let the NK die in such a weird (may I say stupid? ) way. He still has an army of thousands and still he decided to enter the castle and go for Bran personally? Why not wait outside where it's safe with his army and let his leuitenants bring Bran to him....

Also seriously such a waste of the Dorthraki and the catapults.... Let them charge into the pitch black and get slaughtered and let's only fire the catapults in the beginning of the battle.... Why not position the catapults behind the army and keep shooting?

Overall enjoyed the episode while watching but at the same time I'm a bit confused.

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This was just an absolute MASTERPIECE in tension building, I was literally holding my breath for almost the entire episode. ARYA is the true queen <3

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This was the role that Arya Stark had been training for since S01E01 - the role of the unseen assassin. Even the night king with all his power could not see her for what she was. Excellent episode.

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