I love this show, and am writing this because I care about it so much. Along with many other people in this thread, I had some issues with story decisions made in this episode. Killing all the white walkers makes no sense to me, and here are the reasons...

  1. Arya is a Faceless assassin. Why would she jump out while yelling at the night King? It would make more sense for her character to steal one of the faces of the whitewalkers, and attempt a kill quietly.
  2. White Walkers were the primary enemy that were introduced way back in the opening of Episode 1. They have their first battle across the wall and get completely wiped out by a simple knife drop trick?
  3. Arya already had her arc. Her family was murdered, so she became one of the Faceless, and had her revenge. This is Game of Thrones, when someone's arc is met, they're quite often killed off.
  4. To make the White Walkers seem menacing, as they have been portayed through the series, they should've had the Night King give the ass-y smirk when Arya stabbed him instead, and then have the Night King throw her aside, killing her.
  5. Jon was brought back to life as the prince that was promised. They built up so much tension between the Night King and Jon. This was the first time Arya ever saw a White Walker. She didn't have any experience with them prior to this.
  6. Melisandre told Jon the battle of the Seven Kingdoms was pointless and "the Real Fight" was to the North, and only Jon could stop it. The entire prophecy is completely ignored for some fancy knife drop fan service.

Other than the White Walkers, there were a few other points I had...

  • WTF was Bran doing the whole time? Warging some ravens? Thanks! It would be awesome if he Warged into one of the Dragons, or litterally did anything.
  • Where was Ghost the whole time? Would have been awesome to have Ghost save Jon when he was surrounded by the White Walkers. Or go one step further and have Jon reach his end, and then go all Azor Ahai on everyone, and discover his own Warging abilities, since Bran wasn't doing anything.

I loved the tension through the whole episode. Gave some spots to recoup and recharge. The light from the Dothraki swords going out was a great spectacle. Felt very Helms Deep. It was truly an amazing production. The music, the action, the pauses between fights. So well done. However, the episode's decision to ignore all of what the series built up since the beginning felt like lazy writing, and didn't really feel like what Game of Thrones has been.

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