I liked the episode but I'm a bit dissapointed as well.... as mentioned in other comments you see some heroes surrounded and next scene they're not anymore (example when Jon rushes the NK and gets surrounded from every side by reanimated dead ... next scene you see him fighting them but he isn't surrounded anymore... how?

Also still find they hyped the battle and the dead so much in past seasons just to let the NK die in such a weird (may I say stupid? ) way. He still has an army of thousands and still he decided to enter the castle and go for Bran personally? Why not wait outside where it's safe with his army and let his leuitenants bring Bran to him....

Also seriously such a waste of the Dorthraki and the catapults.... Let them charge into the pitch black and get slaughtered and let's only fire the catapults in the beginning of the battle.... Why not position the catapults behind the army and keep shooting?

Overall enjoyed the episode while watching but at the same time I'm a bit confused.

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