i enjoyed the episode a lot, it was tense and bloody and full of great moments BUT i was left with many WHYs.
1. WHY didnt dany and jon torch the shit out of the dead before they collided with their armies?? jon didnt even want to intervene when dany did, if they waited more they would have probably lost most of their men after the first wave. 2. WHY didnt the dragons destroy every wight that was standing in front of the trench waiting, before they piled up and broke through. seemed like there was plenty of time to just burn them all, or at least most of them. 3. WHY were living dragons just biting or doing fucking nothing against the already dead dragon. its like they forgot they could breathe fire. not saying it would have definitely helped but the revived dragon is by all means a wight and we know fire works against them. 4. WHY didnt dany just immediately fly away after she saved jon. stupid bitch, drogon nearly died cause of her and jorah actually did. also wtf happened to rhaegal, i must have missed it. 5. WHY didnt it occur to fucking anyone that the dead in the crypt could rise considering they knew that the night king rises the dead. come on now.

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