Shout by ThunderZtormDK
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-04-29T21:43:39Z— updated 2019-05-08T04:26:10Z

HUGE let-down.

So the super-enemy we've been building this entire show and lore about was, in the end, so weak and worthless that all he could do was smash a wall and ALMOST take ONE little town up north. He couldn't even manage to kill anyone important. How the HELL does Sam and Jaime survive that battle, for example?

This is Game of Thrones, what the hell happened since everybody suddenly got plot armor?

Also, what on earth is the point of Bran? He's been built up to be this super-threat to the Night King, but he's done absolutely NOTHING except sit around and look silly. THIS is where his story SHOULD have peaked.

Finally (for now), what the hell was up with the lighting in this episode? Was watching in complete darkness, and I still had a hard time seeing any real details.

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