Wow, this has to be the worst GoT episode period. First of all, everything was so dark that I barely saw anything. Most scenes were also done very sloppy and just with lots of movement so you couldn't even see what the hell was going on.
The story itself was also very thin, with huge gaps in how stuff can happen. I mean, how did Arya reach the Night King so quickly and unnoticeable while moments before she was near the Crypt and almost died handling a couple of white walkers. And how can it be that the army of the dead somehow obliterates the complete army of the seven kingdoms except the unsullied, which makes all of them join in as we know, but then just a couple of hundred of 'our heroes' are able to fight of all of them and most survive?
The biggest flaw is when Danaerys first was able to put the Night King into the flames, he then got out, raised the dead, her dragon got caught, Jon tried to kill him but was stopped by that army which he magically was able to fight off all hundreds of them, but just as he's about to die Danaerys comes along with her dragon again and somehow is able to put them all into a ball of fire again. Very conveniently not possible during the 2 minutes that Jon tried to track down the Night King. And then Arya somehow sneaks past everything and even the Night King doesn't notice (are you kidding me?) but just as she's about to strike him, he has one of his ultra reflexes, but fails to notice the Valaryan steel knife falling out of her left hand and into her right hand.
Damnit, ever since they caught up with the books and had to create the storyline themselves, it went downhill, but this was by far the worst episode ever. It's only because I 'invested' 7 seasons before and I know it's only a couple more that I will finish it, but otherwise this would be me saying goodbye to a series that started off as one of the better series in a long time.
No tension, filler scenes with absurd shaky and dark camera shots where literally nothing can be made out of, horrible plotting and a weird way to end with a The Pianist like score while action is going on. GoT has lost it, big time.

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