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Jason Bourne 2016

Alicia Vikander was amazing... I like her beauty and voice... Not better than the first three movies but did a good job.

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Matt? Make another one please , and i think there will be :-)

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Great movie. 3rd of the 5 Bournes. And when stacked up against other movies of same genre. Still a class above.

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Nicely done. I'm satisfied with this one. Action from the very beginning and the tempo of the movie is brutal :) Really nice action movie. I liked it very much and if you like previous JBs you should definitely watch this one.

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Jason Bourne is a solid entry in the Bourne franchise, but doesn't quite reach the heights of its predecessors. Matt Damon delivers another strong performance, and the action sequences are as intense as ever. The plot feels a bit recycled, however some of the new characters and storylines are refreshing. The film is an excellent thrill ride, and the final act delivers plenty of satisfying moments for fans of the series. Overall, Jason Bourne may not be the franchise's best outing, but it's still a worthwhile addition to the Bourne universe.

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Alicia Vikander is hot. Matt Damon is mediocre. Action is decent. Story needs work.
Worth watching!

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It was ok but I really hope this ain't the end of Bourne

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O filme em si é bom, fazendo o fechamento da história dele. Mas próximo ao final a parte que passa em Las Vegas, fudeu o filme todo. Carro do SWAT andando na rua como se fosse um tanque de guerra, levantando os carros igual a um caminhão de remover gelo, a polícia vendo tudo e atirando apenas no carro do Bourne... Deu vontade de sair da frente da TV na hora. Tirando isso é o filme é bom.

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Shout by Deleted

Brilliant full of action and also comical in parts

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Bourne is back but the film is too much like every other Bourne movie. Will always be a Treadstone guy played by a good actor who wants Bourne dead. This time he's played by Tommy Lee Jones.
Also now that Bourne remembers everything, he of course wants revenge on Treadstone for personal reasons as well. You also have good villain actor Vincent Cassel as the usual good actor playing a professional killer working for...Treadstone.
So nothing about this movie felt like anything we haven't seen in a Bourne film. Except this felt lazier, especially when Bourne is knocking out people with one punch. That always felt silly to me, even in the trailers.

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This was a fun dumb action movie. Not what I expect from a Bourne film but fun nonetheless. This was the first Bourne movie I was one step ahead of the movie. These are supposed to be confusing. This was not. Plus they actually did the "enhance" thing seriously! Also, had a very Finding Dory vibe to it. I was optimistic about this movie afterwards but the further I get away from it the less fond I am of it.

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again be as good as the 3, which way to shoot the action scenes

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Shout by Deleted

I can't wait! Glad to see Matt back in the role!

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It's good that Jason is back, I'm glad to know more of the story of his past, it was a good film, less action thought, and didn't live up to the first three, yes, the first three , that rubbish, Jeremy Renner one doesn't belong, don't get me wrong, he's a good actor, just doesn't fit for this franchise for me.. This film could of been better, if it was made after the, The Bourne Ultimatum.. but no Matt damon didn't want to make another till this year.. I give it a 6/10

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Quickly watched, quickly forgotten ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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M..m..m..mmmatt Day mon

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Even the chases were boring. :(

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****** spoilers******

what can i say....this movie was unnecessary.......the real reason to start the story was also unnecessary ... death of nicky was pointless to me...not that i am mad about her death was laughable...cause her death was totally avoidable...and again the patterns felt same...action-CIA gossip-car chase-action-CIA gossip-car chase.....and there is always a guy behind the guy behind the guy..and this time it was dewey...but totally enjoyed to see matt in action...and the action sequences were great, fast paced & thrilling...just the way i like it for the bourne would have been a great film if the story had written more carefully....

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Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass team-up once more and return to the Bourne series with Jason Bourne, a gritty, character driven espionage thriller. The plot is complete garbage; the CIA runs around with reckless abandon killing numerous civilians and their own agents in an attempt to capture former operative Jason Bourne and prevent him from learning the truth about his father’s connection to the black ops program that recruited him. Tommy Lee Jones does a decent enough job as a corrupt CIA director, however Alicia Vikander seems a bit out of her element (The Man from UNCLE notwithstanding). And Damon doesn’t exactly bring his A-game, giving a rather bland and mediocre performance. Yet Greengrass is able to inject some excitement into the film with several intense chases and fight sequences. Thought the plot’s ridiculous and formulaic, Jason Bourne is able to get by on its well-choreographed action and goodwill for the character leftover from the previous films.

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Way to kill a franchise... I adore the first three Bournes. Legacy wasn't really a Bourne, but at least it was still decent writing and a fun watch. But this... this abomination should've never been made. Awful plot (boring awful, not ridiculous awful), unintelligent dialogues (I'd say below the average, even), generic action (zero impressive clever tricks on Jason's part), 30+ minutes of "watch us walk with intense music" sequences, and even more camera shake to disguise the lack of creativity.

I'll go as far as to say that this is the biggest disappointment I have ever experienced from watching a movie. I mean, there were other films I've waited for and that turned out really sub-par, but, if a part of a franchise, they were never THIS different, and there were usually red flags going off before the release. Here, however, I've entered the theater with 9 years worth of hype, 100% sure that I'm in for a treat, and left with nothing but a poker face.

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A crushing disappointment. 'The Bourne Legacy' threatened to destroy the.. erm... legacy of the series but scraped by because it wasn't really an official Bourne film. This film, however, has made a ridicule of the franchise. The story is both pointless and terribly written. The action is lacklustre. Matt Damon seems to go through the motions.

Forget this film exists and rewatch the original trilogy. I can already hear Hollywood Execs planning a new trilogy though.

Bourne Again - Jason Bourne is reborn in a reboot
Bourne Free - Bourne is finally free from CIA shenanigans and lives peacefully on a dairy farm until a sniper takes out his cows. He is killed in the closing scene.
Don't Mourn Bourne - He's not really dead.

Then the prequel.. The Dawn of Bourne

And then... Yawn, it's Bourne

The End

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I watched all the previous Bourne movies a little over a year ago. I remember them as good, edgy, intense action movies. This was pretty average.

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In so far as Bourne movies go, it was another Bourne movie. It's not really my genre.

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Dizzying in both plot and viewing experience, Jason Bourne delivers unsatisfying action and screenplay.

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The director should be executed in public, the shaking camera and constant moving on the action scenes was absolutely horrible cinematography and it made the movie almost unwatchable. Very weak plot, not many fights that you expect in a Jason film. Didn't enjoy it.

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good thing they stopped after this one.

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After rewatching this movie I realized that this wasn't that good at all. Bad acting and some really horrible characters. But the plot is the worst and really falls flat. Vikander is the one that saves it from an even lower rating.

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Shout by Deleted

Rather uninteresting. Aside from a couple somewhat decent car chases and fight scenes, at the end you're going to be feeling "Bourne?... Again?!?"

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Muy floja en todos los aspectos.

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Either it's gotten too stupid or i'm too old for this shit.

I don't want movies to be real, but too much is too much. Especially in this kind of movie where there try to give illusion of being realistic.

But still not stupid enough to - so stupid it's funny.

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Among the worst movie i ve ever watched : sick camera move, dumb story, overuse of technology hack that show the poor imagination of scenarist... I hope i save your time !

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Shout by Deleted

Saw the Movie yesterday in cinema, was dissapointed. The other Jason Bourne movies had much more story to tell. This was just a chasing the bad Guy story noting specials. A very weak story. Boring time

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Meh. Not the best Bourne film for sure.

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Like the rest of the franchise it does its job, though at this point, like the X-Files, I'm starting to care less and less about this never ending government conspiracy.

Too be fair one of the conspirators "Assets" played by Vincent Cassell (always a welcome prescience) steals a SWAT van and ploughs it threw traffic and into a packed casino so maybe the Conspiracy itself is ready to just say **** it.

Worth a viewing, especially for the Athens sequence where the Conspiracy hunts Stiles and Damon through the streets in the midst of a protest that quickly devolves into a riot.

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This film is part of the Jason Bourne film series
The Bourne Identity (2002)
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
Jason Bourne (2016)

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why dont they just put a number indicator to show what order these films go in? Should be in (?)!? Wtf?

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Why can't I see any movies...

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Just started using so far so good

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Did this need to me made? No.
Did I still want to see it? Evidently so.
Did I expect much? I'm not sure. I didn't expect it to be the best in the franchise, but neither did I expect it to be the worst.

Alas, it is. In a nutshell, it's pretty horrible. I really wanted to like it, however for every moment that it showed a glimpse of positivity, these were followed by consecutive opposing moments, from horrible dialogue to straight out discrepancies in their own narrative, some mistakes that anyone tech savvy just wouldn't be able to forgive.

The action too was least impressive of the four films. (Legacy doesn't count).
I stand my ground that Ultimatum is the best Bourne film made to date.

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